
Making Gear (1)

"Alright, so here's the deal; from what I can tell from my rather limited experience doing this, the materials made from you and your elemental affinity would work best for me when making your new gear. So that means I need both of you to go ahead and turn these basic, workable ingots of Mana Steel into elementally attuned pieces of art for me to go ahead and create something amazing!"

Guiding them both into the forge, I summoned two large ingots of the bluish steel and handed it to them, before summoning another few out as I began to get them heated up in the smaller, cooler forge for later; I wasn't going to be making their gear out of just their elemental materials, after all.

"Oh, and you'll need to pick a thing you want as well as its design; I can try to match it as best I can, but otherwise I need to get started on everyone else's gear soon, so what you get right now is what you'll have for a little bit. Not that we're doing anything that needs some weapons, but... better to be safe rather than sorry, right?"

They both nodded and stared at the metal in their hands as they thought about it, and as they did I got the rest of what I needed out of my inventory or from the storage in the room and got myself ready to go, waiting for them.

Leather, bone, gemstones as well as my tools decorated the tables as I waited, and unsurprisingly they both got their minds made up at the same time, though I was surprised by what they asked me for; at least, I was with Kalia, anyways.

"Mama, I want just a sleek, elegant but simple wand made from this, alright? Nothing too elaborate or fancy like Aunty Renna's, nothing that is too flashy... just something I can wear on my belt and feel comfortable with when I'm out in the open. Like my previous one."

Saying so, she gestured to her belt and showed me the wand I had made for her before, and I nodded while remaining quiet about that, not wanting to make her think I was disappointed that I couldn't flex my forging prowess by making her something incredible, but her wants were the priority here.

And besides, making sure it remained a simple wand was a challenge in its own right, and that would be made doubly more difficult considering I couldn't just make a stick of metal and hand it back to her; my [Assembler] skill meant I HAD to make it from many parts to make it stronger, so...

"Alright; start imbuing it with your mana, and remember! Concentrate really hard on doing it, but don't pour too much in too quickly! You need to gradually bathe the ingot in your mana and convert the raw mana inside into your own."

She nodded and moved towards one of the free tables, leaving me with Inik as the Hawkkin stepped forwards and smiled at me, clearly excited about getting a new weapon; it was adorable to notice that all of the warrior futanari I had met so far were always more expressive and 'innocent' about getting a new thing to draw blood compared to other things.

A good meal, some good drink, nice weapons and armor... all of them got them so happy in such an innocent way compared to the excitement they showed whenever they were looking at you to bend over or spread your legs for them.

"Well then, Mama~! I would love~ a nice, heavy scimitar to fight with. Single edged, weighted tip, nice~ and curvy..."

Looking me up and down at that, Inik smirked as she stepped closer to say something, only to stop when Kalia snapped "Inik!" without even turning around, the Dark Elf still in the process of imbuing her ingot with her mana.

I gave her a small smile as I gestured for her to proceed, and with a wry grin the Hawkkin gave me the rest of her 'order', which boiled down to a heavy, artistic stylization of a scimitar that would be usable with one or two hands, have a long blade with a single deadly edge, and be heavier at the tip to make chopping with it even easier.

When she went to join my daughter at the table, I chuckled quietly when I saw her give Kalia's butt a squeeze before getting to work, allowing me to get the preparations further underway, like lighting the forge, ensuring it was hot enough and sorting the things I think I was going to need.

Kalia's was more of an issue than Inik's was since I needed to think of it more in terms of what should complement her wand the best; a bone handle or perhaps just a Mana Steel handle that didn't really offer much else?

Should I use leather to make holding it easier, or could I add a little bit of beauty to it with engraving something on the shaft of the wand just to give it a bit more uniqueness..?

There were more factors for me caring about Kalia's more than Inik's new weapon, and I was ensuring that the care I put into Kalia's was going to be matched with Inik's, but for now... I was focusing on my daughter first, and then her lover.

Mainly because I had a feeling that the best way to approach this was to work one at a time, and also so that I can start whittling down on my daughter to get her to accept me once more... and maybe to get her to accept a threesome with her new lover.

That would be rather fun, wouldn't it~?

But to get to that point, I needed to start with her wand, and that was something I was going to get to in a minute as I waited for Kalia to finish getting her ingot changed to a new element type, mulling over the ideas in my head as I watched her work.


Inik was a Fire Mage, right..? I think she was, but I honestly can't remember. If she wasn't, was it Wind Magic that she had..?

You'd think that by now I would have learned I need to take more notes, but damn... sometimes I just don't take any notes AT ALL lmao



Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts