
Reincarnated as the Only Human

Astra woke up in a forest with no recollection of her precious life. The only thing she knew was that she had a system with two parts; one was a Survival System, and the other was a... Wait, what?! A Breeder System?! Finding herself in a forest, Astra now has to survive on her own, fending off the sexual and violent advances of all the other forest inhabitants; none of which are Human! Will Astra be able to survive on this hectic, pleasurable forest? Or will she lose herself to lust? --- Additional Notes: Female MC is pure Woman for now; there is futa, and all the characters are either women or futa. There will be both light hearted moments and dark moments, and this novel is mainly centered around her trying to survive in this new world, all while living her life to the fullest.

Ketsueki_Hasu · Fantasía
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702 Chs

Growth of both the Farm and Kalia


So, just fyi, the worlds time and season cycle is 6 months a season, 4 seasons, each month being 40 days; means that a 'year' has 24 months...

Long, long time lol, but also rather interesting to work with, so yeah...

Might lower that to 5, but think I'll keep it and use that 'time' to have more SoL chapters or just pure smuttery~

Don't worry though, it won't drag on for long; likely a good 15-20 chapters, maybe even less depending on my mood.

Remember, Geard forest is like a 'starter' zone; monsters are weak, and currently Rhefia, Aethisia, and Yiksa out level everything by a lot; Camara and Astra by a decent bit as well.

So it'll be calm-ish, with lots of room for everyone to meet Kalia, witness some more juicy lemons, and read about Astra improving her skills slowly by surely~


The next day progressed much the same, but instead of Camara I had Aethisia remain with me at home, the taller Deerkin clearing out more space for us to use for the farm.

When she decided to take a break, Aethisia looked after Kalia, who had grown a little more over night; she was now able to walk around, and her high pitched, yet melodic voice was enough to make my heart melt.


Waddling over to me, the small Dark Elf grinned as I lifted her into my arms, having finished planting some more crops; with the discussion nights prior about winter, I wanted to gather as much grain as I possibly could, to store more and more food for this growing family.

With Kalia now in my arms, I returned her grin as we rubbed our noses together, the young girl giggling as she nuzzled into my embrace.

"Were you a good girl, Kalia~?"

She nodded, her pink eyes wide as she turned around, causing her long pink hair to flutter about.

"I good! Right sister?"

Aethisia walked over as well, nodding as she gently laid her hand on Kalia's head.

"She was; you really liked those wooden blocks don't you?"

Nodding again, Kalia grinned as she swung her head back to me, excitement clearly writ on her small face as she said "Building blocks fun! Build house for Mama!"

"Really~? Aww, thanks baby~!"

Kissing her cheek, we chuckled as she kissed my cheek back, warmth flooding my heart as she continued to beam at me.

Heading back inside, we sat at the table, watching as Kalia returned to her blocks, showing off her creations with pride.

While she spoke with unbridled enthusiasm, Aethisia's hand was on my thigh, her fingers digging into my flesh as she gave me a heated look, making me smirk her way.

Seeing the pitched tent under the table, I contemplated wrapping my hand around her shaft before shaking my head, deciding to wait.

Kalia eventually wanted to feed again, and I enjoyed both her suckling and Aethisia's increasingly heated gaze, my youngest Deerkin staring at my bare breast with desire.

Sadly for her, Kalia was only rejuvenated after she drank, and I joined my daughter on the flood, helping Kalia build her next home while swaying my hips for Aethisia, teasing her.

Of course, that earned me a rather rough pounding when Kalia did eventually fall asleep, Aethisia granting me the primal lovemaking that I craved from her and Rhefia.

Which, of course, only made Rhefia join in instantly when she came home, Camara and Yiksa watching over Kalia while my wife and daughter stuffed me to the brim.

Each night ended peacefully like that, and Yiksa was slowly becoming apart of the family; maybe not as a 'daughter', 'sister' or 'lover', but someone that we wanted to have around.

She was still 'exiled' to her small cubby, but Rhefia told me that Yiksa was making good progress as a hunter, and the woman had even started offering her meals to Kalia, who regarded Yiksa as 'Second Mama'.

The Dark Elf had to excuse herself at that, her emerald eyes letting loose dozens of tears as she happily cried in private, overjoyed that Kalia seemed to understand that she was born from her as well.

Of course, since Camara and Aethisia called Rhefia 'dama', so did Kalia, but that wasn't lorded over Yiksa like I had thought I might do so when I first claimed her...

As a week passed by, I slowly expanded my farm, chuckling at how it seemed to match the growth of Kalia.

She was growing gradually, her height increasing each day alongside her appetite, as well as her intellect.

Ever since she was able to reliably walk around, Kalia was constantly exploring and asking questions, wanting to know what everything was, how to use it, why it was used, what it was made of...

If you could think of it, she asked it as a question.

And, her favorite thing to ask about were the plants growing in my large farm, and whenever I was outside, she was sitting beside me, watching on as I worked.

I had allowed her to start her own garden, giving her some seeds, a waterskin, and some dulled, safer wooden tools to start planting her own things.

All of us would watch her tend to the small garden in awe, wondering how a young child could be so delicate and almost professional with her craft.

Of course, I knew that I had given her the {Farmer} skill, but now I knew that the skill seemed to impact their personality and likes, meaning...

Technically, I could hand pick what my children liked, which was both amazing and disheartening.

It was amazing because I was setting them up for success, giving them the skills they needed to do something they would love extremely well.

The problem that disheartened me was the fact that I was the one to choose their interests, not them...

I wanted Kalia to love more than what I preordained her to love, but I would only be able to see if she found something else she wanted over these long, grueling months of winter.

Maybe she would want to take the crops she grew and prepare meals with them?

Maybe she wanted to grow something like cotton and create something from that?

Or maybe her other interest would be random, like carving wooden blocks...

Only time would tell, and currently, time was something she had in abundance.


Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts