
Reincarnated As The King's Wife

Sophie Danvers, formerly a maid for the Royal family, was tragically murdered after witnessing a crime. However, the reincarnation goddess grants her a second chance at life, reincarnating her as the wife of Theodore Silver, the man responsible for her untimely death. Intent on seeking revenge against the family, Sophie soon discovers that there is more to them than meets the eye, becoming entangled in a web of deceit, betrayal, and family secrets. Will she be able to uncover the truth and exact her revenge, or will she succumb to the darkness surrounding the Silver family?

Pheonix_Inks · Historia
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5 Chs

Chapter 4

Ivory awoke the following day in the bed, knowing that it was Theo who had transferred her there without needing a prophet's insight.

She surveyed the room with her eyes, searching for him, and soon spotted him sleeping on the couch. She couldn't believe that he had actually slept there for her sake. Did Theo truly love his wife this deeply?

She got out of bed, attempting to leave the room unnoticed, but she accidentally stepped on a banana peel and slipped. The noise of her fall startled Theo awake.

He was met with the sight of his wife sitting on the floor, visibly in pain. He quickly stood up and rushed to her aid. He carried her in a bridal style back to bed and gently placed her there.

"My knee," she whimpered, having bruised it during the fall. The intensity of the pain surprised her. In her past life as Sophie, a bruise meant nothing. Even sprains didn't hinder her work. But Ivory's body wasn't accustomed to pain, as everything was handed to her on a silver platter.

"Don't worry, hon. I'll reprimand those incompetent maids for not cleaning the room," Theo promised, prompting Ivory to wonder why they always blamed the maids for everything.

"It's fine, just a bruised knee. I can still walk," Ivory assured him, attempting to stand, only to stumble and fall back on her bottom. Theo assisted her back onto the bed and fetched some disinfectant for the bruise, covering it with a bandage.

"Be more careful next time. You could have seriously injured yourself," he scolded, while Ivory watched in astonishment.

She still wasn't accustomed to Theo's kindness and gentleness. In her previous life, he would yell at her, hit her, and ultimately even killed her.

Snapping out of her daze, she remembered that he had murdered her, and she was there for revenge against him and his family.

"Stay away from me!" she snapped, pushing him away, causing him to stumble and fall. She caught a glimpse of sadness in his eyes, but she couldn't bring herself to care. This man had callously shot her in the head, showing no remorse, and even now he didn't act as if he had just murdered someone the previous day.

He got up, offering her a sad smile before leaving. "I'm going to make his life a living nightmare," Ivory muttered, clutching the duvet tightly.

She attempted to stand again, succeeding this time, and limped out of the room, making her way down the stairs. She reached the dining table, which had been set by the maids.

The table was adorned with an array of delicacies from various countries. There was so much food that Ivory thought they were hosting a party. "The amount of food on this table could feed a small town," Ivory muttered in shock.

Several maids emerged from the kitchen, placing more food on the table. They bowed before Ivory and informed her that breakfast was served. "Is all this for me?" Ivory asked, her eyes widening.

"Yes, ma'am. The future King ordered that you be provided with the finest delicacies from around the world," the head maid replied. Ivory questioned why Theo would have made such a request.

"Don't worry about that, ma'am. Just eat to your heart's content, and the rest will be disposed of appropriately," Ivory frowned at the maid's words, thinking of all the people in the world who were starving.

"You know what? How about we all eat together?" Ivory suggested. The maids stared at her in confusion, as Ivory had never before invited them to join her. In the past, she would rather throw the leftovers away than offer them to the maids.

"We can't do that, ma'am. It wouldn't be proper," the head maid quickly declined the offer. "But I insist. Are you going to disobey me?" Ivory asked, crossing her arms and tapping her foot on the floor.

The maids realized they couldn't refuse her anymore, so they reluctantly agreed and sat down. Ivory joined them at the table, and they all enjoyed the food together. The maids devoured their meals like famished creatures, having not had a proper meal in a long time.

After breakfast, Ivory returned to her room and picked up a book to pass the time and alleviate her boredom. As she read, she began devising her plan to exact revenge on the Silver family for all they had done to her.

Her intention was to dismantle their most prized possession, their reputation as the most powerful leaders in the world. As Theo's wife, she also held a position in the kingdom's management, which granted her the opportunity to wreak havoc on the family.

She planned to gather sufficient intelligence on the family, then feign the return of her memories, convincing them to let her resume her role overseeing the kingdom's affairs.

While in the midst of plotting her revenge plan, a knock came at the door. Setting aside the book she had been reading, Ivory went to see who it was. To her delight, it was Harmony, her best friend from her previous life as Sophie. They had both started working together at the Silver company on the same day and had endured torment from the Silver family.

" The future King asked me to invite you for a stroll around the house, so you can become more familiar with your surroundings," Harmony said, keeping her head bowed, avoiding Ivory's gaze.

Ivory felt a pang of guilt, seeing her best friend from the past now frightened of her. However, she knew she couldn't reveal her true identity as Sophie. Who would believe her story about meeting the reincarnation goddess?

She agreed to take a walk with Harmony, as she missed her best friend and wanted to spend some quality time together, even if it was in her intimidating boss persona.

They wandered through the palace, eventually reaching the main entrance, when the doorbell rang. Ivory decided to see who was at the door and, upon opening it, came face to face with a woman who seemed furious.