
Reincarnated as the Homunculus Queen

In a world oppressed by the dominance of the Empire, the human nations have been united under its rule, wielding an arsenal of holy weapons known as homunculi. These magical beings, brimming with immense mana reserves, have been enslaved to serve as power sources and instruments of war. The Empire's grip tightens as it sets its sights on subjugating the demi-human nations, heralding a new era of conflict. --------------------------------- In Modern Day Japan---------------------------------------- Trapped in an endless cycle of unpaid overtime, Homika Fujimoto endures an overbearing boss and slave-like conditions. Lost in mundane tasks, her struggles were ignored. One night, exhaustion leads to unconsciousness. When she awakens, it's to an unfamiliar room and ceiling. A new enigma unfolds – she must navigate this new world to uncover not only her own fate but maybe something even bigger than herself.

AlmondCrushPocky · Fantasía
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5 Chs

Chapter 2: Yuki and Akari

Awakening once more, the transition from darkness to consciousness was smoother this time. The haze lifted, and my senses sharpened, revealing a world more vivid and coherent than before. I flexed my fingers, then my toes, a surge of exhilaration coursing through me as I realized I could move freely.

I turned my attention towards the flickering light in front of me. It was a translucent screen of sorts, floating effortlessly in the air. My gaze settled on the text and numbers that materialized upon it, forming a series of information that I struggled to comprehend at first. The words and figures gradually coalesced into a coherent picture – a status page, like something straight out of the games I used to immerse myself in.

Name: Homika Fujimoto

Class: Divine Homunculus

Race: Homunculus, Race Trait: Eternal Youth, + Mana Reservoir

Level: 1

Experience: 0 / 100

HP: 26 / 100

Mana: 100 / 200 (+200)


[Arcane Link (LV. 1) (Passive)] • [Mana Understanding (LV. MAX) (Passive)] • [Spatial Inventory (LV. 1)] • [Heal (LV. 1)]


Rag Cloth

Iron Bracelet (Enslavement seal)




Goddess's Last Hope: The goddess's last hope for the balance of the world.

Reincarnated Otherworld Scholar: Otherworldly knowledge can be accessed whenever.

Goddess's Favor: Infused with the goddess's essence, giving an immensely increased mana capacity.

The words and numbers held an uncanny familiarity as if the mechanics of this world were composed of the same code as my beloved video games. It was overwhelming yet oddly comforting to see my own attributes quantified like character stats.

I blinked at my own name on the screen. "Homika Fujimoto." That was me, wasn't it? But what was a "Divine Homunculus"? My thoughts buzzed with questions, but my gaze zeroed in on the word "Homunculus." A memory flitted through my mind – a monstrous laboratory filled with mismatched body parts. Was that where I originated? And what was this "Eternal Youth" trait?

As my gaze roamed over the abilities, each description seemed to resonate with the experiences I'd had so far – the mysterious link to mana, the understanding of magic's essence, the bracelet that bound me, and the unexpected surge of energy that had coursed through me. But the one that caught my attention most was "Goddess's Favor." It sounded like something bestowed upon a chosen one. Was I truly chosen, and by whom?

I try to use [Heal] on myself seeing my HP directly reflect the state of my body. I think the words "heal" and I begin feeling the mana flow from the center of my body and outwards and begin healing my wounds. I put all of my focus on recovery and slowly I can feel myself improving and healing faster.

[Skill leveled up! Heal LV. 1 → Heal LV. 2]

The sudden noise interrupts my concentration as I look around to see who has said it. It was just me in the cell so it must have been this status leveling up. Looking at my status page confirmed the changes. I had not only healed up from 26 HP to 89 HP but my heal skill level has now increased. I finish off healing myself and get up to pat myself off the dirt. I look around to disappointment, I'm in a room that's even more cramped than my old apartment.

I reached up to touch the iron bracelet on my wrist. Anger surged within me, mingling with determination. I wouldn't remain enslaved, not if these abilities were truly at my disposal. I didn't escape from one slave camp to be in another one in another world.

Gathering my resolve, I stood up in the dimly lit cell, they wrapped me up in a rag cloth that barely covered my body. What a terrible way to treat a beautiful girl…

Curiosity piqued, and I decided to test the extent of my abilities. My spatial inventory, a gift that seemingly defied the logic of space, beckoned me to explore its potential. A small tear in reality manifested before me, an invitation to experiment. Tentatively, I extended my hand into the rift, watching as the fabric of space absorbed the rock I held. Moments later, my inventory reflected the change, displaying an entry: Rock x1.

A sense of astonishment and empowerment enveloped me as I effortlessly retrieved the rock by mere thought, witnessing it materialize back into my grasp. I repeated the process, marveling at the way the tear in space responded to my will.

Suddenly, I'm interrupted by a small whimper across the hallway. My attention snapped upward, revealing the presence of another girl. Her features bore a striking resemblance to mine, yet there were distinct differences. Silver hair intertwined with rebellious streaks of red framed her delicate face, and her eyes, unlike my azure blue, burned with a fiery crimson. She was also alot smaller than me just a child. Contrary to her fiery looks she was crying and curled up in a ball. She also had a bracelet of enslavement on her that weighed down her right arm to the ground while she was curled up.

Determined to do something, anything, I approached the bars that separated us.

"Hey," I called out gently, hoping to reach her through the darkness that had engulfed us both. "Are you alright?"

Her red eyes lifted to meet mine, a mixture of surprise and vulnerability flickering within them. She didn't respond immediately, as if unsure whether she could trust my intentions. I extended my arm between the bars, revealing the bracelet on my own wrist.

"I'm stuck here too," I said, my voice filled with a mixture of empathy and determination. "But we can't give up. We have to find a way out of here."

Her lips quivered, and after a moment of hesitation, she softly whispered, "I'm scared."

Her words hung in the air like a weighty secret, the vulnerability in her voice tugging at my heartstrings. I nodded, my own eyes filled with understanding.

"I know it's terrifying," I replied gently, my voice barely above a whisper. "But you're not alone. We'll get through this together."

Her little fists curl up balled up. The shared fear between us felt like a bridge, connecting our experiences and emotions. It was a strange comfort, knowing that even in this nightmarish situation, there was someone who could truly understand the whirlwind of emotions we were both grappling with.

"Promise?" she asked, her voice wavering.

I held her gaze, my resolve firm. "Promise," I affirmed, my voice laced with sincerity. A simple promise from the little girl helped me resolve my own insecurities and fears.

With a soft smile, I asked, "What should I call you?"

Her eyes flickered with surprise as if she hadn't expected such a question. After a moment, she hesitated, her voice soft and fragile. "I... I don't have a name," she replied, "all I have is this knowledge those scary people filled into my head…"

My heart ached at her words. To not have a name was to be denied a fundamental part of one's existence. "Well then, how about we give you a name?" I suggested a glimmer of excitement in my eyes. "Something that represents your strength and uniqueness."

She looked up at me, her eyes wide with surprise and a hint of curiosity. "Really?"

I nodded, a smile tugging at my lips. "Of course. Let's think of a name together."

We fell into a thoughtful silence. I considered the fiery streaks in her silver hair and the determination in her crimson eyes. An idea sparked within me. "How about Akari?" I proposed. "It signifies radiance, much like the glow in your hair and eyes."

Her eyes lit up, a hint of a smile gracing her lips. "Akari... I like that."

"Akari it is," I declared, feeling a rush of warmth at the simple act of bestowing a name. "From now on, you're Akari."

"What's your name?" Akari asks.

That question stopped me. I hesitated, realizing that I wasn't the same person I was in my previous world. The name I once had no longer felt like it belonged to me. I didn't want to live the same life I had lived before, burdened by the expectations and limitations that had once defined me.

I yearned to embrace a spirit of courage and determination, to traverse uncharted paths. As I glanced at my reflection, my own appearance seemed to mirror this transformation, reminding me of the gentle purity of snow.


The name slipped from my lips, carrying not just the meaning of "snow," but also the embodiment of the courage I aimed to cultivate.

"Hello, Yuki!" Akari says as she smiles.

Name: Yuki (New!)

Class: Divine Homunculus

Race: Homunculus, Race Trait: Eternal Youth, + Mana Reservoir

Level: 1

Experience: 0 / 100

HP: 100 / 100

Mana: 100 / 200 (+200)


[Arcane Link (LV. 1) (Passive)] • [Mana Understanding (LV. MAX) (Passive)] • [Spatial Inventory (LV. 1)] • [Heal (LV. 2) (New!)]


Rag Cloth

Iron Bracelet (Enslavement seal)


Rock x50 (New!)


Goddess's Last Hope: The goddess's last hope for the balance of the world.

Reincarnated Otherworld Scholar: Otherworldly knowledge can be accessed whenever.

Goddess's Favor: Infused with the goddess's essence, giving an immensely increased mana capacity.


Akari (New!)