
Reincarnated as Superman

It's a Bird... It's a Plane... It's me Reincarnated as Superman! The man of steel version of superman will be what I will follow in the start ... we will see how op I can make him later ... This is a fanfic written just for fun so All the characters belong to DC. The Image was made and gifted by a friend, Burger96. The discord link: https://discord.gg/SKUf49m

Avi2112 · Cómic
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80 Chs

Dinah Drake (1)


Although John agreed to teach me, he said we would continue after he was back in his manor in San Francisco.

He was urging me to go home fast, especially seeing how close Zatanna seemed to me and how she happily hugged me when she heard that I may learn magic with her.

She did invite me to come with them to tour Metropolis, but the glares John sent me were a clear sign that he had enough of me for today.

I gave her my house's telephone no. and told her to call me whenever she wants.

Before going I gave her a quick hug and told her to enjoy the city, bowed to John saying master and ran away almost disappearing from their eyes, shocking Zatanna in the process.

Today went ok I guess, it's good that John did not use heavy spells or any advanced magic maybe because I looked like a child.

This nth metal equipment creates a barrier nullifying any magic attacks. But it's magic, you never know what could happen and I do not want to confront it until I know about it better or I am that powerful.

The story I told John had some truths, like Allura was a real threat which will send him away from Zatanna for years. Zatanna does come to JL for help to find her father, so I wasn't exactly wrong.

But Zatanna is never married to anyone and that Great evil beast is also a true powerhouse and the Zatara family with many other powerful magic users come together to stop him.

John sacrifices his life protecting his daughter, so someone did sacrifice himself, as I said already, there was some truth.

Zatanna and her mother are what is called Homo magi. They have mana pools and are incredibly attuned and talented in magic as it's natural for them.

Morgaine Le Fey is also a Homo magi. They have a hidden society and a Hogwarts like place and everything, much deadlier than the harry potter ones though.

It was interesting to see how Zatanna, being a Homo magi reacted to the amulet, as it's the accumulation of all the magic, she would naturally be drawn to it.

And I seem to have no control over the magic that is filling my body, maybe after practice I can control the amulet enough so that I can have a normal conversation with her without her trying to touch me.

Before going back home, I went to Gotham to meet Selina. On the way there through my habitual scans, I saw a small scrawny blonde girl.

She looked like a beggar, sitting by the dumpsters in an alleyway, holding her stomach and just staring at the ground.

Before I knew it I was in front of her. I know that there are so many children way worse than her condition in Gotham right now.

I can see them and even hear them. Mostly I do not interfere until it's too severe, after which I just take them and drop them in front of correctional facilities.

This is one of the reasons I hate this city or mainly coming here, as I can't save them openly, it's not the time to come out yet, it's too early and I am still too weak.

But I can't see her suffering, even while knowing that in some days a guy named Desmond will help her.

She has and will have it tough her whole life.

She is put in a place for orphans after her mother couldn't feed two mouths, but she could never live peacefully in the new foster homes, which were changed regularly because of her behaviour.

She ran away recently from all this and had been trying to survive on the streets of Gotham. Desmond will take her in and teach her how to fight in his dojo.

But Desmond will be killed by the league accidently, Dinah while fighting them off will be saved and recruited by some government agents.

She will meet a guy at their training centre, and fall in love with him. They will participate in a government experiment giving her the power of sonic scream in the process.

They will marry, but the guy will die in a mission soon. After which Dinah will run out of that place, and will go to another city and will live life as the vigilante Black Canary.

She will soon join JL, where she will meet Green Arrow . They will fall in love and eventually marry and have a kid too.

If I help her now everything will change and she may never become Black Canary.

As these thoughts run in my mind, I come near her and bend down in front of her, not minding the dirt and rubbish staining my clothes.

"Hey, are you hungry?" I speak to her smoothly and gently.

She looks up, scared of someone suddenly being so close to her without her notice, but is relieved when she sees it's just a boy. Still she hugs her arms close to her body in front of her chest.

"What do you want " She is barely able to speak with her dried mouth.

"Look I have my home nearby, would you like to come with me there … You could have some food, have a bath too, sleep on a comfy bed … you can leave the place tomorrow morning if you want."

Black Canary everyone!

I was gonna do a timeskip but changed my plan ... It will still happen soon in like a couple of chaps, a small one atleast.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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