
Birth of a King.

"Moss head!" shouted Sanji just as he was about to go towards Zoro. Enel attacked him and Luffy with his lightning, but both of them dodged his attack. "Looks like I have to beat you up!" said Sanji. Just as he was about to attack Enel, Luffy stopped him and said, "The fight is not over; Zoro hasn't lost yet."

"Hahahah... What did you say? That guy who is lying there has not lost the fight? He's done! And you guys are next," said Enel with a big smile. While they were talking, something else was going on in Zoro's mind.

"Even though I am training harder than you, I still can't defeat you, Kuina," said Zoro in frustration. Kuina sighed and looked at Zoro. "You will never be able to defeat me, Zoro because my ambition is greater than yours."

"But we both have the same ambition – to become the world's greatest swordsman," argued Zoro. "It doesn't feel like that whenever you spar with me. You only think about defeating me, while on the other hand, I don't care about defeating you because you are not my competition. In your mind, you think that after defeating me, you will be able to become the world's greatest swordsman, but Zoro, I am not the world's greatest swordsman," said Kuina and walked away.

Zoro looked at his hands and started muttering, "No... you are wrong! You are wrong..."

You were right!!!

Suddenly, a heavy pressure descended upon Enel. Everyone turned towards Zoro and saw him slowly standing up. "What is this power? That can make even a God tremble," said Enel while looking at his trembling hands in disbelief.

"Isn't that... Conqueror Haki..." said Luffy with a smile, while Sanji looked annoyed.

Zoro held Wado Ichimonji. "You were right, Kuina. I never wanted to become the world's greatest swordsman; it was your dream. Now, for you, I will make Wado Ichimonji the greatest sword in the world, while I will be the greatest to ever hold a sword," he said and held Wado Ichimonji with both of his hands and raised it over his head.

"What are you rambling about? Have you gone crazy because of all those shocks? But it doesn't matter. I am tired of you guys getting in my way. Now I will disintegrate you all along with this place," Enel started going up in the sky and condensed thunder clouds to create a big sphere.

"Raigo!" shouted Enel, and the black sphere started to come down.

Zoro didn't even look up. Green mist started to come out from his body as he muttered, "King of Hell." "What the hell is that?" Enel's eyes widened as he looked towards Zoro. He saw a silhouette of a giant skeleton with green pupils and wearing a crown behind Zoro. The skeleton then raised a big sword over his head as if mimicking Zoro, his sword started burning with green flames.

The same thing happened with Zoro's Wado Ichimonji, and his pupils also turned green as he said with a bored tone, "Netherworld Slash..." Both Zoro and the skeleton brought down their swords. Before Enel could react, he got cut right down the middle along with Raigo. Even the clouds behind them got cut.

Enel disintegrated along with Raigo, and Zoro dropped to the ground again. "Zoro!" shouted Luffy as he and Sanji ran towards him. Luffy gave the fruit basket to Sanji and started checking on Zoro. "Oye Zoro! Are you with me?" asked Luffy as he started slapping Zoro. "He is already passed out, you idiot! Let's take him to Chopper," said Sanji.

Meanwhile, Gohan was looking towards the direction where Zoro and Enel were having their fight. "What are you looking at?" asked Robin. Gohan looked at Robin and replied, "Birth of a King!" "Birth of a King?" asked Robin in confusion.

Gohan smiled and said, "Forget it! Did you find something useful?" "Yes, there was information about a Golden Bell. It was very important to the people of Shandia. But it looks like Enel took the Bell along with all the Gold. Now, we can only hope that Luffy and others can force out some information about it from Enel," said Robin.

Gohan smiled awkwardly and said, "I don't think that's possible." Robin looked confused, so he explained, "Zoro killed that God Enel a few minutes ago, and now there's nothing left of him to extract information from."

Robin's eyes widened. "Mr. Swordsman killed him?! Let's hope they asked him about gold before killing him, or Miss Navigator will not be happy," she said with a smile. Gohan sighed after imagining the tantrum Nami would throw.

"It can't be helped. You guys wait here; I will go and try to find that Golden Bell and the gold that Enel took," said Gohan and flew away. Everyone else saw him flying. "Did that guy just fly away?!" asked Kamakiri in disbelief.

"Hey Robin! Where did Gohan go?" asked Usopp. "He has gone to look for the Gold," replied Robin. "But where is he going to look for it? Luffy and others are not here yet. We don't know where that God Enel has hidden all the Gold," said Usopp in confusion.

Robin was about to say something, but Wyper, who heard them talking, interjected, "Did you just say Golden Bell?" "Yes, do you know about it?" asked Robin. "Yes, it's called the light of Shandia! According to the great warrior Kalgara, the bell was created to tell the world that 'we are here,' showing their ancestors the way back to their island, as well as to signify to intruders that they are not afraid of them. It represents the days of the Shandians' past glory," said Wyper, feeling emotional.

"We have to find the bell so that we can fulfill our ancestors' promise to his friend," said Wyper with determination. "What kind of promise?" asked Usopp. Cricket also joined them to see what's going on.

"Around four hundred years ago, when Shandia was part of the blue sea, a sailor came to our land. He saved the lives of our people and became a close friend of our ancestor, the great warrior Kalgara. He found our island from the sound of the golden bell. That's why our ancestor started to ring the bell every day in the hope that when his friend returned, he would be able to find his way to Shandia," said Wyper.

Eyes of the Straw Hat Pirates widened in shock, while Cricket started trembling. "That friend of your ancestor, was it Montblanc Noland?" asked Robin. Now it was Wyper's turn to be shocked. "How did you know that?" he asked.

Cricket stepped forward and said, "Because I am his descendant, Montblanc Cricket!"