
Reincarnated As Nobody With System

ALEX was just an ordinary teenager who worked as part time job's to live a normal life. One day he was walking home when he found a phone without a logo opening it the phone exploded thus he died.... Kren city market place in the back alley of the market place, a silver hair young boy opened his eyes in confusion then suddenly felt pain in his head and losing consciousness again before muttering. ' I REINCARNATED IN ANOTHER WORLD ' HELLO, I'M NEWBIE AT WRITING SO, FEEL FREE TO CORRECT ANYY MY MISTAKES.

new_bie_789 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
28 Chs


They took Aella, I tried to stop them but... " the man said in panic to Alex who was sitting in front of him.

Hearing his neighbor Alex was stunned and sweat started running down from his forehead.

His heart started to beat violently and start to tremble in panic...

Alex didn't hear anything what his neighbor was saying, he started to sweat and fear rose in his heart.

In his two lives, Alex never felt the fear that he was feeling now.

Thinking about Aella being snatched from him, Alex's blood boils in anger he unconsciously releases his Power making his neighbor stopped talking and look at him With hope.

Lookingat Alex who was trembling in anger he grabbed his shoulders and shook him.

Coming out of his trance state Alex tried to calm himself down, Taking deep breaths for one minute to calm down he looked at his neighbor and asked.

" Which direction they head to," Alex asked calmly.

Looking at the young boy's eyes which Are burning with determination, he raises his left hand and pointed toward the left side of the dark forest.

Alex retrieved one more healing potion from his inventory and handed it to the neighbor and said to him.

" Thank you for your help, now you can go home I will rescue Aella," Alex said with a reassuring smile plastered on his face.

After giving a healing potion to his neighbor Alex made his way toward the forest where the man pointed his finger.

Rushing into the forest, Alex looked at the sky which was getting dark as the sun was going down.

Alex couldn't see properly because of the dark forest that usually is dark in the day. Now that the sun is getting down the dark forest got darker at night.

Finding Aella almost for 15 minutes he didn't get any trace of Aella or anybody.

Now resting his back on the tree Alex started to take deep breaths to calm himself down and ignore the fear that was rising in his heart.

While resting on the tree Alex suddenly thought about the conversation he had with the adventure guild receptionists about the bandits that were kidnapping the kids to make them slave's and sell them for money.

Thinking about that cold sweat ran down his spine and his body started to tremble in anger.

This anger he felt was not toward the bandits but to himself not telling Aella about the bandits.

Fuck I should told her about the bandits and asked her to remain home after evening." Alex cursed himself loudly while standing up.

After taking one minute of rest that felt like an eternity to him Alex started his search for Aella in the inner area of the dark forest.

After finding for almost thirty minutes Alex couldn't help but wiping his tears from his eyes that were about to leak like river.

Alex thought about his eight months life with Aella, that is filled with happiness more than his previous life in which he was nothing just random teenage boy fighting with his fate.

But in this life he had everything money, power and most importantly Aella his beautiful companion.

At first he was awkward to interact with Aella due to his memories about previous life but living with her, he came accept his new life and live with happiness.

Losing his hope to find Aella, Alex collapsed on his knees when he saw a small fire in the distance.

Standing up Alex rushed towards the fire that was at the distance about at least one mile away from the spot he was standing at.

Rushing toward the fire he stopped at the distance about twenty meters away from the source of the fire.

Hiding behind the tree Alex peek at the fire, and was stunned.

There were twenty to twenty five man with the weapons on their waist or ground.

They were drinking and laughing while sitting around the fire that was using as campfire.

Looking at the surroundings Alex saw seven to eight tents and one cage made of metal. Narrowing his eyes Alex saw something that made his blood boil in anger.

Inside the cage Aella was tied with chains and there were some bruises on Aella face indicating they hit her.

Calming his anger down Alex started to make plan how to free Aella.

After thinking about five minutes Alex made his conclusion that he wait for them to sleep, then he would try to rescue Aella.


Some time earlier....

When Alex questioning about Aella from his neighbor.

Two mile away from him in the sky was flying a woman with anger on her beautiful face that put shame to any model.

That bitxh she didn't even tell me that my niece is missing for like seven years." the woman said in anger.

To make matter worse she making excuses that I was not available in empire." the woman said thinking how her friend made an unbelievable excuse.

"That bitch that's why I give her communication talisman to contact me in any case of emergency."

When I remind her about talisman she just looked at me dumbfounded like her soul left her body."

I know losing her daughter put stress n her but still.." the woman talking suddenly when she saw a kid with silver hair with panic running toward the forest.

Looking at him her instincts telling her to follow him no matter what.

Relying on her instincts that she refined in her fights, she followed him while maintaining some distance from the boy.

After following for one and half hours when she saw the bandits she was disappointed but when her eyes landed on the cage her eyes widened in disbelief and anger.

Aella I finally found her

Rejoicing she made her way towards the cage with smile on her face, she suddenly stopped remembering the silver hair boy who was hiding behind the tree.

Looking at the boy she smiles and muttered.

" what will do now boy."