
Reincarnated as Nikolai II

A Russian economics expert had been making money through long-short strategies during the Russia-Ukraine war. Despite his economic success, he felt deep regret about Russia's historical mistakes. He wrote on his blog that "Russia has been on the wrong path since the 19th century," critically analyzing Russia's history. Then, remarkably, he traveled back in time to 1891 and found himself in the body of Russian Crown Prince Nicholas II during his visit to Japan.

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Promises Must Be Kept: Pacta sunt servanda (12)

Repeatedly tempting capitalists with Industrial Bank loans to grow industry grew stale, and only light industries like textiles, food, clothing, beverages, tobacco developed while the Empire slowly slowed.

Then war broke out.

A war consuming everything.

In other words, a world dominated by war economy rather than market economy.

"Though war expenses are burdensome and losses aren't small... still there are gains."

Guns replaced plows in millions of farmers' hands.

The fact they put down plows. Kokovtsov focused on this fact itself.

First one must put something down to be able to grab something else, and when war ends they must put down guns.

Then what to make those empty hands hold.