
Shinsoo's Natural Form

At that moment, on a floating shinsoo platform, Eduan and Khun Eduan (Data) were facing each other, Eduan breaks the silence by speaking.

"I would like to order something, may I sir?"

Khun Eduan (Data) folds his arms as he thinks.

'This kid will probably ask me to train his friends as well as 'Son of V', well who cares, it's not like it's hard to train 1 to 3 more people.'

"Yes, you can call a friend of yours for training."

He speaks shocking Eduan at how he knew until he remembered something.

'Ha yes, he who trained Baam, I remember him asking for something similar on Webtoon.'

"Thank you so much Sir, I would like to call Khun Maschenny my bride."

"Well ok this isn't difficult."


Snapping her fingers, suddenly appeared a girl with light blue hair, with a desperate look on her face, she turned her head from side to side, until she found Eduan beside her, she shows a slightly shocked look, and gives a little smile while asking.

"Where were you Eduan? You and Arie Hon suddenly disappeared."

'Hmm, Hon is also gone, he was probably the former Head of the Arie Family, I wonder which one of us would win after training.'

He puts a smile on his face, and replies Maschenny while pointing to Khun Eduan (Data)

"I will train with Ex-Head of Household, actually his data, if you want to ask something you can ask later. I asked him to train you too, of course if you want to refuse I won't force you."

He finishes while crossing his arms awaiting her response.

"Of course I'll train with you, I wouldn't miss the opportunity to get stronger, plus no matter if it's given, training with Former Head of the Family who's already been called the God of the Spear, it's a time for me."

She speaks with her eyes shining, Khun Eduan (Data) puts a smile on her face, and lifts one of her hands.

"You know how to build quality into shinsoo, but you still can't form your shinsoo in the most natural way, normally you should learn to manipulate the shinsoo flow before doing that, but you're not ready for that yet, so I'll teach you to do this first."


A gigantic electric spear appeared in her hand.

"As you are from the Khun family, your most natural form would probably be a spear, your first objective is to form a spear with your shinsoo, as soon as you achieve that I will teach you how to manipulate the shinsoo flow at will, of course I am not as good as Eurasia, but I'm an expert at that too."


The spear formed disappears when he slightly moves his finger in the air when.


A small tornado appears on his finger as he speaks.

"This tornado was not made by my shinsoo, but by manipulating the flow of Shinsoo around, making it spin in the center of my finger, thus forming this little tornado, and if you put a constant motion for it to influence the flow of shinsoo around you without my help, it happens.


He shakes his finger tossing the small tornado into a nearby mountain.

Vvoaaaaashhhhh Vroooommmmm

As soon as it got close to the mountain, its little tornado suddenly became gigantic and kept getting bigger, until it swallowed the mountain and started to get smaller.


After disappearing what was left was a crater where the mountain should have been.

'Th-that's too strong, it would have killed me just leaning in, he said he's not as strong as his, I'm real, it made me underestimate him, so how strong is he?'

Eduan was shocked with wide eyes, while Maschenny stared at it in awe. Eduan turns his attention to Khun Eduan (Data) and asks.

"Sir, how strong are you exactly?"

Khun Eduan (Data) puts a hand on his chin as he ponders and responds with a smile on his face.

"Probably stronger than when I fought Bright Guy, it's very likely that I've already outgrown my true self from the Universe I came from Hahahaha."

He speaks with a huge touch of pride on his face. Eduan hearing this thought inwardly.

'Stronger than his version in Tower Of God, this is scary when you think about it, but what was the reason that made him stronger than Khun Eduan from Tower of God in this world?'

Tap! Tap!

"Very well, form a little baang quickly, I will show you some things with the shinsoo flow."

Clapping his hands, Khun Eduan (Data) asks Eduan, Eduan nods his head, raising two fingers a small electric baang is formed in his hand.



Suddenly after Khun Eduan (Dice) swings his finger in the air again, the Baang in Eduan's fingers turns into an electric spear aimed at his face. Eduan jumps back in fright.

"Haha, See, by manipulating your enemy's Baang shinsoo flow you can make it your own, just like I did with you, of course it doesn't work very well on someone good at reading the shinsoo flow, it's also possible to do that with magic and other things from the outside world, for example if a Devil is doing a spell, you can use your shinsoo flow to interfere with that Devil's magic flow, turning your demonic power into shinsoo and taking over your magic. "

Ignoring Eduan who glared at him, he continued his dialogue. When Eduan was going to get up again he couldn't move.

"And this is Reverse Shinsoo Flow Manipulation, you can even stop your enemy's movements, it's usually not used that way as it's advisable for the person using it to be Smashly stronger than the enemy."

Eduan was getting angrier and angrier as he thought.

'I'll readjust my first objective which was to win in a rematch against Hon, as soon as I have enough power I should make him go through a greater humiliation than this, damn him he's my Ancestor.'


Maschenny who was on the side watching was giggling covering her mouth with her hand, she walks towards him and helps him to his feet. Khun Eduan (Data) with a smile on his face speaks.

"That's the most basic explanation about shinsoo flow manipulation, if you want to know more first you have to form a spear with shinsoo, I'll give you 5 years Eduan, and you 10 years Maschenny."

'Hump, we'll see if I need 5 years, I'll do it in 2 years, and I'll see your shocked face.'

Eduan turns around as he heads back to the Palace to start training, Maschenny follows him as she doesn't know where he'll be staying. As soon as they're out Khun Eduan (Data) bursts out laughing as he looks in their direction.

"Hahaha, just as I thought, he is just like me extremely proud, being humiliated in front of a girl even more his fiancée, will burn even more motivation in him."


At night in the palace bathroom, Eduan was naked with his spear at his side in the giant bathtub made of ice, although it was made of ice it was strangely hot.

Knock! Knock!

Suddenly knocking sounds were heard from the bathroom door.

"I will enter Eduan."

"Of course Maschenny."

From the door opening, Maschenny came out naked with a small smile on his face as he got into the bathtub with Eduan.

'Now that I think about it, because I don't get embarrassed and I don't even care when Maschenny comes to take a shower with me, I don't remember being a lolicon, not even that disheveled, maybe it's because my personality is changing to look like Khun Eduan, well I don't know , I won't gain anything by thinking about it.'

Maschenny relaxed in the bathtub notices the spear beside Eduan and comments.

"Why are you taking a bath with the spear? Do you really think that if you spend 24 hours with the spear it will be easier to get the shinsoo to take its form?"

"Hump, of course I think, after all I had this idea."

Eduan responds with pride as he thinks inwardly.

'If I'm not mistaken, in one of the animes I watched in my past life Hunter x Hunter, Kurapika did the same and managed to form his chains with his aura, nothing contradicts me that I'm not able to do the same.'

He puts a smile on his face, Maschenny seeing this thinks.

'Maybe I should do the same, who knows, maybe that's what he said, well it doesn't hurt to try.'