
Ruthenian Baltic Fleet vs Britannia Home Fleet Part 2

Thirty thousand feet in the air, eight Wraith Fighter Aircraft were flying in formation, heading towards the Britannian Home Fleet position at cruising speed. The roaring sound of their jet engine whistled in the tranquil night sky. 

"This is Viper zero-one, squad leader of this squadron, contacting all call signs. I know that we weren't briefed about this particular mission and were only given the bearing and distance of the Britannian Home Fleet. It is still going to be a walk in the park for us as the Britannian warships can't see well at night. Though they have radars, their anti-aircraft can't keep up with our speed. However, don't let your guard down as the caliber from the anti-aircraft batteries can tear through our fuselage, sending you crashing down the ocean."

"Copy that boss!" said all the pilots, who were listening attentively to the squad leader.

"Are there any questions?" the squad leader asked them.