

"WHOA" (Cain)

Cain jumped back just as the dragons jaw snapped shut right in front of his face.

"OhMyGod" (Cain)

Cain breathed out and steeled his nerves again.

Just don't die... that's easier said then done.....It's just a giant puppy with rock hard scales and deadly knife-like teeth.... ah fuck my life what am I doing? (Cain)

After Cain came to from his inner monologue he saw the dragon glaring in a menacing way at Cain and watched his every move.

Cain took a few deep breaths.

"Ok.... mess this up and you can kiss your 1 hp good bye." (Cain)

He raised his hands again and slowly, very slowly walked towards the death-glare giving dragon.

He looked straight into the dragons eyes, he knew that normally doing that with a wild animal would only aggravate it. Somehow, though, he felt this dragon was too intelligent for that and would try to understand what Cain was doing.

"I'm not going to hurt you." (Cain)

He talked very softly and moved to the side of the dragon, trying to get a full look at the wound.

As Cain made his way to the wound the dragons eyes and head followed his movements, ready to strike at anytime.

He decided to stop and look at the wound. It was on the left side of the dragon near the ribs.

The wound looked deep and it was still dripping blood forming a pool under the dragon.

I'm not sure why this isn't healing... dragons are supposed to be great at healing wounds right? (Cain)

He wasn't sure how to even treat a wound but he decided he need something to stop the bleeding. Stitching the wound was out of the question since it was as if a chunk of flesh was missing. He was surprised the dragon was still alive.

Got to hand it to them, they are resilient creatures huh? (Cain)

He settled on finding some sort of herb that would help the dragon heal. He didn't know what he could find or how to identify any of the weird plants here but he had to give it a try.

Once done examining the wound he slowly backed away from the dragon and into the forest once again.

"I'll need to test out the herbs that are around this forest first....." (Cain)

He cracked his knuckles and grinned.

"I guess I didn't go through hell for nothing." (Cain)

He thought back to the night before when he was in the tree fighting through the berry poisoning.

He knew exactly how to get what he needed.

"Time to eat every plant I see!" (Cain)

Cain laughed loudly and started picking every plant he saw that was different then the last.

After an hour of picking many plants he sat down in the dirt and laid the plants in front of him.

"I'm immune to poison but what about other effects?" (Cain)

He thought for a while and couldn't think of anything else he had to worry about. Unless there was some weird plant that could instantly kill you with.... something other then poison.

He shrugged and figured if anything, he would go through some pain and gain another passive skill or something.

"Either way I should know what plants are useful, That's the basics of alchemy." (Cain)

After a few hours and many plants eaten Cain was laying face down in the dirt.