
chapter 01 - reincarnation

"Will I get a good reincarnation?" I wondered out loud

[welcome to the reincarnation cycle.]

"GAH" I screamed

[please choose a species skill to define your species.]

uh well I think hero would be a good species skill or something more overpowered would be nice, i think i would like a time skill though... AHA! got it "time master!"

[are you sure?]


[1 species match found, choose it?]

"Well, I don't have much of a choice but yes"

[giving system...]

[confirmed, goodbye!]


I still had questions, but there were more pressing problems

as I was falling(?) it felt as if my very soul was being torn apart and being re modeled, I mean I knew reincarnation was hard, but I thought it was after the process was complete? after the pain stopped, I was in complete darkness


I looked around for the sounds origin and found it

*Quest complete*

there's a quest for completing reincarnation? well then... open quest menu!


*Complete reincarnation - 50% success rate* [collect reward]

*Learn magic - n/a% success rate*

*Set true goals to get more quests*

my whole world shattered into a million pieces

"50 Percent?!"

well... I guess I'll collect the reward now.

*Giving system... complete!

bestowing extra species skill... complete! *

{welcome user to the system}

{what you like to name the system?}

Wha- I thought the other one was the system?

{the gods set systems as a quest reward so if users die in the process, it gets sent back as all rewards do if the user dies, now please select a name for the system.}

oh wow, the gods are smart. hmm a name... eh just name it after my species skill I guess

{congratulations user you have been given the time master system by the gods!}

uh well as my first step to godhood open status!

{opening status}

name: none

race: living magic item (watch)


health: 10

defense: 5

charisma: 2

attack: 2.5

mana: 10/10

titles: reincarnate


species skills: time master, time watcher

my soul's eye twitched at this, a WATCH!?

can I even attack?

{there is a 1% chance that you could get picked up and thrown at an enemy and it dies, there is a 10% chance that you could choke a monster that tries to eat you there is a 100% chance that you could learn magic if you try hard enough}


I immediately sat down and tried to focus on the surrounding mana, which is pretty hard when you can't see. after a few days I had both a mental breakdown on why I didn't choose a cheat skill instead of the skill I chose and also, I sensed the mana particles. but on the topic of my species skill, I forgot to check what it does, but that's a problem for future me I guess. anyways now that that's done why haven't I gotten a skill yet?

{you have not reached the skill proficiency to unlock the skill.}

and what would the requirement be?

{open your eyes (soul perception) and still be able to sense the particles of mana}

oh, well I guess I got to get to work

although it only took a few hours to fully sense the particles of mana around me now comes the hard part to open my eyes, oh and right now I'm talking as in my soul form, there are 0 eyes on my body right now. I slowly open my eyes, and the particles start feeling less and less but I concentrate and soon...


I suddenly snap out of my trance, but I can still see the mana particles around me, albeit they are very faint. I look at the notification.

{skill: outside mana sense obtained}

oooh can I see with this?

{no but spending 50 S.P. you can get the skill mana sight}

...that sounds like a basic skill I could get using basic isekai knowledge, so no.

ok so how am I doing this, first I think I'm going to try sending my mana out... wait, I can't sense my own mana!?! wait calm down, I need to focus on my body... after a few hours I could sense my body's mana I slowly opened my eyes making sure I could still sense my own mana and


{skill: inside mana sense obtained}

{combining mana sense skills...}



{skill: mana sense obtained}

oh well that's good.

next I will need to be able to manipulate mana!

wait a sec, if mana sense taught me anything this world can be different that other fantasy worlds but not too different. Oh god, what is mana manipulation going to be like then?

welp I might as well- wait, speaking of skills what about those I had gotten at the start?

system I call apon thee!


show me the descriptions of all the skills and titles I have!

{loading... done!

title: reincarnate, this is a title to show you have reincarnated and kept your memory's, it allows you to pass into many places, because reincarnates are wanted almost everywhere. you can turn this title invisible to every appraisal skill if you desire.

skill: mana sense, though hard work or a scroll you have learned to sense mana in your surroundings.

species skill: time master, allows you to use time to your advantage. allowing you to gain exp every time you use a skill related to time

species skill: time watcher, allows you to see what time it is.}

I hate this, well I know people knowing I'm a reincarnate or even knowing I'm living at all will most likely drive away them unless they are desperate for a magic item so, system turn my reincarnate skill invisible

{turning title: reincarnate invisible, please stand by...


well now that I think about my skill and stuff it reminds me I am a magic item, and I can't change it, can I? well I got to learn magic then and get picked up by and an adventuring party, system can you tell me some ways to get buffs?

{ways to get stat buffs

1. get titles for a magic item that effect the user of the magic item

2 get stat buffs from the shop

3. get the skill [stat buff copier] from the shop}

3 sounds good, system get [stat buff copier]


ok... now time to get my first magical skill, that I wanted from the start