
Reincarnated as a Tower In the Multiverse

Under unknown circumstances, MC found himself reincarnated as a magical tower where he have to expand his powers and build his world while accepting warriors and participants from the whole universe... ============ -The MC will be omnipotent in his tower but he will leave the tower and travel to other worlds and learn other techniques -Story will have multiple POVs and focus on multiple characters and their journeys in the tower -chapters will be short because i am afraid i will lose passion if i force myself to make long ones

The_Immortal159 · Cómic
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22 Chs


[Somewhere else in the universe]

After the zombie apocalypse, the town is a haunting shell of its former self. Once vibrant streets are now eerie and desolate, littered with abandoned cars and debris. Buildings stand in various states of decay, with broken windows and crumbling facades. The air is thick with an unsettling silence, occasionally broken by the distant moans of the undead. Scavengers cautiously roam the streets, searching for supplies, while constantly wary of the lurking threat..

After the Breakout of a human made virus, the majority of population in the world go extinct...

The minority have developed a unique immunity towards this virus and started to adapt to it...

While another type of people fused with this virus and become what is known as Darkseekers...

On one of the destroyed buildings, a strange corpse was lying on the ground

A pale face, a cold body and empty eyes...

It lost all its hair since its fusion with the virus...

(Image in this comment)


The fingers of the corpse started to move a little...

[Name: Gusto]

[Race: Darkseeker]

[Rank: ]

[Titles: ]

[Skills: KV bit]

[Traits: Bloodlust toward humans]

This Corpse started looking at the panel in front of him...

The soul that possess this corpse was him, the will of tower...

After finishing the preparations of his tower, it's time to find the players to participate in his game...

He already set his eyes on this weak world...

He wasn't aiming to visit a Powerful world in his visit...

Furthermore, he has to understand more about the universe and its structure before going and exploring powerful places in the universe...

After splitting his conscious and sending one part to this world, he found himself in the body of A zombie-like creature in an apocalypse...

[Installing the package...]





[The installation of the pack is done]

[The syncing between the package and your body begins]

[Name: Gusto]

[Race: Darkseeker]

[Rank: ]

[Titles: ]

[Skills: KV bit, Seeking Dominator Eye ]

[Traits: Bloodlust toward humans]

[Storage: retuning crystal]

[Seeking Dominator Eye : This skill has two unique abilities:

[Giving the user the ability to detect the danger coming by changing colors. The red means the existence of danger. Green means Safety]

[The user can manipulate the will of weak beings and control them]

After the finish of install, a third eye popped in the forehead of Gusto...

This skill was created by him when he was in the tower...

This package is something he brought with him to help him avoid dangers in the universe...

He is omnipotent in his tower, but outside, without the powers of his Laws, he can't act reckless...

The hardest thing is bringing something with him from the tower as it's consum a lot of energy...

That's why he can't bring overpowered skills and conquer worlds easily...

( I am going to use gusto as an indication for the MC in this World)

As for KV bit, it's a skill every darkseeker have...

Using it, after biting someone he will turn as well into a darkseeker...

And the returning crystal is his only bridge to go back to his tower...

As he hasn't mastered yet the laws of space, he can't travel freely between worlds...

Standing on his two feet, it's been what feels like an eternity since he felt a true body...

It's like a sense of refreshment hits him...

Maybe living isn't such a bad thing...

As for his mission in this world, he doesn't have a lot of conditions for his first players...

as long as they have a normal mind and doesn't have and contamination, he will transfer everyone in this world to his tower to increase the population...

If you're asking how, He just has to make a contact with the will of this world and propose her to transfer its inhabitants to his tower...

If the will of tower refuse, He should give up or fight to devour her...

The winner of the battle will take every thing from the looser...

His world and his powers...

This is the war of wills in the universe...

The stronger takes everything...

Opening his third eye, the whole place turned green...

This indicates its safety, so taking some time to explore the world have no harm...

Jumping from the roof of the building, He started running through the roads of the town...

Just like a town of ghosts, this city lost all her brightness and turned into a dark zone...


A small red dot appears in his sight...

The dot wasn't that red, which means the level of danger of it is low...

Following the direction of the dot, He arrived into a destroyed house in the south part of the city...

Gusto can tell from the style of buildings and the architecture that this zone belongs to the rich class of society...

Getting into the fancy house, the doors were already broken and marks of a huge fight were everywhere...

Following his Third eye detector, he reached the pool of the house...

Instead of being filled with water, this pool was filled by something else...


The quantity of blood was so much that it filled the whole 4 meters deep pool...

As for Gusto, His darkseeker's lust for blood was tickling him, but he tried to restrain those sensations...

From the pool, a slim figure appeared from the pool...

He was the source of red light...

Taking a closer look, this was a female darkseeker...

As for the reason she was swimming in a pool full of bloods, it remains unknown...

Maybe this was one of the hobbies for darseekers...

Gusto, still don't know...

[Seeking Dominator Eye ]

The moment, the third eye of Gusto and the eyes of the female darkseeker made contact, She's directing get out of the pool and makes a bow towards her new master...

Perhaps because he weak soul, dominating her mind using the seeking dominator eye wasn't that hurt...

In fact, even gusto is surprised from the effectiveness of his skill...


This is a short arc in the world of I am a legend...

You don't have to watch the movie, as I am not going to focus so much on the world building....

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.


The_Immortal159creators' thoughts