
reincarnated as a skeleton with a mutation system

he died from getting hit by truck kun he got sent to the Void and got the chance to live in a fantasy world as a monster will he overcome things in his way or will he die on his journey

Halloween_system · Fantasía
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2 Chs

The beginning ...

In the abyss of white light shines then a voice says out loud "where am I" he it continues to ponder about where he is and thinks "didn't I die I remember getting hit by a truck" then suddenly a screen appears and says

[Hi Lu shu you have been chosen to be reincarnated.Do you accept?]


Another screen pops up saying

[Note: if you do not accept your soul be destroyed.Do you accept?]

If it means living then... Yes !

[Host has accepted loading reincarnation options .1%... 10%... 24%... 36%... 58%... 89%... 100%] there's nothing in front of him and it is silent for couple minutes then 5 screens come out of nowhere at the same time

[ please choose body to reincarnate into ]

[skeleton: do to being Undead it has weak strength,defence and low health do to being a skeleton but has high stamina and normal speed , It also has normal intelligence and a little lower then normal mp]

[spider demon hatchling :a spider demon that has just hatched it has high speed normal strength but has low health, defence, intelligence and mp.]

[slime: a slime has no intelligents and mp almost no strength and speed it's Defense is high along with health.]

[Please choose a spies

(Note intelligence allows you to keep past memories ,make strategies , and think at unnatural speeds and see things in slow-mo (it does not affect reaction speed) if high enough

health is how many hits you can take

Strength is how much damage you do to enemies

defence increases the amount of hits you can take without increasing your health it also makes your skin stronger so an enemy attack does not affect youas much

speed increases your speed, attack speed, reaction speed and how fast you think

MP is magic power which allows you to cast multiple and stronger spells if it is high enough

All of these can increase if weapons and Armor is it equipped]

"Hmm... slimes out of the question because I basically be mindless and it doesn't have enough strength to survive if I'm in a fantasy world so it's either out of skeleton or demon spider hatchling Skelton has more human features but is slower than a spider but then again what does skeleton I want to learn how to move and I'll keep more of my memories along with having higher Mana then the demon spider hatchling I can also use weapons and armor to increase my stats"

"I choose skeleton"

[ race chosen skeleton please pick 3 skills out of these 10.

Endless evolution allows one to evolve into different monsters (there are conditions to evolve)

low creation magic allows one two create low level weapons and armor costs a lot of MP

all seeing eye as long as one has been there they can see what is happening at any time in that space you will be blinded for 30 seconds

mutationsystem allows one to gain different mutations in and out of their body it will be an extremely painful process

low summoning allows one to summon low level monsters

fire manipulation allows one to control fire completely with their will (but one has to see fire)

nightvision allows one to see in the dark as if it was day

puppet Master allow someone to control someone or something that has a human like shape( they cannot move while they are doing so)

telekinesis allows one to lift and controls anything within the weight limit weight(limit 10kg)

Force allows one to increase their strength by ×2( cool down period 2 hours)

You have 30 seconds to choose your skills]

"Wait what!"






"limitless Evolution!!








"Next one..."


"Should be..."


"Low creation magic!!"


18 ...














"Mutation system!!"

A screen appears saying

[All skills have been chosen due to the compatibility of the body and skills being a 100% chosen one is granted to choose one buff. please choose one of these three buffs]

[Double XP you are granted two times the XP you usually get when you defeat a monster stat buff your stats are increased by 10%

2 x skill points you get double the skill points upon leveling up

You hav-]

The screen gets cut off by Lu shu quickly saying

"double XP buff!!!!!"


[Chosen one has chosen buff now progressing reincarnation]

[Loading chosen ones body

1% 5% 18% 27% 28% 40% 49% 56% 58% 60% 89% 100% ]

[loading complete for chosen ones body]

[loading chosen ones skills loading

1% 2% 11% 23% 40% 67% 88% 98% 100% ]

[loading complete chosen one skills]

[Loading chosen one buff 5% 25% 46% 57% 77% 90% 100%[

[loading complete for chosen one's buff]

[all preparations have been complete sending chosen one to reincarnation world in 3]

suddenly felt the weak

and started to disappear


[What happ-]


His soul disappeared from the abyss...