
reincarnated as a sealed evil

when a boy dies unfairly to a bunch of bullies his strong negative emotions catch the eyes of a bored god, a god who chooses to reincarnate this boy as a evil sealed inside a young girl, with newly gained absolute power over darkness and a stone cold heart, will this boy give in to the shadow and the plots around him, or will he overpower it and do his best to live a life he chooses?

classy_fied · Fantasía
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107 Chs

vs cosmos, invasion of gods

our initial head on clash sent us both tumbling back, our landings near simultaneous.

"no respect!"(cosmos) shouted as his body was surrounded by a glowing blue energy, soon taking the form of samurai like armor, similar in style to the dragon scale one I had used with Andrea.

"that shit is earned!"(Granularr) I called back as I charged once more, my shadows answering my call as they surrounded cosmos, bladed tendrils emerging from the darkened ground, each of them sending precise flurry of slashes and stabs at his armor, his attention forced away from me and towards the greater threat, in his mind.

big mistake.

as the moment I landed, I punched him in the chest with all of my strength, my arm snapping and breaking as the sheer force of the attack shattered his armor and sent him flying miles away and into the far end of the valley mountains, the entire face cracking before collapsing, the valley now down an entire mountain.

and in the next moment, I was beside the rubble, relying on my speed to get me there in time, which it did.

as the second I arrived, cosmos was still in the process of climbing free of the rubble, his body covered in bruises and cuts, his eyes narrowed at me in rage.

"that was full physical strength, if you were wondering, don't worry though, I haven't even begun to use my full power."(Granularr) I informed him as I walked over and yanked him free of the rubble in one movement, only to be tossing him into the mountain in front of me the next, his shirt tearing and shredding from where I held and threw from, his body blurring as it flew, another mountain down.

the valley was getting shorter in length.

this time though, he wasted no time in freeing himself, using his own speed to return to where I had thrown him from, his fist cocked back like the hammer of a pistol ready to be released, fully launching at me in full speeds the moment he arrived, the attack being stopped cold in my own fist.

a look of pure confusion and slight terror on his face, as if he wasn't able to process what had just happened.

"not even on a good day would you have enough power to face me."(Granularr) I informed him as I started squeezing his hand tighter and tighter, his body crumpling to its knees as he attempted to pull his slowly breaking hand free.



his hand echoed as he let out a howl of agony, his fighting increasing in desperation, his foot kicking wildly at my legs, failing to do much else other than annoy me.

"YOU EVIL BASTARD!"(cosmos) shouted as he sent an uppercut my way, an attack I easily avoided as I just simply shoved him back via his broken hand, the action causing him to yelp in pain as his attack missed entirely, his body landing flat on its back right in front of me.

he was about to jolt to his feet, to retaliate, when our fight was thrust to the backburner, a greater priority popping up in our faces, or more accurately, tearing itself open in the sky.

a massive portal now above our heads, what looked like humans bathed in light emerging, landing not too far off from us, each of them giving off an aura, a god like aura.

"we're in the middle of something, do you mind?"(Granularr) I asked the slow growing group, all of which just shot me a look as if saying, "why is this lowly creature speaking to us?"

"we are Gods child, show respect!"(a goddess) shouted at me in disapproval, her response pissing me off.

"you can be toads for all I care, fuck off!"(Granularr) I called back to her, flipping her off at the same time, my middle finger raised aggressively.

my response only seemed to enrage her, as she charged me before my sentence was even a second old, but she was slow, her attack obvious, so with absolute ease I caught her punch midair like I had done with cosmos, squeezing just as I had done previously as well, and just like before, the hand was crushed in my grip, a howl of agony and rage escaping from the glowing woman, the group she had originated from shooting me looks of surprise, disbelief, and wariness.

"what are you?!"(a god) shouted as he rushed over to the aid of the goddess, failing miserably as I kicked him aside, his body soaring back the way he had come.

"I'm the pillar of darkness, this is our world so I'll say it again, fuck off, you're not welcome."(Granularr) I said, my words punctuated with the full release of my aura, the dense wispy shadow energy growing to such an intensity around me that the clouds darkened and drew closed, casting a shade over the land as my eyes met that darkness with their own, flashing their void black at the Gods.

"a being of the void?!"(a god) shouted in shock and horror as I dropped the barely conscious goddess, who had apparently passed out from my aura alone, and they call themselves gods.

so I disgustedly tossed the goddess aside, her body smashing into the mountain on my right, soon buried under the resulting rockslide.

"and you pitiful shits call yourselves gods."(Granularr) I scoffed as I eyed the group, easily thirty or more in number, all of them now releasing their own auras, all of them raging, almost none of them the same, save a couple, though the ones that shred an aura seemed weaker than all the others.

"we can finish our fight later, this takes priority!"(cosmos) shouted wisely from beside me, his own aura exploding forth, the tear they arrived from forced closed as he did so.

"nice to meet you invaders, the names cosmos."(cosmos) greeted as he pulled forth two electric blue metal swords from a tear into space of his own, the blades emitting an intense heat.

"let's do this!"(Granularr) I shouted as I pulled forth blades of my own, from my shadow, readying to charge alongside cosmos, the gods readying as well.

this would be a head on clash, there was NO holding back.