
reincarnated as a sealed evil

when a boy dies unfairly to a bunch of bullies his strong negative emotions catch the eyes of a bored god, a god who chooses to reincarnate this boy as a evil sealed inside a young girl, with newly gained absolute power over darkness and a stone cold heart, will this boy give in to the shadow and the plots around him, or will he overpower it and do his best to live a life he chooses?

classy_fied · Fantasía
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107 Chs

the third pt 2

the fist blasted through my guard, striking me dead center in the chest, robbing me of all the air in my lungs as I flew backwards, forcing myself to dig my feet into the ground, stopping me, allowing me a moment of realization and recovery.

a moment that ended very soon, the angel on me once again, a kick zooming into my vision, my body jolting to action, leaning backwards just barely in time, just slightly allowing the foot to miss me, his body ready to attack again the second his foot struck the ground.

looks like he was finally getting serious.


newly reincarnated hero pov...

I came along an odd sight while in the woods, before me in a wide clearing was two men, two very well-muscled men, one adorned with a crown of black and another having broken wings, they stood still, fists raised and close, eyes locked on one another.

they stayed that way for a moment or two before vanishing from my eyes entirely, blurrily appearing in various spots blurrily, their forms locked in vicious combat as shockwaves and aggressive gusts of air rocked the bushes and treetops all around, the force from their reappearing ripped at the ground below, sending chunks of it scattering upwards and outwards, falling like rain as they vanished and appeared again and again.

they seemed to be even at first glance but the longer I watched the more I saw the darker blurred figure gaining an upper hand as whenever they began reappearing the winged man became clearer and clearer as the dark man did not, remaining blurred as his attacks rocked the winged man, coming in at an insane flurry, causing damage to his face, chest, arms, and stomach seemingly all in the same moment before his form was once again clear.

he looked as if he hadn't just been in a fight, no sweat covered his body, and no wounds could be seen anywhere on his exposed skin from my somewhat short distance.

the winged man on the other hand was covered head to toe in sweat and bruises, he seemed as if he had been fighting for his life since the sun had come up this morning.

"your dirty trick from earlier, you dishonor me."(winged man) spoke in disgust to the other man.

"you think I care? HA! I've been toying with you from the start, you think I really wanted to sweat and go all out?"(dark haired man) taunted, his tone jovial at best.

"you filthy evil! to think you got away with killing the rest of the angels! you may not have accepted the demon's terms, but you may as well have done their bidding!"(winged man) grumbled, spitting blood at the man, blood that would land square on the man's pants, something he would not react to in the slightest.

"you do know that the demon's aren't the ones who wanted all you angels dead, no, in fact it was your very creator God himself!"(dark haired man) revealed, shocking me severely, imagine what the angel is feeling.

"impossible!"(angel) roared, his fists once again raising, but this time shakily, unsteady, looking as if they would be knocked over by a breeze.

"I'm not here to convince you, I'm here to kill you, which happens now."(dark haired man) said, his voice taking a cold monotone as his eyes were consumed by black.

"you may be the pillar of darkness but that doesn't mean it should consume you!"(angel) quickly plead, changing his stance from stubborn and ready to fight to quickly afraid for his life, all in a fraction of a second after one slight change in the man.

"oh I'm well in control, the only thing consuming me right now is boredom and thoughts on what my reward will be for parading your cold lifeless body through the streets of all the largest cities, I wonder, how will the people react?"(dark haired man) asked in a sickeningly deep voice, a voice that rattled my very soul and brought me even further to my knees, limply clinging to my consciousness as my fight or flight battled relentlessly, freezing me in place.

his question not only froze me in terror but did the same for the angel as well, his jaw chattering like he was freezing, his eyes darting all around, desperate.

"hgeoirhf ewfh dufhaoh ghdfhaodsufh dsfj fdufadf."(dark haired man) spoke in words that didn't seem real.

the words that made no sense to me made perfect sense to the angel, his face draining of all color as he roared a few words to the dark-haired man before being entirely consumed, piece by piece, as a large beam of white grew wider and wider, encompassing him completely.


his last words stayed with me as the beam continued, wreaking havoc on the landscape ahead of it, consuming everything in its path, tearing a massive trench in the forest miles long, only stopping when the dark-haired man drooped to his knees after seeing for himself that the angel had been reduced to nothing but ash.

"man, I have got to stop using that spell purely on holy energy users, it is literally tearing me apart from the inside out."(dark-haired man) coughed, blood leaking from his eyes and ears.

[translation complete]

my system blared in my ears, scaring me half to death and causing me to flinch from my crouched position, making me pray furiously that the man didn't hear me.

[the man said: "I call forth the power I have leeched from you, do my bidding and abolish your master!"]

my system began, already showing the small loading symbol for more incoming screens, screens that would distract me entirely from my surroundings.

[spell identified]

[dark magic identified]

[spell: leeching counter, a spell that slowly steals the power of your enemies during each successful attack, allowing the caster to blast it all back at them at 10x the force, guaranteeing near fatal injury or death, it is a spell not used since the disappearance of the dark mage Granularr]

"ah, so it seems more than one mortal has a system, how interesting, tell me, how common are those?"(dark haired man) asked as he looked me dead in the eyes, then at my screens, something no one else had ever done before!

"look at that, it even used my name!"(dark-haired man) exclaimed in an odd joyous tone, his comment stopping me before I could answer his first question, soon a new screen would appear, followed by two more, those screens would cause my body to tremble in absolute life or death terror.

[being identified, pillar of darkness, a magical being with absolute power over all aspects and definitions of darkness, Granularr, once human dark mage that threatened the safety of all life 1,000 years ago]

[new quest: do not die]

[reward: immediate level up x15]

"Granularr!"(God) the old man that brought me here suddenly exclaimed warmly as he stepped from behind me, his hand clapping on the man's shoulder jovially, as if they were close friends meeting after a stint of time apart.

"I killed the third, the second is next."(Granularr) said coldly and directly.

"great job! now, if you wouldn't mind, let's not have our newbie skip directly to the final boss."(God) said, a comment the man would react to.

"you're telling me that you reincarnated someone here to kill me?!"(Granularr) asked in disbelief, somehow aware of how I got here.

"I brought him here to try, see, you are my great evil, with every evil there is a hero, I can't have you here with no one to face, no one to use to grow your abilities further, you're my god damn shining star, can't have you stagnating or getting complacent."(God) said as he paced between the two of us, his tone calming whether we wanted to be calm or not.

the man didn't say anything, not a word, he just poofed into a black cloud of smoke, disappearing completely and leaving behind a young girl, a very annoyed looking young girl.

"I swear, he could have killed that damn angel so easily! why did he have to go and draw out the fight, he purposely held back! that asshole!"(young girl) shouted at the old man, an action that just got her head pats from him, an action that melted her completely.

"you are nowhere near ready to face him, nowhere near, what I said holds true, I do not wish his death, but I will accept it, either train hard and surpass my expectations or fall behind and watch as he tears out your heart with his teeth."(God) spoke before he vanished into thin air.