
reincarnated as a sealed evil

when a boy dies unfairly to a bunch of bullies his strong negative emotions catch the eyes of a bored god, a god who chooses to reincarnate this boy as a evil sealed inside a young girl, with newly gained absolute power over darkness and a stone cold heart, will this boy give in to the shadow and the plots around him, or will he overpower it and do his best to live a life he chooses?

classy_fied · Fantasía
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107 Chs

the sealer gets a job

sealer (Julie) pov...

"are you in the city of Morone?"(Granularr) asked, an odd question, but a question I didn't see the harm in answering.

"yeah, why?"(Julie) I probed, hoping for information.

"I got someone to give you a job, a job you can use as training, he is at the adventurer's guild."(Granularr)

I definitely could use some training, my swordsmanship is lacking, and I don't have any magical affinities, so maybe this really was a good opportunity I could take advantage of.

so with that in mind I began walking in the direction of the guild, making sure I kept a decent pace that wasn't rushing but it wasn't strolling, with my pace set and maintained I made it to the large wood and stone building in pretty much no time, greeted by a pale man at the grand front doors.

"welcome, I was already informed of your arrival, please, right this way."(Guild master) invited, gesturing for me to enter, a gesture I would follow, entering just ahead of him, my eyes having to adjust to the dark interior, even more pale people could be found inside, all of them with eyes of red, looks of hunger plastered on their faces.

but one glance from who I'm assuming is the GuildMaster, shut them all down, immediately, their eyes darting away, meek, submissive, as if prey had lost a stare down with a predator.

it was scary for a moment, but I felt something calming me, a feeling that I decided to trust as it was coming from inwards, from Granularr, he knew this dude apparently, and he didn't need me stressing out and making things worse, if that's the case then just who am I dealing with?

"someone who could kill you in seconds, maybe even less, so calm down, your emotions are spiking the energy of the others in the room, they're new and unable to regulate this, they need time to adjust and if you don't give them that time you'll die."(Granularr) warned, making me even more anxious as my brain began racing to find out just what the hell was going on.

"you need to relax, now, they are right behind you, don't look back, don't react, breathe."(Granularr) calmed as shadows began seeping out of my hands, swirling slowly around me, dulling everything inside me.

"looks like my lord wants you alive, I can't imagine what purposes he has in store for you, but you will be fine, he was offered my guild but declined, instead all he asked was that I give you a job, and for that he made me so much more than I ever thought I could be."(guild master) spoke as he opened a door for me, motioning for me to go up the stairs behind it, which I began doing, taking step after step upwards.

"I know this must be so odd for you, being sent here by someone you probably don-"(guild master) began, to which I cut him off before he could finish.

"don't worry I know him, he sent me here himself."(Julie) I interjected.

"but my lord has no physical form, how did he send you here?"(guild master) asked, bewildered, his own confusion also began to make me confused.

"he talks to me in my head, even takes over my body sometime when it's necessary, other than that he hasn't told me much of anything."(Julie) I admitted.

"you must hold great importance to him for my lord to go that far."(guild master) said aloud, more to himself than to me, a hint of disappointment in his voice.

that was when a mist like thing began flowing outwards from all over me, gathering and darkening just behind my back, directly behind me and in front of the guild master.

"she is important yes, but you my friend, are vastly valuable, you are the beginning of a new race, you are someone who has done me a very generous favor, a loyal servant as well."(Granularr) said as he placed a see-through hand on the man's shoulder, a gesture that melted the man's exterior, reducing him to nothing more than a giddy child in my eyes.

luckily before the situation could get any weirder or any more uncomfortable, Granularr removed his hand, giving a small nod to the man, reducing himself to nothing more than mist once again, vanishing back inside me, giving the whole scenario a close, allowing me a breath of relief.

"well seeing as my children have already calmed why not you head back down and pick a job, I was going to give you your guild I.D but looks like I have new matters to attend to, just head back down the stairs and speak to the woman at the front desk, can't miss her."(guild master) spoke, motioning for me to go back down the stairs, a motion I pretty much had no other choice but to follow, having to slowly make my way back down each step, a sigh of frustration escaping my mouth as I did so.

"you couldn't have waited to give him a job? I had to go all the way back down the stairs!"(Julie) I barked at Granularr, letting my annoyance be well known.

I did not expect his answer, an answer that would halt my frustration dead cold, bringing forth a new emotion, fear.

"it was either give him the job or let you find the mess in his office, would you have wanted to see body parts and blood?"(Granularr) asked, his voice dead serious, shivers of terror running the length of my spine.

"I see I made the right choice."(Granularr) said in a "noted." voice, as if he wasn't surprised in the least but still had to act like he was.



I recoiled back and held my forehead, my body uneasily collapsing against the last step, a dull ache ringing throughout my skull.

"you should pay attention when walking down stairs, especially stairs that end in a closed door."(Granularr) reminded, his voice a tone you would use when reminding a child.

I groaned my annoyance as I kicked the door open, its lock shattering and scattering as the wood splintered, all red eyes were now on me, great.

"you really are still a child."(Granularr) uttered, a sigh escaping from him, making my eyes roll and causing quite a few of those eyes to become confused, stuck even.

"oh dear, you fell down the stairs, huh? sorry about that, those steep steps give newbies trouble their first time."(older woman) said with a kind smile as she rounded a corner, a nametag pinned to a fading tunic read Marge, the second she reached me the eyes of the room had finally left me, returning back to facing inwards amongst each other.

"welcome to the guild, I run the front desk, let's set you up with a job."(Marge) exclaimed with a warm smile as she reached down and yanked me up by the arm, practically dragging me to a board full of papers.


I guess I'm an adventurer now.