
reincarnated as a sealed evil

when a boy dies unfairly to a bunch of bullies his strong negative emotions catch the eyes of a bored god, a god who chooses to reincarnate this boy as a evil sealed inside a young girl, with newly gained absolute power over darkness and a stone cold heart, will this boy give in to the shadow and the plots around him, or will he overpower it and do his best to live a life he chooses?

classy_fied · Fantasía
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107 Chs

something is different, off, this isn't supposed to be happening

demon pov...

the cloaked man sunk his teeth into every demon he could get his hands on, their dying screams of agony ringing loud for all to hear as the sounds and rumbling of battle echoed far and wide.

his body being constantly assaulted by both blade and blood, the metal clanging off his skin while the blood coated it, his jaw hooked upwards in a predatory smile.

an act that spread fear in the hearts of my comrades, their bodies freezing in fear as he slashed and clawed his way through dozens of bodies, gore littering the ground as the shadows around him in the dark underbrush seemed to grow and pulse, responding to some growing feeling.

a growing feeling I wanted nothing to do with as I turned my back on the scene, taking the chance to bolt into the woods nearby, ducking behind a bush and peering out, my eyes stuck on the carnage ahead.

minutes passed by before the scene would slowly come to a stalling halt, the large man vanishing into the same darkness he had been using earlier, my senses rushing to high alert.

""foOOOooOOooD"(man) a hungry primal voice rang out from behind, too deep to be anything human, too different than anything demonic or draconic, let alone dwarven or elven.

but before I could even TURN to investigate the source I felt a massive chunk of flesh being torn from my shoulder, the same sharp fangs digging into my body as they did their best to free my body of its meat, those very shadows I had run from soon exploding from the ground as each tendril of pitch blackness wrapped around each of my limbs, restraining me in midair as the man giggled in high pitched delight, his eyes unblinking and unmoving as fanged teeth became hooked fanged teeth, a sadistic grin on his face.






hours later...

"uuuugggghhhhhh..."(Granularr) I groaned, already clutching my head with my right hand, unable to use my left since it was busy supporting the rest of my body as I found myself leaning against a tree, hands, mouth, chest, and neck covered in demon blood, hundreds of corpses littering the forest beneath me.

"what happened?"(Granularr) I asked myself as I slowly looked away, more questioning the growing urge to puke than the sense of growing hunger deep within me.

I was used to hunger, wanting to vomit on the other hand? I haven't felt the need for that since before I got reincarnated here.

it was a sensation of emotion that felt familiar yet alien, so for the moment being and for that very reason I would disregard it completely, instead choosing to focus on circulating my power as I began taking shaky forward steps, hobbles more like, which evolved into a walk surprisingly quickly.

which placed me well on my way through the forest, at least that was the case until I remembered a flash of something, an image of me opening a portal that travelled directly to the condemned themself.

the thought itself, whatever it was, seemed to directly summon this new hunger, as I felt my body quake at the sensation, a loud noise reverberating from me as I stumbled and faltered in my walk, needing to brace myself before continuing, sweat running down my forehead.


I ignored the feeling and pushed myself forward, forcing my feet towards the nexus, only to lose all semblance of balance as my body crashed down face first, limp as a ragdoll and unmoving as my breathing became erratic and my consciousness became past tense.


week later...



my body erupted upwards, my eyes frantically darting all around me.

in each and every direction was a scarred wasteland environment, the ground for miles absolutely littered in the corpses of demons.

"that was slightly terrifying."(girl) a feminine voice suddenly rang out, drawing my attention, my head whipping around to face it, my vision observing a young girl, no older than sixteen, blonde hair, blue eyes, flat body, short stature.

"what was? what happened here?"(Granularr) I asked as I barely managed to get to my feet, half collapsing back down to my hands and knees while I swayed, my vision going blurry the longer I stood, my entire body screaming at me in exhaustion, eventually forcing me back down to the ground, panting and coughing as I held my ringing head.

"you came here a week ago, shouted something, and then proceeded to tear apart every. single. demon that decided to come this way, with your TEETH, after that you proceeded to eat chunks out of em until laughing like a mad man and passing out, you woke up not too long after that."(girl) informed nonchalantly, immediately my brain hopping to disbelief, despite the present evidence.

"this isn't happening."(Granularr) I told myself firmly, the girl laughing at my attempts to convince myself.

"for someone as powerful as you are it's strange to see them so normal like, its almost comedic, if it wasn't me watching you shove demon flesh down your throat and then innocently exclaiming you had nothing to do with it hours later."(girl) sighed, boredly checking out her nails as she circled me, her tone holding no condescending hints.

"what can I say? normal is all I can't have right now, anyway, who are you? not many mortals willingly roam hell."(Granularr) I asked, shifting the topic, I needed a moment to think about what was happening to me, not a moment of being told how little control I now had over my life.

"I'm Abigail, a sleepwalker, I'm not actually here, correct on the mortal part though, slightly."(Abigail) began, trailing off from what I asked rather quickly, as if she wanted to talk about that specific thing more than she wanted to be anywhere else.

it was then I remembered that I wasn't here alone, at least not initially.

"OH FUCK!"(Granularr) I suddenly exclaimed as I jumped to my feet, ignoring the dizziness and the blurring vision as I ripped open a portal, jumping into it immediately, followed by the girl Abigail, who hopped in before the thing closed.

"you can't just leave in the middle of a conversation!"(Abigail) shouted as she caught up with me in the new environment, grabbing me by the arm, moving images assaulting my sight seconds later, once more sending me to the floor.

in them I watched as a dragon girl and an angel fought tooth and nail against a massive being, although quickly overpowered, they survived, taking the chance to jump through the portal the massive being was previously hiding in its seated posture.

they made it out.