
reincarnated as a sealed evil

when a boy dies unfairly to a bunch of bullies his strong negative emotions catch the eyes of a bored god, a god who chooses to reincarnate this boy as a evil sealed inside a young girl, with newly gained absolute power over darkness and a stone cold heart, will this boy give in to the shadow and the plots around him, or will he overpower it and do his best to live a life he chooses?

classy_fied · Fantasía
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107 Chs

seeking an audience with darkness

Days later…..

soon to be named young man pov….

"he's not just gonna let you waltz into his throne room!"(Daviid) exclaimed as he shoved another rib into his mouth, meat and sauce flinging everywhere.

all eyes in the tavern slowly turning our direction, both cause of his messiness and his volume.

"I know that, but you must know something! you have several vampire connections, they have to have told you something, anything!"(young man) I seemed to plead, my words seeming to fall on deaf ears as he continued eating, only beginning to answer as his chewing slowed.

"I can tell you this, he's elusive and powerful, none of my connections know his whereabouts, and the only ones that do are more than strong enough to kill you and I in seconds, and even then they barely know where the lord of darkness is at all times."(Daviid) explained after a moment, his food and drink now finished, his mug slamming back down to the wood plank table.

"so you're saying it's hopeless?"(young man) I asked, a creeping feeling of wasted time nagging at the back of my skull.

"no, I'm saying it's challenging, challenging enough to interest me."(Daviid) the worlds best hunter stated as he stood from the bench seating of the table, ushering me to stand as well.

"you and I will find this being and you will be able to do whatever it is you wish before I take his head for my wall."(Daviid) boasted arrogantly, unaware of how wrong he would be, he wasn't in the capital to watch the lord of darkness use his power, I was.

"it is unwise to discuss mounting my lords head on a wall while standing in a tavern owned by his most loyal."(vampire maiden) emit from the shadows, appearing before us as abruptly as her interference to our conversation.

"no sane mortal wishes to seek out a death sentence, tell me, why do you seek my lord?"(vampire maiden) asked as she circled our table, the other pale red eyed people standing and facing us as she slowly paced.

placing all of those eyes on me, awaiting, so no, no pressure at all.

looks like honesty is the only way out of this.

"I wish to find the doorway of shadows."(young man) I honestly admitted, a declaration that caught the eye of the vampire woman before me.

"that resides solely within my lords realm, unable to be reached by any mortal means, tell me, why should we even entertain the thought of granting your request?"(vampire maiden) asked as her claws grew in length and sharpness.

a warning.

"I wish to find him to bargain, I do not expect this for free, help me find him and I'll pay you too."(young man) I said, bolstering my voice with as much false confidence as I could find within me.

"I'm immortal, I own a tavern, money is trivial, I want something else, I want him."(vampire maiden) said as she pointed at Daviid.

"I'm not complaining."(Daviid) said with a "why not?" shrug.

"very well, I will grant you an audience with my lord, that is where our deal ends, he may or may not grant your request even if you offer him entire countries, he guards his realm better than he guards himself."(vampire maiden) said in a cautionary tone, her slender clawed fingers beckoning us up from the table and after her, something both of us did as if in a trance.

"through here."(vampire maiden) said as she dug her claws into her palm and flicked her blood onto the ground below, a massive dark red circle blaring to life, on its other side lay a bedroom, in that bedroom laid boredly a young girl.

"go, it won't stay open long."(vampire maiden) ushered, breaking me from my stare and motivating me to action, my legs bending as I readied to jump, soon feeling an impact behind me that sent me through the circle, my head twisting back to investigate only to find the vampire clutching Daviid and waving to me.

I cursed her under my breath as I landed with a grunt, a deep male voice immediately reacting to my presence before I had even stood from the floor.

"who are you and what are you doing here?"(Man's voice) rung, my head slowly panning upwards, my vision filled by the image of a man dressed in black leather pants and some sort of long coat (trench coat without the straps or collar, go to paragraph comments here to see image) made of both shadow and goo, his feet seemed were bare and his shirt was missing, instead finding harder then metal and and muscles.

"I asked you a question, answer it or have your spine yanked through that gaped mouth of yours."(man) said, his words backed by a dangerous aura which stirred me to quickly stand and frantically dust myself off, barely able to initially stammer out my answer

"I….I….I….I…..I'm…(deep breath in and out)....I'm looking for the lord of darkness, I wish to enter his realm and find the doorway of shadows so that I may be able to learn a spell that would bring my mother back from the dead, truly back from the dead."(young man) I practically squealed as the man's aura grew more intense the longer I spoke.

"no."(man) said simply and clearly, not offering any room for rebuttal as he waved a portal into existence behind me, kicking me through it and into a dark forest, it's grass covered in early morning mildew and rain, squelching foot steps echoing not too far from me.

"you seek an end to your grief, we can help, welcome to the church of the winds, we are it's new occupants, the temple of truth."(man) said as a robes figure entered my vision, an outstretched elderly hand closing in on me slowly.

"can you revive my mother?"(young man) I asked.

"better, we can make her young."(man) said, my own hand outstretching and clasping his, our eyes locked.

"let's do this then!"(young man) I exclaimed.

- - -

well that was annoying, some weirdo comes into my room and just barks out that he needs me to do something for him.

I'm aware it's my relationship with God but he's fucking God for crying out loud, not some mentally fucked teenager with grief issues and an incest kink.

didn't expect that did you? I mean I am the lord of all darkness, pervy thoughts tend to fall under the dark category, meaning, I heard every repulsive thought in his head loud and clear.


someone shoot me in the face or get me a barf bag, or both, both would be good.