
reincarnated as a sealed evil

when a boy dies unfairly to a bunch of bullies his strong negative emotions catch the eyes of a bored god, a god who chooses to reincarnate this boy as a evil sealed inside a young girl, with newly gained absolute power over darkness and a stone cold heart, will this boy give in to the shadow and the plots around him, or will he overpower it and do his best to live a life he chooses?

classy_fied · Fantasía
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107 Chs

request made and mission accomplished

"over the past few days while your sealer was traveling and you were in your realm things began to change, a new order has been established and they're targeting my mages."(time) began as she stepped from behind God, her expression a reminder of the fact that we had made a deal and I owed her this tiny amount of aid.

"so you need me to find and kill them?"(Granularr) I asked boredly, already well aware of what I would be required to fulfill.

"exactly, and in return I will grant you one reasonable request."(God) said, rejoining the conversation.

a conversation that wasn't leading anywhere so far, only giving me vague promises in return for vague guidelines I'd need to follow.

"can someone just tell me where to go and who to meet already? I'm stuck frozen in time watching a cliche revenge drama unfold and you two are just standing there in front of me like zoned out idiots."(Granularr) I relented, frustration in my tone.

"Fair enough."(God+time) agreed in a somewhat disjointed unison, beginning their poor explanation, practically rambling on about how the organization started more so than anything else, both giving me an opportunity to learn and possibly implement with my vampires and boring me out of my mind.

"oh, one more thing, light will be joining you on this."(time) added at the end of her massive speech that I hadn't been paying attention to, it was something that she made sound important, but it probably wasn't.

"yeah sure, whatever, I don't care, just tell me where to go already, I swear, you ask me for help and then you tell me the most useless info imaginable and then not answer my question of the actual needed information."(Granularr) I groaned as I held my head in my hands, already having felt drained purely from listening to these two alone.

"you head out to the mountains west of here, where they have taken over the old church of winds."(time) finally answered.

"finally! was that so difficult?!"(Granularr) I asked as I began walking, stomping, away, not giving them a chance to fit another mind-numbing sentence in.

luckily, they got my hint, allowing me to turn and leave, time quickly resuming as my foot hit the grass of the cliff at the end of the drawbridge, my steps calm and natural, my mind anything but.

"huh?"(Julie) asked as she emerged from me, her control back.

"church of winds, in the mountains, go there whenever you feel like it, I have something important to do."(Granularr)

she accepted my words and began walking, going off to do whatever it was she wanted, I didn't care.

as with one thought I was in my realm, observing the princess I turned from my small little room hidden from all eyes, a massive window covering an entire wall that saw nothing but darkness soon shifting into the view of a person.

"I send you these, accept them and use them on the coffin."(Granularr) I ordered, my voice firm, firm enough that the princess froze in place and ended her meeting abruptly, beginning to make her way to the catacombs.

at that point I switched from the view of the princess to the view of the guild master.

"it is time, gather your forces outside...oh...you have already done so, good, wait for the signal, trust me, can't miss it."(Granularr) I said, the guild master quickly nodding at my words.

and with him now ready to attack and the coffin about to be released I began the most crucial part, seal editing, something I made sure to learn from the old pillar in these past couple days, I didn't need to remove anything, I needed to add.

and add I did, allowing me more opportunities for control, removing the person's ability to remember my actions while overtaken, and finally, most crucially, access to my full power.

see, the seal constantly regulated me, forcing me to only use about half of my true power and strength, and now with it gone so too was the feeling of emptiness within me, I could feel a void in my chest filling, making me feel whole again.

a feeling I missed as even on earth I felt a massive chunk missing, it seemed that now I was finally on the right track, my power was intact and available to me in full, and I was getting my sister back.

the person whose death drove my parents to suicide, and me into my downwards spiral.


hours later....

kathoone kingdom resident pov...

the sky thundered and clapped as a storm began quickly twisting and roaring to life, winds whipping at people on the streets as heavy rain began downpouring, blinding and deafening us as all we could hear were sounds of rain.

that was until we all heard a massive blare of a horn, barely able to watch as guards streamed to the walls, their weapons raised, cannons being dragged and pointed, their barrels exploding to life and sending projectiles downward, the ground rumbling and quaking as the sky grew more violent.

"they've breached the walls!"(guard) frantically shouted as he started rushing through the gathering soaked crowd.

and in that very moment all we could see was a stream of pale bodies, glowing red eyes descending on defenseless women and children as men were slaughtered, blood pouring down and mixing with rain as thunder rung even more aggressively, an ominous chain snap echoing throughout the entire kingdom.

"our lord has done it!"(vampire) yelled in awe as his claws slashed through a man's throat, his nearly decapitated head landing by my feet, his lifeless eyes staring into mine, freezing me in place, forcing me to watch as chaos and carnage took hold and thrived, blood and bodies littering once bright and happy streets and homes.

and as if it could not have gotten worse the sky darkened to night, near pitch black blanketing the kingdom as the creatures wearing human skin became even more jovial and hyper.

then that darkness condensed, pulling itself into a small ball that would quickly bolt downwards, the ground shaking and rolling as it impacted, the once star void night sky now gone, replaced by two floating figures, a woman bathed in shadow and goo, and a man, covered in a red aura, both energies flowing downwards, petrifying those of us who remained as screams began slowly fading to an eerie quiet.

"begin taking over the city, populate it with your offspring, secure the walls, make sure you form basic necessary organizations, also move your guild here, there is a nice large building by the castle to fit your needs and purposes."(girl) hovering in the rainy sky spoke to the man with the red aura, her voice that of a man's, her tone one of nightmares, each word chilling my body further into a terrified stupor, all she said was take over the city, but it was all she needed to say.

her meaning was implied.

kill everyone here.


neighboring kingdom ceste king pov...

"your highness! kathoone has fallen! all of her people have been massacred by a race unknown to us!"(aide) shouted as he burst through my throne room doors, panicked.

"what of survivors? are we able to send men to help them?"(king) I asked, my concnerned nature showing through.

"no my lord, all of its people have either been forced into the ranks of the creatures as one of them or they have been killed, kathoone has been lost, taken by twisted beings in the bodies of humans."(aide) spoke as his face paled, a certain seers' words now coming to mind.

'when the humans lose the kingdom of kathoone then so too will be lost the age of man, the races will rise and claim all that humans have stolen, spearheaded by a woman cloaked in both childhood naivety and shadows darker than the void.'(seer)

her words played over and over in my mind as my face soon paled as well.

"the local Lycans have heard news of inhumans taking a kingdom capital, they are building an insurrection."(aide) delivered, the bad news only fortifying the seers' words credibility.

this truly was the end of the age of man.