
reincarnated as a sealed evil

when a boy dies unfairly to a bunch of bullies his strong negative emotions catch the eyes of a bored god, a god who chooses to reincarnate this boy as a evil sealed inside a young girl, with newly gained absolute power over darkness and a stone cold heart, will this boy give in to the shadow and the plots around him, or will he overpower it and do his best to live a life he chooses?

classy_fied · Fantasía
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107 Chs

realm invasion pt 3 end

"stand still already!"(robed man) shouted as he fired cannon shot after cannon shot at me, failing each time to land a hit on me as his aim was worse than shit.

"If you didn't suck so bad then I wouldn't need to."(Granularr) I taunted, further throwing off his aim as his shots became more erratic and far, none of them coming close to hitting me anymore, allowing me to stand still a moment and catch my breath.

with me in this weakened state I'm not able to fight as long as I was once able to, I'm at a disadvantage right now, and he can't know it.

[geez! why didn't you tell me you were fighting a damn war in your realm?!](God) his voice came echoing in my mind.

"because I've been busy fighting a damn war."(Granularr) I accidentally said aloud, the robed man's voice shifting towards confusion.

"fuck off!"(Granularr) I called out to the robed man, which oddly enough ended his shocked stare, something I truly did not expect.

but seeing as he was looking away and his forces were either dead or disabled in the literal sense it was the perfect time.

with my opportunity seized I rushed him, my hand growing claws and jagged bone as I sped, my appendage soon ripping through his torso, blood and guts snagged on the bone peeking through the other side.

and with the man on my arm I felt a rush of energy, familiar energy, my essence, enter me, coursing through my body, repairing and refueling me.

"you no longer have my essence, which means you can't escape, or summon any soldiers."(Granularr) I said in realization, an idea forming within my mind, an idea too perfect to ignore.

"I stopped announcing my spells but I think you'll want to hear this one."(Granularr) I told the man impaled on my arm as I began speaking in tongue.

"come forth domain of mine, I summon your horrific doorway as I have need of your dungeons once again, come forth and accept a new soul! HELL'S DUNGEON!"(Granularr)[ancient language] I boomed, fear immediately widening in the robed man's eyes as the portal opened, screaming already coming from the open doorway, the same tentacles that dragged away the fourth once again emerged, this time dragging away the man impaled on my arm, his futile attempts at escape giving me joy to no end as the terror on his face more than made up for the anger and annoyance he caused me.

"HEAR ME! I HAVE SLAIN YOUR LEADER EITHER STAY HERE AND DIE OR RETREAT AND LIVE ANOTHER DAY, DISBAND YOUR CULT AND RETURN TO YOUR LIFE, IF I EVER HEAR AS MUCH OF A WHISPER THAT YOUR CULT LIVES THEN I WILL HUNT YOU ALL DOWN AND KILL YOU!"(Granularr) I boomed, my voice echoing throughout the realm as survivors began hobbling and limping their way to the open portal beside me, looks of absolute defeat plastering each of their faces.

those that could walk ran, those that could not walk rushed in their crawling, those carrying others nearly ditched them in their attempts to leave.

[father, I have absorbed enough blood to heal your injured core](planet) spoke in my mind jovially, proud of himself.

"good work my son, help me and I'll add a new ocean for you to play with!"(Granularr) I responded to the planet after I slammed the portal closed and reinforced my barriers.

[yes father! it will take some time, a couple days, do you promise we'll have a new ocean?](planet) asked, a question I would affirm.


somedays I regret placing enough power within the planet to grant it sentience, somedays, I mean, it definitely has its perks.

"my lord, you were right, a group had gone after the core, do not worry I killed them."(old pillar) informed with a deep respectful bow.

"good."(Granularr) I breathed deeply as I collapsed onto my back, limbs spread wide on the grass, my eyes staring sleepily upwards to the stars.

"I'm exhausted, fighting like that really took it out of me in my vulnerable state, I may be a god here but I have a feeling the second I leave I'll truly feel how much I've been sapped."(Granularr) I said as I patted the grass beside me, an invitation.

an invitation that would be accepted as the old pillar soon found herself lying beside me, staring at the stars.

"my lord if I may, why not stay here, with me, just until you've recovered a bit more."(old pillar) proposed, not a horrible idea, actually sounds good, allowing me an excuse to repair some stuff and keep updated on my healing.

"very well, I'll stay, we have stuff to do anyway, it'd be annoying for me to come and go anyway."(Granularr) I said, feigning obliviousness, I knew the reason she asked me to stay.

believe it or not after seven years of working together there was a small spark of something, to call it love would be stupid but to call it nothing would be blind, and after that our relationship has always been undefined, we've even slept together on a few occasions, which is most likely why she wants me to stay, to define the undefined.

but I was in no mood for that, I was attacked, weakened, and just dealt with an entire invasion into the one place I thought was secure.

feelings are going to have to wait, I need to focus on rebuilding and strengthening, staring with my information gathering systems, if those were better then I could've known about this plot way earlier and stopped it at the source.

"we do need to talk, we need better systems in terms of gathering and passing along accurate information, I need you to work on that immediately, without that we're blind, while you do that I'm going to begin work on the barriers."(Granularr) I finally said, breaking the awkward silence between us, giving both of us an excuse to leave.

something both of us felt great relief for as we went separate directions, me to the very ends of the planet and her to the castle.