
reincarnated as a sealed evil

when a boy dies unfairly to a bunch of bullies his strong negative emotions catch the eyes of a bored god, a god who chooses to reincarnate this boy as a evil sealed inside a young girl, with newly gained absolute power over darkness and a stone cold heart, will this boy give in to the shadow and the plots around him, or will he overpower it and do his best to live a life he chooses?

classy_fied · Fantasía
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107 Chs

a not so new creature of magic, the era of war begins

I smirked as I watched his aura, something about it rising excitement within me as my mind thought back to my brief fight against chaos.

"I'm impressed that you managed to survive my first attack, you're not human, are you?"(Granularr) I asked him as the attack I first hit him with that sent him all those feet away into that now entirely gone hillside, was absolutely strong enough to kill him, I wasn't pulling any punches here.

"I'm an elemental, a former human, created when an affinity for magic is so high that it literally changes you inside out."(unknown guy)->(fire elemental) answered, his skin slowly burning away to bone as it was replaced by flame.

it would have been cool, had his answer not been slightly worrying.

"you're almost as strong as the pillar of fire, aren't you?" I asked, of course that wasn't the worrying part, the worrying part, was that I somehow missed an entirely new species, if they were even new, am I losing my edge here?

"almost, and to think, you immortal bastards and I are related."(fire elemental) scoffed as his skin finished singeing away, replaced wholly by flame, his empty eye sockets staring right back at me.

"what do you mean by that?"(Granularr) I asked, genuinely curious, I wasn't stalling for time here, I just wanted to learn as much as possible before I killed him, wouldn't want to waste free info.

"you ALL are elementals, you just managed to receive that impressive title from god before any of us could, we aren't immortal, but we live long enough."(fire elemental) answered, his tone condescending, hurt, spiteful even.


looks like they do in fact hold grudges.

good to know.

"well thanks for the info, I'll be sure to look out for more."(Granularr) I said as I vanished from his sight, reappearing behind him in a blur, my arm twisted in shadow and goo as bone claws formed at the tips of my enlarged hand, the new limb effortlessly passing through his bones, though emerging half melted on the other side.

"well that was unexpected."(Granularr) I admitted aloud to myself as his skeletal body sent a kick into my stomach, the attack forcing me back a couple feet, but overall, I managed to land without many issues or overall damage, for the most part I was fine.

he was DEFINITELY weaker than fire, and even she was only able to gain the upper hand against me with help and the element of surprise, and even then, she couldn't keep the upper hand for long.

and I was stronger now, a lot stronger, thanks of course to my deal in hell and the whole finding my full power thing.

"was that it? I gotta say I expected more from you, after saying we were related and all."(Granularr) I taunted.

a taunt he would grumble at as the fire around him intensified slightly, the temperature around us increasing slowly but surely.

seems he was using his frustration to fuel his firepower, I hear that's common for fire users, sad part though, that wouldn't work against me.

not even fucking close.

as with a wave a wall of shadow engulfed his body, snuffing out the flames faster than any fire extinguisher could, his skeletal body dropping weakly to the ground where his skin and clothing were forced to return as he panted for breath, sweat covering his newly reformed skin.

"you should have taken my warning to leave when you had the chance."(Granularr) I informed him as I began approaching, my voice deepening further than it already was as my eyes went pitch black.

my new actions sending a wave of primal instinctual fear through him, as if his body somehow understood that a predator on a level that it couldn't comprehend was approaching, and it was pissed.

"what are you?!"(fire elemental) he shrieked as he crawled and stumbled away, unable to fully get to his feet as they were uncoordinated and panicked.

"I'm the pillar of darkness."(Granularr) I answered simply as I caught up with him, my hand latching onto the back of his shirt, moments later I had him raised in the air, eye to eye with me.

he wasn't even able to mutter a word before my hand had already exploded through his chest, his heart in hand on the other side of his body, his eyes going dazed and unfocused as I yanked my arm free of his torso, the limp body dropping wetly to the ground as its limbs were sprawled and its blood was pooling all around it.

"so you found out about them."(cosmos) I heard from behind me, a voice I knew well.

"what's it been? a couple moths, a year? time moves differently in hell you know."(Granularr) I conversated with the grouchy pillar as he approached, now side by side with me, eyes cast down on the body of the elemental I had just killed.

"not long enough."(cosmos) he answered, just not my question, he didn't answer my question at all.

"so what brings your uptight ass to my neck of the woods?"(Granularr) I asked as I knelt down to the body, curiously beginning to inspect it.

"the war you're so blatantly starting, don't think I am unaware of your plans to attack the magical pillars, you will leave them out of this, you will remain in your realm like a good little dog."(cosmos) ordered with a sneer.

"see, I'm no dog, especially not for you, so listen and listen well, I am going to do whatever the fuck I want, and if you don't like it, try and stop me."(Granularr) I told him as I stood and turned, now nose to nose with the cocky fucker, my eyes void black, my aura swelling outwards.

"remember, you asked for this."(cosmos) he said as he stepped back from me, his own aura emerging as his eyes glowed their electric blue.

"the grouchy old man HAS got some fight after all!"(Granularr) I laughed as we charged one another, meeting head on in the middle with a loud booming explosion and shockwave, its ripples making their way across the land for miles.