
Reincarnated As A Red Slime

novel_Maniac · Fantasía
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5 Chs


" are you alright" I said looking at the beautiful young lady before me she had pink hair, pink eyes and a mask . " ye.. tha. nkk.. you " she mumbled in her words

" you should be more careful, well I'm off now" I said as I was about to turn away, "uhm mister please may I know your name" she said shyly while twingling her fingers. "My name huh, hmm let's see just call me Red okay what's your name" I said as I smiled broadly at her then her face suddenly turned Red "it's Mikai " she said turning the other way , I didn't exactly get why she's acting all shy but I just went with it any way . " Nice name Mikai , ill be off now bye" I said turning away with my hands in my pocket, " wait for me" Mikai chanted as she ran towards my direction and started following me .

"Hey I don't exactly get why you're following me shouldn't you go home or something" I said with my eyes closed but I was still jumping from tree to tree going from slime to human to slime , it turned out some trees survived my attack but just a few. "Well I was banished from my Homeland you see im a demon , and we have a tradition that once a demon turns 15 the horns should have popped out and wings but if not they'll be exiled so that's pretty much my story" she said walking sluggishly then I jumped down and landed in front of her and looked her straight in the eyes as her face turned pink again. *This monster is a unique monster called a Demon Lord they are born of demons but unlike demons do not grow horns and wings and fangs and are ten times stronger than demons* Eldora said. "Mikai how about this , you become my little sister I'll train you to become stronger then you'll show that village of yours that they made a big mistake" I said with a big smile while stretching forth my hand for a handshake , " I don't know why you're so kind to me but I promise I'll return the favor and always be on your side , speaking of brother I had an elder brother he was also exiled years ago I wonder how he's doing now" Mikai said gracefully accepting my request, I also promised to help her find her brother then I also created a mask that would decrease my magicoles and physical strength so I don't go on destroying things and lastly I began to train Mikai for just two weeks she's really learned a lot I'm even surprised that I could wield a blade, I built a whole town out of my imagination it was empty just me and Mikai it was also peaceful but then visitors arrived.