
First Battle


Two days have passed since I was reincarnated in this world.

If I have to describe where I am right now, I will say that I am most likely in the middle of a forest, what forest I don't know. Try asking those squirrels living in the trees. They most likely do not have a clue what forest this is, but you can ask them.


Also, it seems that there are no signs of any rabbits here aside from me.

I continued grinding my levels by killing caterpillars, you can say that I am now fit to rule these lands. Soon I will ask for protection fees from them.


Who will I protect them from? Of course, who else from?



[Obtained 1 Exp]

[Leveled Up 6 > 7]

[Leveled Up [Skill] Bounce 2 > 3]

Another one bites the dust.

Fear me! You worms are not worthy of being near my fluffy Visage!


[No Name]


[Level 7 [0/10]]

[HP 15/17]

[Mana 8/13]


[Bounce Level 2]

[Appraisal Level 1]

[Kick Level 1]


Yesterday, while I was munching away some wild grass, I suddenly heard a system notification.

[Obtained [Skill] Appraisal Level 1]

I was quite surprised I almost choked, I thought that my second life would end shortly because of it.

Well, because of this I thought of how I was able to learn a skill while eating my meal. When I think about it, I was just exaggerating once again the taste of the grass in my mind to entertain myself.

I mean, what was I supposed to do aside from eating grass and killing caterpillars here, I get bored easily okay?

Going back to the topic, I thought that it might be because I kept analyzing my surroundings by describing them in detail in my mind.

Like how disgusting those caterpillars are and how much their blood stinks when it gets into my fur and what it feels like to squash them under my feet.


I feel nauseous just thinking about it.

Well, at least I was able to learn that I can learn a skill by other means aside from leveling up.

When I tried the [Skill] Appraisal on them this is what I saw.


[A caterpillar]

Not even a description, just CATERPILLAR!

What was I supposed to do with that kind of information?

Well, I guess I just have to train my analyze skill, it's a good thing you can train them. I was quite surprised when I leveled up while I was hopping toward my burrow yesterday.

It seems you can raise proficiency by frequently using the skill but unfortunately, I am not able to use it all the time. There is a limit in the form of mana points.

Using [Skill] Bounce costs me 1 mana point per use and [Skill] Appraisal costs me 1 mana point and I only have 10 mana points max during that time. This means that [Skill] Appraisal will drain my mana faster and I do not like it when I have low mana.

When I was near the point of exhausting mana, I felt like my brain was so tired it just wants to shut down forever. To describe the feeling, I felt like I was burnt out and mentally tired.

After that, I continued hunting caterpillars again but this time something happened. They fought back! The little worm bit me in the cheeks. I think they already sense that I am on my way to conducting a caterpillar genocide around these parts.

After I was bitten by that caterpillar, I tried kicking it with all my might like I was a spartan warrior and to my surprise, learned a new skill.

[Obtained [Skill] Kick Level 1]

Since now, the caterpillars were fighting back, I now have a newfound motivation to kill more caterpillars! I now saw them even teaming up together when feeding. Where did they even come from? Well, I don't care as long as they feed me more exp.

It is now time to quell the rebellion from my great empire! Death to the rebels!

Back to the present time, I noticed that It is now already dark, I finished my hunt for today and hopped towards the puddle, I call it a puddle but it surprisingly hasn't dried up until now, well I think it is because it is actually connected to a river, to be precise, it formed because of the strong currents of the nearby river and due to crashing into rocks, some water splashed by the side and created my lovely puddle.

You can say that the puddle is my own private swimming pool. I claim ownership of this property, but I will permit the squirrels to drink because they gave me some nuts.

They didn't bribe me okay! They are just my friendly neighbors living on top of the trees. Speaking of my neighbors, I see them now drinking from my puddle.

Hello neighbors, nice to see you today! I gave them a nod. They are a family of 4, the Papa squirrel, the Mama squirrel, and the two baby squirrels.

Let's try appraising them.



[A common Squirrel]


[A common Squirrel]

[Infant Squirrel]

[An infant common Squirrel]

[Infant Squirrel]

[An infant common Squirrel]

Haaa, it still isn't showing me any useful information. I already know that they are a Squirrel, just give me some more info please.

The papa squirrel has some gifts for me again. He grabbed the nut behind him and gave them to me.

I drank some water and then grabbed the nut back to my burrow. I thanked the papa rabbit in my mind for being such a nice guy. After eating my snack, I slept soundly, I am quite exhausted from all the hunting today and well I've gone from level 5-7, so I have a good reason for resting.

When the dawn came, I woke up then ate my breakfast to once again cause terror for the rebels in my kingdom!

I heard a noise nearby and hop in that direction just to see a ferret eating my dear citizens!



[A common Ferret]

[Leveled Up [Skill] Appraisal 1 > 2]

As I thought, just ferre—

Oh, it leveled up, just the right timing, let's see what changed now.


[A common ferret living in the forest of the Forgotten Sanctum.]

[HP 25/25]

So, it now shows the HP huh, nice. And also, the background improved. Forest of the forgotten sanctum? Is that where I am at? Well, it sure does look like a nice forest though, quite peaceful I might say.


I thumped my feet to show my displeasure towards the ferret and as a warning sign. The ferret just looked at me for a second then got back to eating the caterpillar.

And that damn ferret isn't eating just one but 4 of them! That is for my Exp you know?!

Seeing that damn ferret ignoring me, I used [Skill] Bounce to gain momentum while hopping toward him.



[HP 21/25]

I crashed onto him on his belly with my feet first, with all the momentum gained from using bounce he fell down and spat what he was eating.

HAHAHAHA, you deserve it for ignoring my warnings you peasant.

The ferret hissed at me, and it got into what I think is its fighting stance. He rushes towards me in a smooth and agile manner. I saw him brandish his right claw ready to scratch me, but I narrowly dodged it by moving left.


[No Name]


[HP 13/17]

The ferret suddenly used his missed attack to propel himself and bit me on the back. I feel something wet trickle down my back, but I ignored it. I have no choice but to ignore it because the ferret continued with his onslaught of attack.

Ouch! This guy is really cunning!

I hopped back in a rushed manner, trying to gain distance between us.

I used [Skill] Bounce to gain more force in my legs and to hop farther.

The ferret, seeing that I was gaining more distance focused on rushing towards me then suddenly he turned swiftly and to my surprise, he is now just beside me.

Luckily for me, due to my alert state, I used [Skill] Kick toward him and he flew a distance away.


[HP 18/25]

The ferret crashed into a tree and was slightly stunned by the sudden kick.

I stopped for a second to catch my breath and to observe what the ferret might do next.

It seems that the ferret got right back to his senses and returned to his fighting stance. The ferret hissed at me in an aggressive manner.

Seeing that he was back into the game, I used [Skill] Bounce to gain some momentum in my hops.

The ferret moved in a swift manner and prepared a motion to bite once again. I narrowly dodged the bite by jumping up, but once again the with cunning wit of that bastard he bit me on my belly.

[No Name]


[HP 8/17]


In my panicked state, I used [Skill] Kick on the bastard's face, I crashed him beneath my feet.


[HP 13/25]

The ferret's face caved in a bit, and he coughed some blood.

I used [Skill] Bounce once again and go deeper into the forest in an attempt to lose the ferret. I felt my breaths go faster and faster with all the stress that my mind and body are taking right now.

The ferret chased after me once again.


The chase continues once again, the ferret continued in his pursuit.

I continued to narrowly dodge his attacks, but some have gone through.

[No Name]


[HP 5/17]

I am now covered in my own blood, but still, I have to survive.

The ferret and already felt our exhaustion from our bodies, it came to a point where the ferret slowed down for a bit due to exhaustion and I was able to lose him and hide behind a big rock.

I know that I will not be able to hide forever and that he will find me soon. I need to think of a way to finish him off.

I took some deep breaths to calm my mind. While I was resting for a bit, I saw two trees close to each other then it dawned upon me, my ticket to survival.

The ferret soon found me behind the big rock, he hissed at me, and I felt from his condescending gaze that his victory was now assured. But I can now see his exhaustion from his breathing.

I used [Skill] Bounce once again and ran away toward the two trees, The ferret soon followed in a swift manner just like before.

The ferret tried to bite me on the back but I was able to use [Skill] Bounce once again, but this time I landed my feet on the barks of the tree, then once again used [Skill] Bounce and landed my feet on the other tree.

After that, I thought that I have gained enough momentum then proceeded to ricochet between the trees. I felt that with each bounce, my legs felt like they were getting crushed by the force of the impact to the point that I had already lost some HP.

[No Name]


[HP 3/17]

The ferret saw what I was doing, and he propelled himself toward me while in a biting stance. I saw that it was now the right time to act.

I propelled myself from the tree into the trajectory of the ferret in an attempt to crush his face.

The ferret soon came near me, the distance between us just a few centimeters, but once he got close to like an inch.

I used [Skill] Kick to kick his snout and the momentum from the ricocheting released in one kick! The ferret's face caved into his skull, and he crashed into the ground. The ferret's body was bathed with blood.


[HP 2/25]

With the momentum from my legs released, I was able to land softly on the ground. I noticed that the ferret was on the verge of death but still alive and breathing.

I rushed towards him and bit his neck. I released all the built-up rage and frustrations and finished him off by biting his neck to the point that his skin pulled off from his body.


[HP 0/25]

[Obtained 45 Exp.]

[Leveled Up 7 > 8]

[Leveled Up 8 > 9]

[Leveled Up 9 > 10]

[Max Level Reached]

[No Name]


[HP 20/20]

[Evolution Options Available]

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