So, let me get this straight, I die not knowing how, get reborn as a mythical bird, my parents are dragons and this levelling system is crap. If that isn't bad enough, I'm also terrified of flying. I'm never going to get used to this, am I? (Strong language) ---Slight summary of each volume--- Volume 1: Developing & growing up Volume 2: Romance & vengeance Volume 3: Home life & invasions Volume 4: Aftermath & exploration Volume 5: Soulmates & hunting Volume 6: Heavenly & ...
"Are we seriously going to do this Petra? It's… surprisingly snug, all things considered"
"Heh, you started this Ikarus when you decided to be a little more demanding. Now, it's time to see this through"
"But still, what if I'm shit at it? A little bondage is different to full on BDSM, even this latex crap cranks it up a gear"
Before heading back home, Petra made a suggestion to head to the closest sex store and purchased two outfits for us to wear during this session. Was way too embarrassed to go in myself but like usual, she managed to get the sizing perfect despite the enhancements I've still got on my chest. I'll deactivate aspect after this, just right now Ikarus with somewhat bigger boobs is going to run the show today. Much to my annoyance, of course…
"Heh, you won't be Ikarus. Just give it a try and maybe you might find something you didn't know you had deep inside. Although, it may be very well hidden or impossible to find…"
'I hate her at times'
"…Heh, you finished yet?"
"Nearly darling… urgh, never calling you that again…"
While Petra's comes out of the bathroom and I the closet, the gay joke isn't funny anymore, my jaw nearly hits the floor when seeing what latex outfit Petra picked for herself! Mine is sexy enough but damn, this woman is a fetish lover's dream! Or just mine at least, damn…
"Heh, what would you like this lowly servant to do mistress?"
'Oh, dear God… give me strength'
"I-I, erm…"
Once again, faced with something so unbelievably hot, I break down under THE pressure and becoming stuck. Ikarus's libido has a mind of its own so when fancy latex maid Petra comes out, I don't know what to do! Well, except go straight to humping, but that's a little too easy considering the situation.
Petra just continues to smile at me, patiently waiting for the day I finally man up and decide to take the lead for real! It's going to happen today, just it might take an hour or two because an outfit like that has no right to be this hot!
'Aesa… you have any idea what I can do? Should've probably planned this out a little better or had something in mind'
Despite Aesa not actually being in our house, she probably just finished having a little fun of her own thinking about it, she must be able to help me out, right?
[<Just picture a scenario you could imagine wife doing to Ikarus, then add little more perversion it with no holding back. Also, make sure she waits otherwise the usefulness of chastity belt will be redundant… key is on top fireplace by way>]
What do you know, Aesa helps out more than she can imagine, even if it's pretty vague advice and not an actual scenario. Just look back to what we've done before and add onto it… maybe there's something that could do the trick…
'Hmm… guess I could splice up some things we've done before. Bit unorthodox but it could work'
Making Petra wait long enough, it's now time for dominatrix Ikarus to shine! I guess that's literal as well considering the latex we're wearing, forget that though! My wife needs a little TLC….
"Here's the deal then… slave? No, that doesn't sound right…"
Even though I want to give Petra the best experience I can possibly give her, slave is best suited for Aesa… I need something somewhat demeaning but also cute sounding…
"Hmm, screw it, I'm stealing what you once called me... Now, it's time to come along Pet, eyes down and on your knees immediately! You're going to work for it if you want out today"
'I mean, Pet for Petra. Don't care if she's used on it me before, it's literally in her name!'
Anyways, doing as commanded, Petra quickly falls to her knees while trying to hide that playful grin she sometimes gets. It's definitely the more perverted kind than anything else. Mixed with her lovely blue eyes, it really is something else… I'm going to completely fight off that need for orgasming today.
"Eyes down Pet! Seriously now, no looking up or I'll bring out your whip… ah, no cheeky backtalk as well, complete silence unless I say otherwise"
Still struggling to hide her grin, I'm almost considering giving her a quick punishment if this keeps up. It's obvious she's the brattier kind of submissive, the problem is I'm not natural to this so we both need to work around the others imperfections. Eh, it doesn't feel awkward so it should be good.
Instead of a punishment, I'll settle for something a little different getting two items out from our drawers, or more specifically, Petra's little pervy section. We're such perverts looking at all this stuff.
"Now, my lovingly annoying animal, we're going to go on a little walk"
Getting the famous collar we've used more than I care to admit, placing it around Petra's neck and attaching a chain to it this time around instead of using rope for the lead, I start to take the Pet for a quick crawl around the house. Or, more like a quick stroll to the stairs, there's less room up here than you might think.
Arriving at the top of the stairs, I'm going to take her into the living room since Aesa mentioned about the key as well… pretty certain our maid Eve's is off work today. If not and she ends up walking in, I'll just consider it some sort of pervy punishment for Petra or something… even if she'd probably be into that. Eve's brain might explode seeing us doing something like this but I'm already caught up in the moment goddamn it!
"What's the problem pet? Forget how to use stairs or something?"
Still playing the role of loving pet-like submissive, Petra stops at the top of the stairs unsure if we're going down or not. I've already loosened the chain so we can get down easily enough… even if she's about to do something I would consider extremely stupid.
"What are you doing idiot!?! Seriously Petr-, Pet! You want to break your neck or something? Turn around!"
'At least I now know she gets Ikarus moments when turned on I suppose… she was actually going to go down head first?'
Thankfully, my little berating moment gets a mostly silent chuckle in response and she starts to crawl backwards down the stairs. Sexy moment or not, I'm not making her crawl down face first potentially breaking her neck! I'd prefer it if my pet wasn't in a wheelchair.
Eventually, but slowly enough, we get down the stairs, Petra going down legs first and head into our cozy little living room… huh, I guess that could be a next step before we get onto something a little touchier.
"See Pet… I'm feeling a little tired now from your idiocy, so be a good little maid and provide me with some comfort, would you?"
Sitting down on the chair and lifting my legs up, Petra gets the message immediately and crawls under me, providing a surprisingly good leg rest. She's way too comfortable doing is… always got the hint she wasn't the top in her previous relationship with the vampire, but this definitely confirms it.
'I'm seriously using her as a leg rest right now… she is enjoying this, right? Think this is called objectification or something… of course she freaking is'
Even if I've only been using her like this for a minute or so, Petra's face has clearly started to grow an even brighter shade of red, really showing deep down she's just like me when it comes to this sort of thing. Teasing preferences or not, she's a true submissible at heart. That, or she just enjoys anything less conventional really.
"I'm going to nap for a little bit, you're okay sitting there for an hour or two, right?"
"Yes… mistress Ikarus"
'Cheeky little brat… I might actually go through with napping now'
Eventually, after five minutes or so with complete silence and clearly growing Petra's libido more than I reckon she cares to admit, I'm starting to get bored using her as a leg rest so it's time to move onto something else.
I've got a rough idea what we can do next but I'm purposely trying to exclude bringing out the rope today. Feel like I'll just end up getting really turned on and allowing her release still too early… sexy latex maid wrapped in rope definitely sounds hot as hell though, that would be probably be literal as well.
"Pet… it's now time to get on the table, up you go"
Climbing up onto our wooden coffee table, I swear Petra purposely lifts up the tiny rubber skirt of hers presenting that mostly naked arse, the part hiding that nakedness being the chastity belt of course. She better not believe I'll give in this easily, this is all for her sake so I'm not even planning to have any of my famous over the top finishing action today. I'm going hard with the domme shit, for real…
"Naughty Pet, you really are testing that patience of mine. Thankfully, I'm way too kind for a beast like you"
Now on the table, I get on my knees by the side of her and start on a place I'm yet to experience much of on her body, that being her breasts. Petra's going to experience what a breast massage is like, or more importantly, pure groping.
Starting off slowly, mostly with a light fondling but quickly turning a little more handsy when her eyes start to roll to the back on her head, it's safe to say the lack of curse pain is making her enjoy this. Me, I'm just happy my breast fetish can resolve itself, even if it's not what I was expecting.
It's safe to say, this was also for my sake as well as hers. I've always wanted to play with Petra's breasts for the longest of time and now that I actually can… it seems a little underwhelming.
Don't get me wrong, her breasts are still perfect like always, it's just I may have been overplaying it up in my head a little. The sounds of my gloves rubbing up against Petra latex covered chest definitely is different as well, if you're into the sound of rubber on rubber, I guess. Honestly, think I prefer the sight of latex over the sound of it, that might be putting me off as well.
Thankfully, the sounds of Petra trying to suppress her groans is honestly something that makes me smile deep inside. Even she finds it hard to act so confident when she's this turned on…
"P-Please… no more, mistress"
"Wait… is this a serious request Petra?"
The way she said that sounded genuine yet we both know the stupid chubby safeword. If this is stubbornness from not wanting to use it, then she doesn't understand the point.
"Heh, didn't say the word Ikarus… it's just that you didn't say if I could cum or not"
'Fuck, she's that horny already!? I've only been doing this for five minutes!"
If I knew she was this pent up already, then I may have gone down a different route with less of the boob action, seems like we're both pretty sensitive with all that. Should I try dragging this out even longer then? I'm already into it even if I really want Petra to cum her brains out, she wanted this sort of experience so I'm still going to make her wait longer though.
"Then… how about I give you something you won't cum from? I still don't think you're horny enough yet Pet, it's only fair"
Instead of getting a talkative response this time around, I swear I see rolling her eyes at me! That's it, she's getting it now…
"Eyerolling me as well now Pet!? I think it is really time for a punishment then… a good spanking will suffice, no? You want my hand, a rolling pin… or… the whip?"
'Ah, the illusion of choice, why would you choose anything other than my-'
"The whip… mistress"
"Erm… okay then Pet. It's only what you deserve… I guess. Stay here one minute… shit"
Complete catching me off guard, I actually didn't think Petra would go for the full-on masochist choice! Kinda feel like she's only doing this to try and catch me off guard though… of course that's freaking it! She's such a loveable brat at times.
Heading upstairs, getting that stupid evil looking weapon from the drawer and coming back down, I'm seriously questioning if I want to do this. The thin black whip by itself isn't that intimidating by it's lonesome, it's just the sound and the pain it'll cause
Returning to the living room with Petra still on the coffee table, facing away for the doorway I enter from, it's now time for a little demonstration before she gets what she deserves… apparently. Spanking is hot, maybe this is a little much but if she wants it, screw it already.
Striking a mostly empty part of the room, the snapping and cracking of the whip echoes throughout the house, almost making me jump when it makes contact with the wall, even leaving a slight black marking on the paint! Is Petra actually a true masochist deep down then!?! That shit looks like it'll cause her damage if struck with even the tiniest amount of effort.
"Last chance to back out if you want to now Pet… five of these will do the job, right?"
'Looks like I'm really doing this then… albeit, folded up and much weaker than that'
Getting myself positioned by her side, lightly rubbing her butt beforehand, I get the whip into position and crack! The tail of it lands right across Petra's cheeks, leaving the ever so faint reddish mark behind.
"Arh-h-heh… one"
What starts off as a scream but then somehow turns into a light chuckle mixed with Petra counting the first whip, it's obvious she's less like Aesa when it comes to pain and just prefers the perverted nature of what we're doing. Regardless, five should do the trick… I'm stopping if I see any real damage or blood though. That shit isn't hot.
"Mhmm… two"
Another crack of the whip against her backside with me steadily deciding to put a little more bite into each swing. Hey, she suggested this and all that's happening is her bottom now looks as flustered as her face… that's actually pretty cute looking at it like that.
"D-Damn… four…"
Before moving onto the last one, I leave Petra be and make sure to head to the fireplace, sneakily taking off the key from the side while she can't see anything from the latex covered back.
"This last one Pet… it's going to hit a bit harder than the rest, or a lot. You reckon you can handle it?"
"Y-Yes mistress"
"Then, let's make sure there's nothing in the way for this last stroke… so you can fully enjoy it and all that"
Painfully slowly coming back to Petra, I can see it in her eyes she wanted to eyeroll me there but managed to stop the disrespect just in the nick of time. I guess even a little brat can be somewhat tamed… huh, guess I can get into this a little.
Getting back to where the building redness is contained and unlocking the chastity belt that's been fixed to her for roughly a week, I make sure all the plates now sit on the table and aim the last attack, all the while trying to ignore the clearly dripping arousal she's been producing during this makeshift session. That's so freaking hot but I'm not going to get distracted, this one needs to be the worst…
"F-Five! *Grunt*, mhmmm…"
As soon as the last stroke lands painfully hard against her now free buttocks, I instantly go to give her some relief of sorts as, making sure to kiss and lick the most sensitive of areas. The pain will still hurt like a bitch even with my hands there to sooth it, but I think that's sorta the point.
Although I'm not exactly a huge fan of the painful stuff in sex, excluding nipple play of course, I'm thinking any amount of stimulation will help her get past the stinging sensation quickly. Boy, I really know how to get her motor running it seems.
"Hmhmm… I-Ikarus?"
"Bit longer Pet… fight it for as long as you can"
Already rattling on the table wanting to release that pent up energy, she's extremely close despite me barely even getting into my rhythm yet. Maybe there's something to be said about not needing sex everyday, especially considering how horny Petra is right now. She appears to lost all that endurance she was excellent at keeping previously.
Continuing with the sucking, kissing and even slight nibbling down and around the forbidden fruit, Petra doesn't seem able to even fight it today and any second now, she's finished… If I were truly evil, that belt would be going straight back on after this.
"F-F-Fuckkk!… Ikarus…"
Rattling on the table trying to keep herself upright, Petra for like the first time ever starts to shake like crazy from the orgasm highs and can't even support her own weight anymore. To put this in perspective as well, she's also produced a surprising amount of that love juice I have a love hate relationship with. Cleanup is never that fun but arousal is.
Despite all this, I really can't help but still continuing to suck on, basically holding up her legs by my lonesome. She's actually spent, it's freaking adorable.
"T-Too much… Ikarus, please…"
Getting the message, I stop the stimulation and go to hold my now exhausted wife who honestly looks like she's just had the experience of a lifetime. She really needs to up her game and learn to cum over and over again because what's the point if you're not losing precious braincells cuming your brains out!? I think she definitely lost a cell or two there though.
"Damn woman, was that a result of losing your curse or the whip? You're turning into me doing something like that!"
"*Huff*, heh, no idea Ikarus… can you help me up? Unless… you want to bring out Brookyln for a little bit and we continue on in a minute?"
"*Sighhh*… does the belt need to go back on you? Not funny Petra"
"Heh, serious suggestion Ikarus. I've had my fun… it's your turn now, right?"
Hmm… in a way, I could… nope, not happening. I'm sorry but here's the deal, we're a yuri around here! That means fake penises and nothing real, even if it was my old one. One guy explosion and I guarantee I'll roll over and go to sleep, not even wanting to hug the night away or anything like that. I also wasn't joking when I said this night was just for her, I can control my sex drive believe it or not! Just most of the time, I don't want to.
"You're clearly tired now and need some sleep Petra… honestly, I'm satisfied. Maybe someday, but you'll have to get me seriously drunk to even consider that. Besides, I've got my fix for today"
Maybe because we're both technically not dominant, we both don't feel the need to sometimes cum when we're the one in control? Eh, I don't know how it works except I could honestly use a good night sleep now, don't always need a good ol'fashioned Ikarus finale every time, right? The wife did that duty for tonight.
"Heh, then we're bringing out the dwarven alcohol tomorrow, right Ikarus?"
"I'm going to gag you in a minute, just let my ol'guy form die in the past already… jeez…"
"Heh, can we talk for a second Ikarus? Tonight was definitely… different"
Now chilling in bed all cuddled up together, funnily enough as a trio as Aesa seems to conveniently return just as we we're getting into nightwear and being finished with whatever sexy session that was, it's now time for that little after sex talk we do sometimes.
"Always… you did enjoy it, right Petra? Personally, I'm not using that whip again, that shit might be a little much"
Main reason being is the pain. Even if Petra can somehow turn it into sexual frustration, it's just simply not my thing. Oh well, I can still spank her on occasion if she wants it, the whip was too much though. Her arse is definitely still marked even now.
"Heh, everything was great, that included Ikarus. Just for future reference, if we do this again on the rare occasions you take the lead, never be afraid to listen to Aesa's suggestions"
That gets a deafening silence throughout the bedroom, even Aesa included. Why is it impossible to imagine I can thoroughly act-, no, be dominant once in a blue moon!?
"Hey! I'll have you know, I only asked for her advice once during that! It's not my fault you suit that outfit so well"
"Ikarus is right, Aesa's didn't even give any direct advice. All of that was on Ikarus's shoulders"
That's gets an annoying but loveable squeeze out of the wife, she doesn't deserve Ikarus hugs right now… even if my desire for intimacy outweighs any real annoyance.
"Anyways… always knew you were a closet submissive as well Petra. Where you get the energy for all that teasing, I'll never know"
"Heh, never once denied it Ikarus, and… as well? Are you finally admitting that your position is best suited for being under me? It's slightly unfair I haven't rested my legs on you yet, right? Want to get off the bed and right that wrong?"
"Whatever… think we may need to get her in that belt more often Aesa, our wife is an idiot it seems…"