
Reincarnated as a OP Magic User

16 year old Amara Mayfield didn't really have the best life. She lived in a decent house, got pretty decent grades, and has parents who rarely pay attention to her. Her world changes forever when god accidentally kills her and reincarnates her in a another dimension as a goddess. Join her as she figures out how to survive in this new mystical world. [ON HOLD]

Random_Weeb10 · Fantasía
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3 Chs

New World

Amara P.O.V

Wow that's just great I'm dead and didn't accomplish anything In life.

"But don't worry my child I'll make it up to you", "I know that your life wasn't that great and since your dead your parents will probably forget you were even alive".

That hurt me a bit, sad but true. He continued talking. "So I've decided to Reincarnate you into a another dimension as a DRUM ROOL PLEASE". I just stood there. "Ok we'll forget the drum roll I'm going to reincarnate you as A GODDESS".

I couldn't even breath for a second, what in the world is happening right know? "This has to be a dream someone pinch me". Right after I said that god pinched me.

"Ow dang that hurt". I said as I rubbed my arm.

He cleared his throat, "Since this world will be in a alternate universe I'm give you this book". He handed me a old looking big book with black pages.

I looked up at god, "What does it do", I ask curiously.

"We'll all you have to do is look at it and ask it anything you want to know about the things or people in that world and it will tell you, it will also appear blank to other people when your using it, it's kinda like a Alexa.. but on paper".

"You can carry it in this", he said as he held out a Medieval satchel.

I took it out of his hand, put it around me and put the book inside. He also handed me a folded piece of paper.

"Don't open it yet I want it to be a surprise". I just shrugged my shoulders and put the paper in my satchel.

"Well I guess this is it". All of a sudden I heard something open behind be.

"All you have to do is walk through that portal into your new life". I started walking but stopped,

"Wait can I ask for one more things before I go". He look up at me and chuckled but this time it was a happy chuckle, "sure go ahead".

"I've always been a fan of dragon so I was wonder if I could get some Dragon eggs that'll hatch into cute baby dragons".

He smiled and snapped his finger. I looked down and saw a basket with cloth wrapped around. I peaked down and saw three dragon eggs. At this moment I can literally scream. "Thank you so much I can't even say how grateful I am".

"Well it is the I can do for killing you". I smiled at him one more time and made my toward the portal it was dark so you really couldn't see inside it. I signed and started walking in. Right before I was fully inside of the portal I heard god say, "have a nice fall".

I gulped, Oh No...


I was literally falling OUT OF THE FRACKING SKY. I held the basket of baby dragons close to me as I fell, the wind against my back I came closer to the ground. Oh no I can't die AGAIN.


I thought this was it. I mean even if I didn't die I'm probably be seriously injured. I tightly closed my eyes ready to Accept my fate. Until out of nowhere, These white wings came out of my back.

"WHAT THE HELL". Ok this is good I can use this so I don't crash into earth.. or whatever this place is called.

I tried to get the hang of them but it was to late and I hit the ground with thud. I relieving sighed that wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I stood up and immediately the wings that came out my body disappeared. Jesus Christ this is so weird.

I put my basket of dragon eggs down and dusted myself off. I stood there for a moment and took in my surroundings. I was in the middle of a green field in front of a forest. The wind was blowing and the sun was shinning. I realized this would be a prefect time to read the note god gave me. I opened my satchel, got out the paper, the started reading it.

Dear Amara, it's me god

Yeah sorry again for killing you and stuff. Well in my defense the world probably wanted you to die. Oh dang that sounded harsher than it was suppose to. But besides the point you've been reincarnated in this magical world as a new person, and a person can't live in a magical world with some magical Powers. Well unless your a prototype ; Don't worry you'll learn what that's is later on. Anyways like I was saying well not really saying but writing was you need some magic. And I bet your wondering what type of magic you use. Go head take a guess...

OK your taking to long with trying to guess so I'm just gonna tell you. The type of Magic you use is Modua Magic, which means ALL MAGIC. Yeah you read that's correctly, you can use all types of magic. Well of course you'll have yo know the name and what it does, but besides that your good to go. enjoy you new life =).

Sincerely, God


If you die in this world I will not reincarnate you again. So good luck with that =)

Well dang god really when all out, I'm basically a Mary Sue. I smiled and squealed a little, All my dreams are coming true. I folded the paper up then put it in back in my satchel. Ok so what do I do know, I'm in a new world, with new people, and most likely new species.

Well since I'm out her alone I should probably get to know more about this new world I'm going to be living in. I sat down on the ground next to my basket of baby dragon eggs. Then proceeded to take that magical book I got out and sat it on my lap. I opened it and started speaking.

"What is this world called". After I said that's Immediately a word popped up on the Blank page.


Ok So I'm in the world of Sehapia. "What type of places are there to leave in Sehapia".

Villages or One of the four kingdoms (I know it's cliché to have four kingdoms, originally it was three but four works better for me)

Ok so I could live in one of the four kingdoms here or a Village. I guess I'll just Settle down at which ever place is closer.

"Where the closest place to live by".

Neuna, A small village about two miles for here.

TWO MLIES! I sighed, Welp I better get walking.