
Cooking Fishes

'' Weren't you about to leave? What changed your mind?'' Arlong asked mockingly, not putting Abel in his eyes.

'' Well, I got some wine recently, I thought it would go well with fishes.'' Abel talked trash casually.

'Ding! Relationship updated with Arlong(minor character). Current relationship -60'

Arlong's eyes grew cold as he turned to his subordinates.

'' I lost interest. Finish him off.''

Abel sighed inside. 'Ah... Minor villains and their arrogance. Well, this works well for me.'

Four fishman came towards him as they spoke casually among themselves.

'' Who wants the kill? Pisaro, do you want it?''

'' Yeah, let me have this one.''

Abel examined their formation as he didn't underestimate them. '4 fishman. 2 from behind and 2 from front.' Just as the one called Pisaro was in front of him and was about to attack Abel took out Aranruth from his space ring and attacked immediately. All fishman were surprised as the sword appeared on thin air and were caught of guard. ' Formless Sword Art' Pisaro and the other fishman were surrounded by several sword attacks at the same time. This was the specialty of Formless Sword Art, the user would both sent out real and fake attacks, confusing the enemy. Since they couldn't guess which attack was real, they were immediately panicked.

'' PİSARO, dodge!'' A fishman from behind warned.

Pisaro and the other fishman at front dodged the attacks hurriedly. After they dodged the attack they were relieved but felt the athmosphere was a bit wrong.


The fishman that warned them fell to the floor with vacant eyes. He still didn't understand how he was targeted by Abel's attack even after his death.

'' Well, this is one. Disciple did I tell you I was also a master cook? Let me show you how to cook a meal properly.'' Abel said nonchalantly.

Arlong's eyes grew red with fury. ' This puny human... This ant is underestimeting us? How dare you kill my brothers!'

'Ding! Relationship updated with Arlong(minor character). Current relationship -75'

' Good, hate me more. That way maybe I can gain something useful to increase my winning chances.'

This time Abel was not talking trash for fun. He was very aware that his situation was extremely dangerous. Not only he had to fend off this ordinary fishmans, Arlong would also join the battle sooner or later when his arrogance subsides. Thus Abel was thinking of every advantage he can gain to handle the situation.

' Nami is at +90 with me. I can sign in and gain at least 1 legendary skill. İf I manage to make Arlong -100 I can gain something good from bonus maxed out reward. Kuro at -100 gave a supreme skill, he shouldn't be any worse.'

As Abel was thinking of all this he also didn't stop taunting the fishman. '' Are you coming or not? Hey, you... was your name Pisspoo or something? You said you wanted the kill, right? Come. I will give you a chance.''

Pisaro's expression turned unsighty but he didn't move. Arlong was getting more and more furious watching the situation before him. '' Damn it! Why are you afraid? He is just one f*cking human! Attack togather and finish him off already.'' The fishman took a deep breath as 15 of them rushed towards Abel. Abel was also decisive as he fought with everything.

' Formless Sword Art' two fishman that was attacked at the same time dodged helplessly.

' Vanishing Step' Abel appeared behind one of the fisman and cut his arm off but he was ambushed by another fishman from the side.

'Vanishing Step' Abel helplessly dodged as he started swinging Aranruth again.

'Formless Sword Art' Abel killed one of the fishmans who couldn't dodge. But another fishman attacked from his left side.

'Eye of revelation' After detecting his weak spot Abel hit him while using Ultimate punch.

'Ding! Strength added +20. Double damage dealed due to weak spot.'

The fishman crashed into a house, destroying half of it. He didn't get up after that. Abel couldn't focus on him though after sending out a punch he kept fighting with other fishman immediately. Fishman's numbers didn't decrease as another one would fill the dead one's place immediately.

' Vanishing step'

' Formless Sword Art'

' Vanishing step'

'Ultimate Punch'

'Warning! High stamina consumption detected. Host, please don't spam skills one after another. Host's stamina will be depleted in 15 minutes with this pace.'

'Sigh.' Abel knew that spamming skills would deplete his stamina but he had no choice. İf he didn't spam skills he would already be a corpse. 10-15 fishman who had similar stats to him were besieging him at the same time. His situation was not easy. Another 3 minutes passed as Abel fought with fishman.

'' STOP! Stop, damn it! You can't deal with a puny human. Use your water bullets, attack him from range.'' Arlong screamed with fury when he saw 15-20 corpses of fishman lying on the ground. Abel started to breathe hard, he was getting tired.

' Focus. The worst part is yet to come.' Abel focused himself. Just at that time he saw 8-10 fishman gather water from a lake beside them. ' Not good!' Abel understood their intent.

'Vanishing Step' Abel immediately blurred and dodged dozens of water bullets but bullets didn't stop as they followed him. Abel felt like he was trying to escape from a machine gun. A few seconds later bullets caught up with Abel and Abel was besieged by hundreds of water bullets. The fishman sighed in relief.

' Finally, he died.'

They waited as the dust settled. Fishman's eyes opened with shock and terror as they saw the situation.

Abel had one fishman on both of his hands. But they were no longer recognizable, the bodies were mutilated by water bullets. At that time fishman understood that Abel picked up their comrade's corpses to use them as a shield.

'' Well... I think ranged attacks are a waste of time. There are many shields around here, no? How about we go back to hand to hand?'' Abel advised with a considerate look on his face. His speech was nonchalant as if he was asking which ingredients they should add to a soup.

Arlong's whole body trembled with rage and hatred as he saw his comrade's mutilated corpses.

' How dare you...'

'Ding! Relationship updated with Arlong(minor character). Current relationship -90.'

'' I am going to kill you with my own hands.'' Arlong shouted as his whole body trembled with rage.

' Ah... Now the hard part starts.' As Arlong rushed towards him Abel didn't hesitate.

' Vanishing Step' Abel immediately blurred behind an ordinary fishman and cut his throat with Aranruth. Arlong rushed towards him again but Abel immediately used vanishing step again and the scene repeated itself as Abel killed another ordinary fishman while Arlong watched on with fury.

'Ding! Relationship updated with Arlong(minor character). Current relationship -95'

'' You f*cking coward. Come here and fight.'' Arlong roared with fury as he witnessed Abel killing his comrades helplessly. Abel's agility was 29 while Arlong's agility was 30. But when Abel used Vanishing Step with %30 agility boost his agility would reach around 38. Thus Arlong was helpless against Abel's annoying tactic. His subordinates could also hardly defend themselves as Abel blurred around and slashed with his sword constantly. They couldn't tell which attack was real or fake, they couldn't also pinpoint Abel's location. The result was a slaughter and Arlong could only watch.

'Vanishing Step'

'Formless Sword Art'

'Vanishing Step'

'Ultimate Punch'

'Vanishing Step'

'Warning! Host advised to not spam skills. Stamina will be depleted in 10 minutes with current consumption.'

'Formless Sword Art'

'Vanishing Step'

'Formless Sword Art'

'Warning! Host advised to not spam skills. Stamina will be depleted in 9 minutes with current consumption.'

Everyone including Arlong was helpless when Abel go all out spamming skills constantly. They could only see a blur before another ordinary fishman died. Abel didn't target Arlong at all. He knew that with Arlong's 60+ endurance his attacks would not harm him much. Abel continued to slaughter everyone like a madman for another 4 minutes. Abel came to a stop breathing hardly. Around him were 60-70 fishman corpses scattered everywhere. The last remaining fishman saw that Abel was exhausted and immediately attacked from his back. 'Seimei Kikan' Abel's hair moved like a spear as it pierced the last fishmans throat killing him. The tip of Abel's white hair was tainted in red from the blood as it flowed with the wind.

Abel turned towards Arlong and spoke to him casually.

'' Well... That was fun.''

'Ding! Relationship updated with Arlong(minor character). Current relationship -100(maxed out)'

Arlong was trembling as he let out a roar.


Abel ignored Arlong as he closed his eyes while taking a deep breath.

'Please give me something useful...'

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Hope you enjoy the chapter

ZhaoYuzherucreators' thoughts