
Reincarnated as a HUMAN (not final)

gownainz69 · Fantasía
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9 Chs

Chapter 1: The Encounter.

'Where am I? '

A gaze of a grim, not a single light can be seen. No figure is formed, darkness equal to hopelessness, it was ironically pure. Then suddenly, a drop of water echoed from nowhere direction and was followed by a single whistle of the wind bringing a gentle warm whisper.

"Let there be light"


I am Campbell, Alexander Finn. And I am 5 years old. I like to laze arro- I mean to conserve my energy laying on the floor of our house. And out of boredom watching the program my mom wants me to watch I silently sneak outside and was...

*Ambulance sirens


"How can be a titan, favored by the all father?" figure 1 whispered to figure 2

Figure 3 loudly said " This is unacceptable! A mere being steps his dirty feet in Mishkān!.

Figure 4 replied with a calm voice " who dare to not accept, the All fathers absolute command? "

'This is a dream right? How can this be not a dream... right? '

Finn is slapping his face left and right, pinching his cheeks and sides for he believes he is dreaming.

Figure 5 wearing a dark long gown, and it's face is half covered by a black see-through clothe, then the figure walk near to the puzzled Finn and said.

"Thy shall not worry, for this is the All Father's will"

Finn looked at the figure 5 and nods multiple times.


'.... A-a...a v-very ultra tall giant lady j-just talk and is standing straight beside me!.'

The figure 5 warmly smiled to the nervous Finn.

'wait... Felt like I know her..no!no!no!' Finn was still unable to grasp this event that happen to him so he took a courage to ask the figure 5 about it for he feel that he needs to know what's going on and where he is.

"ahmm.. ma'am? Where I--? "


An intense glare from the other figure send a shiver to Finn's spine.


Then suddenly everybody got silent. Finn looks arround feeling his heart thumping loudly and nervously.

'I don't like this feeling....'


After a minute.

The figure 5 walked back to where she came from leaving Finn alone at the center.

" ahh wai-"

A very loud but soothing sound of trumpets echoed all over the shining white and golden place. Hundreds of big golden goblets on the top of hundreds greek style poles was suddenly lit up; a dazzling nostalgic fire. A enormous white throne emerge high from below. Above, there is no ceiling, there's only an empty white vastness that looked like it is extending to internity. Then seven figures different from the other figures ascended from above. Each one of them possess unique beautiful pair of big wings. Each flaps of their wings gave Finn a mystic feeling.

Everybody were still, while Finn standing on the middle(nervously sweating).

The six figures that ascended lands then lined up from the side of the big white throne. Three from the left and three from the right. The other one flew to the very big golden gate facing the big white throne about 70 meters far.

Finn is on awe, mesmerizing the seven figures, but he notice the other figure who didn't land but flew overhead. Then Finn noticed that the figure was holding a big golden book, bigger than the holder itself.

'that's a book? ' Finn mumble after the figure with wings passed him by.

The figure who was on the big golden gate heard Finn's thought and responded with a smile.

Then another sound of trumpets stronger and bolder than before, echoed all over the place. Followed by pitches of out of this world voices was heard. Then a brilliant dazzling white light ascended from above joined by an another brilliant dazzling white light but four times bigger.

Finn was in awe looking at the two white lights. He can't help but feel an unexplainable feeling.

The two brilliant dazzling white light landed, all of the figures on the side kneeled down except to the seven figure who just slightly bowed there head down. The light that was emitted by the smaller one is slowly fading.

'!!, finally a person... but.. what's with those eyes they're like burning white li-...'

'he- he's looking at me... ' gulp

Finn can't help but get nervous from the gaze of those eyes, it felt like gazing to internity and pureness of white and the feeling of standing at the center.

The normal human like stand beside the throne. The bigger brilliant dazzling white light hovered above the throne.

The trumpets stopped followed by the angelic voices.

" BLESS IS GOD, THE ALL FATHER!" Everyone present on the place greeted the white light in unison. (except Finn)

A figure with wings noticed Finn who didn't gave his greetings and kneeled, talk and loudly said but in a calm manner directed to Finn " Who are ye not kneeling before thy ALL FATHER" not even a question then the this figure added "KNEEL"


Finn was forced to kneel down

'h-how!? I can't move! ' Finn eyes were so terrified then the being who is like a human beside the throne intervened.

"Uriel... one of the heavens Archangel... He is our guest don't embarrass my father" the normal human talked and sounded like he was the voice of the universe told the figure who forced Finn to kneel.

"I deeply apologize my Lord Yashua" Archangel Uriel responded with a bow and a slight bow to Finn lifting the spell.

Lord Yashua lifted his hands forming a symbol and everyone who where kneeling down started to stood upright.

'what's with these feelings..also.. that was scary...' Finn's body were lightly shaking from the presence in front of him.

"Then let us begin!" Archangel Uriel loudly said and added.

"He who governs Olympus, come forward.... Zeus"

Anote: I used 'Palace' of the Congregation for Mishkān for it is not on Earth anymore. It is called Mishkān Tent of Congregation, 'Tabernacle', a earthly dwelling place of God.

also I'm sorry for my bad English.