
Reincarnated as a golem captain

legion_928 · Fantasía
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15 Chs

The first humans

It's been 5 weeks since the destination of the goblin village and in that time I trying to get stronger with my brothers and I even using Archive to learn more about this world. The forest I'm in is called the Remnant forest its a large stretch of wilderness that connects to three different countries and that has strong monsters that appear so people can't build here without dealing with the monsters. The first is Varria kingdom is where all various race live together. Slavery is outlawed and all races can join the the kingdoms military. They military is what is called a well rounder. To the south is the Atlas alliance it a kingdom that has a council of different individuals from all race that are elected by the people. Here people can own slaves but the people have mixed feelings on this topic. There military is known for their defensive abilities. The last is the Aster kingdom which is east of Atlas it is where all non human species live while there are humans who live here but it's a small number. There military is the strongest compared to Atlas and Varria. These three countries are on good terms mostly because of the Luminous empire which is north of Aster and east of Varria. They believe human should be on top and all other races are meant to serve. So slavery to all races except humans are allowed. Their military is weak strength wise compared to the other three countries but there magic ability is the strongest. We are located in Varria but close to the border of Atlas. I think if we ever have to leave the forest and go one of the countries i say stay in Varria or go to Atlas. The last several weeks me and everyone else is focusing on improving are skills and increasing our level. So we begin going around and hurting monsters there weren't that many strong creatures so we leveled up a total of two levels for each of us.

[Authors note: im going to separate the stats into there own chapter called STATS# so I can write more about the story except when introducing a new characters.]

There is a creature running in the forest a orc. It was looking behind to see if the thing he's is running away from is still there. All of a sudden a arrow came from a different direction from where he was looking and perceived the knee of the right leg. The orc collapse to the ground the arrow went straight though the arrow head looks like a treble fishing hook. The orc looks around to see where the arrow came from then a second arrow perceives it's left eye. In a tree several yards away Louie is standing on a branch by using the light armor skill.

Louie: like hell I'm letting you get away. I should meet up with the others. They should be finished by now.

[A little further away]

Jorge: thats the last one. These orcs were at least smart in working together a challenge. Better than the goblin, dire wolves, ogres and the other creatures we normally fight.

Rex: I prefer the ogres at least they didn't died in one hit.

Adam: well you are hitting them with a hammer almost the size as our bodies. So of course they turn into a red paste after flying like a 100ft.

Dan: it's good that we find decent powerful enemies. If we bite off more we can chew we'll regret it later. What should we do Kevin.

Kevin: let's head back to the temple and meet up with Louie to get some time to relax even though we don't need it.

I told them everything who i was and how I came from another world. I thought they would hate me for replacing there brother but they didn't care they said that they still see me as there little brother and how I still act like there other brother so it was like I never really left but it was hard for them to believe.They said something like "well mother did make you to be special so I guess thats what she meant".Honestly I still feel bad about that but I want to stay and live my new life with them. We meet up with Louie but we all heard yelling. I single to Louie and Adam to come with me and told the others to wait but be ready for anything. We move though the bushes and saw some three humans who looks like bandits chasing a kid. When I look closely the kid has wolf ears and tail he was a beastman. Then I see one of the bandits grab the kids tail.

Bandit 1: finally caught you little mutt.

Wolf child: let me go! [bites bandits hand]

Bandit 1: you little shit! [Punches the kid and starts kicking him]

Bandit 2: hey go easy on the merchandise if you kill it the boss will kill you.

Bandit 1: uuhhh fine but one of you are carrying back.

As I listening to these bandits conversations I see the wolf kid is trying to crawl away. I hate these three for doing that to a kid then I turn to Louie and Adam.

Kevin: I want to save that boy but we are doing the same plan when attacked the goblin village. Adam get the others and tell them the plan. Louie back me up.

[They both nod and I pulled my hood over my head.]

As the bandits are distributed Louie shot one of the bandits and pins him to the tree and as they are confused I imagine a spear in my right hand and sheild in my left and charge at the one who hit the kid. I bashed him with the shield and I tried to stab him with the spear I graze him as he rolls with the bash. The third see Louie and changes him but Jorge jumps in to take him on. I was going to kill the bandit I was up against.

Bandit 1: who the hell are you!? Why are adventurers all the way out here.

Even though I can't speak I don't wait to talk this guy. I thrust my spear at him to show i don't want to talk. The bandit draws his sword to block my spear. Me and the bandit clash blows a few more times then a body come flying past us hitting a tree and making a u shape with his body. Seeing a opening i back hand my spear and threw it and charged with my sheild in front of me. He dodge it again but he was a little to slow and it cut the right side of his stomach a small stream of blood appeared to dye his clothes red and as the spear flys by it slowly dissappears into light particles. Thinking i only had a sheild left he tried to cut me down with his sword. I waited for good moment and parried his sword throwing him off balance his eyes got wide when he noticed the short spear in my right hand. I plunge it into his chest he cough up blood. I put my left foot on him and push him off the spear. I looked around I see arrow with blood on the ground and that both the bandit Louie shot was gone and Adam. I walk towards the kid who is laying on the ground unconscious. He lookes like he's around 10 years old. He has short blue, ragged and faded clothes that look a little big for him. I picked him up and holding as gently as I can.

Kevin: that bastard deserved to died [turn around] let's take him back with us. Louie leave a marker to let Adam to know where we are going.

I start putting the corpses of the two bandits in pocket dimension to hide the bodies if there friends come looking for them and so I can scavage anything useful off of them. Louie walks to a tree and starts carving a triangle with a hand in it. Its to represent the temple.