
Reincarnated as a golem captain

legion_928 · Fantasía
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15 Chs

Assault the goblin village part 2

Kevin: well did you find the goblin village.

Adam: yes its north west from here and i even surveyed the village to see it's defenses. There are goblins patrolling the surroundings area. They do have weapons but most of them are clubs, rusted sword and wooden sheild. They don't have any armor not even leather.

Louie: did you see any powerful looking goblins or anything.

I: no all of them were pretty weak.

Dan: so what is the plan?

Rex: let's change straight in and destroy that village

Jorge: yeah stomp they out like a small flame.

K: easy you two i want to see it first before planning. Can you lead us there Itsuki.

Adam nods his head and starts to walk while we all followed him. I dissected to use one of my skills. I activate aura as we walk to reveal any hidden i can feel a warmth around me. In my sight I see some blue dots in the tree we are about to past I looked up the tree as we passed it and see a nest of birds. I was wondering if every living thing had a blue dot. I looked back at the others and saw that there colors were the same as there eye color. I decided to use archive to look up goblins just in case.

[Archive: goblins are a race that breeds fast when there numbers increases to a large amount they form villages they have low intelligence but they make that up with numbers.]

I see I should tried out same more skill before getting to the goblin village. I used Heavy armor the moment I did I felt really heavy like gravity was trying to force me into the earth. We continued to walk in silence with no monster or anything interrupting us it was peaceful. A while passes and itsuki stopped.

Jorge: the village is further up ahead i suggests that we move to that hill up there it has a better vantage point.

Kevin: then let's head up there then.

We walk up the hill to get a better view of the village. As I looked at the settlement I noticed that there is a wall around it and there were four entrances in the four main directions but I couldn't see and thing else after that.

Kevin: is there another spot we can go to see better.

Adam:not without getting spotted.

Louie: you can use this [hands Kevin his glasses] it a magic item mother gave me called scope. You can adjust the sight with that little leaver on the side. I can see the goblins in the village without it i have the hawk eye skill it let's me see great distances.

( That's useful magic item and skill I wonder how I can get that skill.)

I see there are four main areas. Area one and two which is on the west side seems to be the residential area i see goblins children. Area three in the northeast seems to be where they gather and separates the food. The fourth area in the Southeast has goblins training.

Kevin: i have a rough plan and I'm open to ideas. First we should attack at night but are main targets are the residential area. so we have to split up. Dan focus on the south entrance. Rex and Adam you got the west entrance. Jorge you got north. I have east and Louie shot from here and support both Dan and me.

Jorge: why the residential area first and not the troop area.

Louie: goblins breed fast if we don't stop there breeding there be twice the amount by next week.

Dan: that's why you want Rex there more damage and if some goblins get by him Adam will deal with them.

K:correct everyone is fine with this plan. I'll use lighting magic and aim it up to signal the battle

[Everyone shakes there heads yes]

Me and Jorge are walking through the dark forest. The two moons are almost above us we have to get into position before both then. I don't like this awkward silence between us i want to say something but I don't know what.

Jorge: i never heard you talk so much its kinda surprise

Kevin: really why that.

J: well you were always quiet and liked doing things on your own. So seeing you now is a little strange but in a good way.

K: I see. Do you like me better this way or my old way?

J: this way. Dan and Louie seem to as well.

K: what about Rex and Adam?

J: they seem to have no problem with it.

K:well that's good.

J: anyway I guess this is were we part for now stay safe little brother.

K: yeah you to big brother.

Jorge stopped all of a sudden and then turned around. He jogged back and gave me a hug. We stayed like this for a couple of minutes. Then he let go and I waved him off.

J:(I can't believe he called me big brother now I have to do my best otherwise I will look like a useless big brother who can't do his part.)

(Well that was nice but to the main problem I have to learn how to use magic before the moons are in position.)

[Archive: to use magic you must feel the mana coursing through your body. Feel the warmth rap around you and it reaching every corner of your body. Imagine the spells element taking form in your mind.]

(It doesn't give you a step-by-step process but I'll give it a try.) I look at the near by bolder. I'm Imagining what the  shadow are like cold, nothing in sight and somewhere safe. I then start seeing several lines of blackish purple lines falling down the sky. A magic circle appears in my hand (shadow fall) is the name I think then same line come straight down hitting the bolder in front of me. I was caught by surprise and fell down. I got up and starting to imagine what my lighting magic should take as time passes.

[Time had pass and its the moment the mission starts]

I launched my lighting spell call Bolt. It went far it the sky. I hoped the others saw it. I moved towards the goblin village. I was hiding in the bushes near the entrance I used aura to spot two goblins and they are guarding the entrance i use a shadow called shadow pulse. It was quick and didn't make noise. The two goblins fell two the ground. I generated a sword and sheild and ran into the goblin village. Then I see on the other side of the village some prices of wood and goblin flying through the air. I spot a three goblins staring at the same thing I saw i used this to get the jump on them. I cut one in half the other two turned but it was too late both of there heads were cut off. A goblin jumped at me from my left but arrow perceives the back of his head. I could tell it was going to be a long night. I continued to fight the goblins while switching the weapon to a sword, spear and some other weapons with the occasional support of Louie. At some point the noises of battle stopped. While walking around using my aura skill to find any bots I found two hiding behind one of the standing buildings. I sneaked up and saw two goblins but they were smaller than the ones I was fighting they are children. They are scared when they notice me. I didn't feel anything no sadness for them so I raised my hand at the two goblin children and cast a spell dark flame. I hear the two children scream as they are burned alive i watched till they stop moving. I did feel remorse at all I turned my back to the pile of ashes and went to meet with my brothers. I saw all my brothers in the center of the village and waved to them.

Kevin: hey guys. You wait long.

Everyone: no.

K: i already went around I saw two goblins left but I already dealt with them but I didn't see any more. So I think we got them all.

Louie: I didn't see anything for the hill either

Adam: and I didn't sense any hidden goblins on my way here.

Dan: that means are mission is now complete .

Rex: aw man I wanted to keep fighting.

Jorge: don't worry we'll get another fight sooner or later. So let's head back.

D: wait i just remember [looks at Kevin] you gave us name so I was wondering can me and the others come up with one for you.

K: ...umm (should I let them I mean it's not a bad idea and it's fair but I hate to tell them that i already have a name maybe I should tell them about my past) alright but I have to tell you all something

D: okay. Hear that everyone let's come up with a good one of our little brother.

[Back in the other dimension]

The gods and goddess are sitting at a table with Darkness, Ice and Time on one side and on the other side Crafting, Wisdom, Wind and Space with War standing behind them.

Time: so let me get this straight the three of you went to earth and got a drink. Wisdom got wasted and killed someone and in order to fix what you do you got craft here to find you a new body for the person's soul so he can live a new life that you robbed. Did I get the just of it.

Wisdom: yes

T: for the goddess of wisdom your a FUCKEN IDIOT. It was right you gave him a new life and I know you were drunk but you should have known that we are gods we don't interfere with mortals lives we can guide them but not mess around or kill them. Also Space i know that you don't drink anymore after you threw a rock at the earth that killed the dinosaurs so what happened.

War: just so you know Space I'm still pissed about that they were both beautiful and violent.

Space: i was depressed after Stars broke up with me.

Wisdom: why did he break up with you?

S: what do you think. Work i have to keep an eye on over two hundred different planets just in case we have another nova incident. That and the last time we talked I yelled and said somethings to him I can't take back.[head hits the table]

Craft: this is not helping us. What type of punishment are we looking at.

T: well both god and goddess of order said "first find a home for the soul" which you did. "Second make sure he has or gets everything him needs for a the new life by guiding or presenting it to him as long as he lives" and "lastly you will lose some of your power, planets and jurisdiction" so you will get weaker and might be forgotten by the residents of these world.

Wind:I'm fine with the first two things but the last one is practically is saying we should die. We all know that if we are completely forgotten we lose all our power and then dissappear.

T: i said "some" not all plus you guys tried to hide this if you came forward it wouldn't have been as severe. If you have a problem with this take it up with both orders and the rest of the counsel.

War:  even i know i don't stand a chance against any of them so good luck with that.

[Silence followed after that]