
Arc 2 - Welcome to Eden, Jacob

Jacob looked up at Araniel and exclaimed. "The moment I gained power... I do this." he gestired at the bloodbath in Flarecrow's dining hall. He closed his eyes and tightened his grip on the sword's hilt. Tears slowly dripped down his cheeks. "I deserve to die. I am a monster."

"Oh boy, there's no reason to cry over spilled milk." she chuckled. "Well, spilled blood in this case." she was still holding the blade, not allowing Jacob to pierce himself.

"Let go..." Jacob exclaimed, trying to push harder. But the sword wouldn't budge.

"Are you sure you want to do this over people like this?" she pointed her free hand toward the bloodied body of Zerek Flarecrow. "Don't you think they deserve it?" she asked.

He remained silent but listened.