
Reincarnated as a Demon, I shall now save demon kind! [Dropped!]

The novel is about a boy who likes demons he dies and reincarntes as a demon but in exchange of becoming a demon he was given a task by the demon king.. "if demons exist I would want to become one" was his last wish before everything went dark by the way it's the first book I have ever wrote and English isn't my first language there might be grammer mistakes please tell me if there are I would like more people to write me reviews sense I made these novel for gaining experience in writing and for my own fun If you don't like the first chapter please continue I didn't really like it myself, but I am really satsfied with the second and the third one. the cover image isn't mine

WolfOfTheBloodMoon · Fantasía
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13 Chs


The "Van" came to a sudden stop with my [High Senses+++] I was able to hear the Humans saying something about "The Auction will start in an hour, as we agreed the Auction house will only take 35% of the money that we gain through the Auction, I am awaiting for more Slaves in the next 2 weeks Captian Roland"

"Of course!, there is even a special slave inside he will make us quite the money"

"Hoo.. a special Slave you made me inrested, let me see it" he said while grabbing his chin and rubbing it back and forth acting all high and mighty I hate that dude, the reason I knew he rubbed his chin was because of my [High Senses+++] can even hear Muscle movments that is really op anyways who is the special one?..

please don't be me I don't want any attention if it's me attention will only give me trouble and if what they said is true it will be harder to escape from a really rich Human nobel family because if I really fetch such a High price only the "rich" amoung the nobles could buy me

Finnaly the sounds of curtains sounded, the same curtains that block our view from the beatiful outside world sigh.. I want to get out of h.. 


He started shaking my cage I gave him a cold look that made a sweat drop out of his face

Roal.. Roas?.. THE HUMAN CAPTIAN DAM IT I forgot his name, well that guy points his sword at me I guess scaring Auction House man is a big no no he grabbed onto my Collar chains stragneling me I felt like my entire neck will disconnect from my body I screamed "Aghh!" but didn't let anymore sound to not let him have any satisfaction

"Know your place, a mere Slave dares to look at us like that, you seem to have a death wish, you are lucky that you have a pretty face I will need the money that will come out of you, don't worry I will use it wisely your life is only worth a least 1500 gold coins you should be proud Demon"

I looked at him angrly which ended up with him kicking my really hard GOD THAT HURTS!, I used Anlayse on both of them and found something quite intresting


[Name: Roland Rose

[Conditon: Injured back -30% Speed

I can't see his skills because my [Analyse] Level is to low though I got a new option Condition I can see someone's condition be it the wall the cage everything

Let's check to other guy [Analyse]

[Analyse Level 4]


[Name: Bob Eastborne

[HP: 1000(+800)/200 (Equipment Healing cape Boost): +800 HP

[MP: 3500(+2500)/1000(Equipment Mana Ring Boost): +2500 MP

[Condition: Back pain -0% Speed (Equippment Magic Cane Boost): Won't let speed decrease by a health problem

WHAT MAGIC EQUPMENT IS SOO GOOD, it must have costed him a fortune because if it didn't he would have had at least 5 more he must be really rich if I get out of here I will try to get some Magic Equipment for myself there might even be a Training Boost Magic Equipemnt that will make me go stronger faster, I just wanna get out of here really soon..




Welp my cage was lifted somewhere but I can't really see they tied my eyes with something because of the last insedient when In scared that Bob guy to death Hahhah it was really funny suddently I feel my cage moving towards somewhere when it stopped I heard murmors, people were talking about "this exotic Slave" I really want to slash their Head off of their necks but I can wait soon enoguh...

"This one is an exotic slave that was found in the Hyuga Demon village, he is in good condition he isn't hurt anywhere no scares, no ilness, he is in perfect condition the starting price will be 800! Gold! begin!"

"850!" a Nobel lady screamed from the auddiance holding a sign with a number on it






"sold for 1700 Gold would you like to take him now or stay?" 

"I would like to take him now" It's like asking would you like to be eating in the restrautn or take the food with you this made my blood boil I couldn't let my pride as a Demon be hurt like this soo I think I found the perfect why to try and escape the security here is strong, but I bet that in that Nobel lady's the security is even Stronger

I used my Racial abilty [Magic Eyesgiht+++] to see the flow of Mana inside of the chains why is there Mana in the chains you ask well there is a reason the chains doesn't let you take in Mana I found it out while I was expirmenting in the "Van" but I couldn't escape because of the Human Captian, now I think I am capable of escaping this security

There was one point in the chain that the flow was weaker there I tried getting my Mana inside of the chains to make a wall to close the Mana circute it worked the chain stopped restraining me and I got a new abilty!

[Host has gained the Skill:[Mana Manipulation Level 4](Upgradeable)]

I think it got to Level 3 because I can see the flow of Mana with my [Magic Eyesgiht+++] it makes it way easier to Manipulate Mana

My Status Looks like this:


MP: 50,000/50,000 

Luck: 15 

[Race: Demon (Evolution not available) 

[Class: Empty (Class requirement reach level 10+ 

[Skills: [Analyse Level 4], [Mana Manpulation Level 4] 

[Unqie magic: [Anti Holy Maigc Level 1], [???] 

[Racial skills: [Fast Regenration++++], [Super Tough Body+++](Upgradeable), [Hell Fire](Evoultion Requires 8000 souls), [Fast Mana Regenration++](+200 Mana per 5 seconds), [High Senses+++](Upgradeable),[Magic Eyesgiht+++](Upgradeable) 

[Blessings: [Demon king: EXP Boost](+25% EXP), [Demon King: Better Evolution Options], [Demon King: Demonic System], [Demon King: Loved By Fire Spirits] 

[Resistances: [Holy Magic Resistance+], [Total Fire Resistance] (Applies to Fire Magic only if user is hit by Hell Flame altough he will get less damge than a Human but he will still suffer some damages),[Total Fear Resistance] (Including Fear Skills), [Basic Elements Resistance+]

[Anti Holy Magic Level] Abiltys: Make any type of Magic Disapper slowly just by aiming your hand at it, Super effective on Holy Magic. WARNING!: This abilty requires large amount of mana 

[Souls collected: 0 - Souls can be used as Mana, one soul is worth at least 300 Mana depends on the soul's strengh, Souls can be used to Evolve to like Evolving skills and sometime even a your Race, for example you can evolve from Demon to High Demon or Soul eating Demon more and more...


Wait I TOTALY FORGOT ABOUT THE ABILTY I GOT WITH [Anti Holy Magic] I could have used that on the Cuffs and Colar welp what is done is done and I got a good abilty out of it actually I can even see the Element of the Mana it looks Gray I think it's sealing magic but I can't control it maybe my [Mana Manpulation] Level just isn't high enough yet

I waited inside the cage when I heard footsteps going towards me and starts holding the cage to move it somewhere, I immediantly cut the hands of the one that moved the cage because of my [Super Tough Body+++] my body is actually kinda like a sword even though a sword is better but if I swing my arm with High enough speed I can cut an arm easily!, after doing that I Manipulated my Mana using eyesight to see the cage's Mana flow I found the weak point I put a wall made out of Mana blocking the Mana circute inside of the Cage making it like a "normal cage"

I can now use Magic!, even though I haven't used it before I am sure I can use it because of my [Mana Manpulation] Skill I used my [Hell Fire] Burnign the cages to ashes everyone in here screamed, except the Guards they seem really Trained I shot [Hell Fire] at one of the Guards direction he responded to my attack by using a simple water spell what an idiot

They really undermistmate me, Hehehe I can almost taste freedoom!, but I found out that I am really bad at close combat and it's four Vs one UNFIAR CHEATERS one of them tried hitting me in the head with the tip of the spear he was using I dodged but another spear got me in the stomch the spears weren't strong but I just found out THAT SPEAR HAS LIGHTNING MAGIC IMBUNED INSIDE OF IT! THAT HURTS! It even gave me Paralysed in the condition when I Anlaysed myself

I couldn't move they were heading towards me all of them together ready to stub the leving Hell out of me I dodged at the last second but I was sure I couldn't dodge the next attack all of time came at me at the same time I can dodge at Max at least 2 but al 4 of them I tried doding while using [Hell Fire] on the other two but they dodged it easily [Hell Fire] is kinda slow, it's more of a really close combat skill

Right when they were about to stab me I felt something.. I grabbed onto that feeling and I somehow dodged the four of them kicking 1 of the Guar's legs making them break suddently a notifcation showed in front of me

[Host has Acquired The Racial Skill:[Demonic Battle Instincts+](Upgradable)

GOOD TIMING!, I used my [Demonic Battle Instincts+] with my [High Senses+++] those duo are perfect together!, I dodged every magic and physical that cam my way I knew exactly where there muscles are moving towrds because of [High Senses+++]+[Demonic Battle Instincts+] I can guess the genral derction of where a punch would come from though I can't guess where a weapon will come from but that was enough to hit all of the Guards to death when they died two notifcations sounded inside of my mind

[Host has gained a total of 100 EXP due to [Demon king: EXP Boost](+25% more EXP gained) blessing]

[Host has Acquired 4 (Mid) Human souls [Souls collected: 4(Mid)

System what is a (Mid) Soul?

[Answer: A (Mid) Soul is a soul of a warrior/mage... who trained at least 5 years having above avrege growth to be able to grow to (Mid) Soul that fast most people only get to (Mid) Soul Level when they trained for at least 8 Years those are the people with Avrege Talent]

what are the other souls ranking?

[There are 5 types of Souls: (Weak) soul an injured Soul. (Normal) Soul the Soul of someone who have never trained really hard in their life they can still be a little strong just not to much. (Mid) Soul a Soul of someone who Trained at least for 5 Years, really talented people can do it in less time though. (Strong) Soul A soul of a Strong Warrior/Mage/Spirit summoner... and lastly (Devine) Soul a (Deving) Soul isn't necciraly strong at the start but have high growth potential such as a Hero, or you who was summoned by the Demon King]

Wait can you show my Soul Level in my status I want to remember it actually.. when I find out about something that can be added to Status please add it

[Updating Status Screen]

Name: (Nameless)

Level: 4/20 

EXP: 40/60 Note: (EXP will work like this every time you level up it will multplie by 2X but after levling up at least 2 times it will only multplie by 1.5X) 

MP: 53,000/40,000 Note: (After levling up MP will go up by 750 for each level gained) 

Luck: 15 

[Race: Demon (Evolution is not available must reach Level 20 first) 

[Class: Empty (Class requirement reach level 10+

[Skills: [Analyse Level 4], [Mana Manpulation Level 4] 

[Unqie magic: [Anti Holy Maigc Level 1], [???] 

[Racial skills: [Fast Regenration++++], [Super Tough Body+++](Upgradeable), [Hell Fire](Evoultion Requires 8000 souls), [Fast Mana Regenration++], [High Senses+++](Upgradeable),[Magic Eyesgiht+++](Upgradeable), [Demonic Battle Instincts+](Upgradeable) 

[Blessings: [Demon King: EXP Boost], [Demon King: Better Evolution Options], [Demon King: Demonic System], [Demon King: Loved By Fire Spirits] 

[Resistances: [Holy Magic Resistance+], [Total Fire Resistance] (Applies to Fire Magic only if user is hit by Hell Flame altough he will get less damge than a Human but he will still suffer some damages),[Total Fear Resistance] (Including Fear Skills), [Basic Elements Resistance+] 

[Anti Holy Magic Level] Abiltys: Make any type of Magic Disapper slowly just by aiming your hand at it, Super effective on Holy Magic. WARNING!: This abilty requires large amount of mana 

[Souls collected: 4 (MID) - Souls can be used as Mana, one soul is worth at least 300 Mana depends on the soul's strengh, Souls can be used to Evolve like Evolving skills and sometimes even your Race, for example you can evolve from Demon to High Demon or Soul eating Demon more and more... 


Now that there are no Guards, I can now save those Demons that were caught together with me maybe even take some items from the action house, I ran towards where I heard the sound of a little kid crying when I got there I kicked open the door making it fly towards the wall in the end of the hallway what I saw was alot of cages all of the people in the cages were Demons all of them looked scared

I started Manpulating the Mana in all of the cages at once, I started feeling dizzy but I knew I had to do it quickly suddently a notifcation sound played in my head

[Mana Manpulation has Levled up by +1 [Mana Manpulation Level 5] ]

The dizzy feeling I felt went away I felt like I can directly Manpulaite the Sealing Magic, instead of blocking the Mana Circuit with a wall of Mana I took Disconnected the Mana in the cages from eachother making it possible for me to cut open all of the cages with my hand all of the Demons got out of the cages and Thanked me

We found a Teleportation scroll with Magic imprent on top of it, it's like a save point if you have a Magic circle in your house you can use the scroll to get there it the procces takes sometime and luckly one of the Demons had a Magic circle in their house but the renfourcment came

My [Demonic Battle Instincts+] tells me to run that there is a really strong opponient that is coming but.., I couldn't leave them I made the decision to sacrfice myself for them, it might have been stupid but I feel like I am responsible for their lives!, I saved them from the cages soo why not save them all the way through!

I told them I had a way to get back by myself, one of the kids wanted me to stay and even held my pants (which I didn't even think about it untill now but I reincarnated with clothes on) he eventunay gave up and I ran towards the threat, I tried to Sneak on him I hid behind a wall using [High Senses+++], to make sure I make no noise

[Host has gained Skill [Sneak Level 4]]

Again it's level 4 firstly because of [High Senses+++] and secondly because of [Demonic Battle Instincts+] with [Demonic Battle Instincts+] I can make my Heart beat more silently and Breathing Silently to

I saw 4 man one of the man had an eye patch and a Sword that looks like a Magical Sword I [Anlayse] it and the resualts were

[Host skill has Leveled up to [Analyse Level 5]


[Name: Mana Eater (It was named like that by it's master because it can eat it's master's mana to empower itself)

[Durabilty: 50,000 (well maintained)

[MP Stored: 10,000/10,000

[Weapon rank: Gold (Note: The Weapons rankings are Bronze, Silver, Gold, Divine (with the abilty to grow stronger with the User/Master)

After I checked the Sword out, I felt something was wrong I was sure [High Senses+++] sensed 5 people bu... 

[Emergency!, Host lost 100% of his Mana commincing sleep mode]

everything went dark.., my body fell on the ground and behind me was a Human Male smiling because he caught his pry, I was put into sleep mode because that blow took all of my Mana (Note: I haven't said that before but because Demons are built out of Mana they don't have Blood they're Veins are littelry made out of pure Mana and the Heart and soo on that is part of the reason why Humans take Demon slaves for expirments)