
Reincarnated as a Companion Wolf

Vorbuk was once human... One day he opened his eyes in a new world as a companion beast and found himself struggling to adapt to a new world. Not wanting to become a companion to another he set off only to find himself becoming friends with the crown prince, Leo, and others. Can he protect those important to him from the threats that await him on this continent? He must grow fast if he wants to take on the evil god that's lurking with intent to destroy the continent. Traversing the 12 kingdoms they meet all sorts of beings such as elves, demons, gods, werewolves, vampires, and many more beings. I also have a webtoon version of this series being worked on. You can read it at webtoon.

VonirComics · Fantasía
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358 Chs

Chapter 350

Vorbuk woke up inside the headless horseman's cabin once more. It was a ceiling and room familiar to him. The wolf had been carried back to the bed he'd rested in the first time. This was a room he did not want to familiarize himself with any further. His body still ached from the battle against the headless horseman.

How long have I been resting here? Vorbuk thought to himself.

[ Time in Death's passage is not as easy to follow. ]

The wolf listened to the familiar voice of the system. Under the words spoken to him he could see another message from the system. He'd successfully completed another task the god's voice had requested from him.

[ Mission Complete: Defeat The Headless Horseman ]

Has it been hours? No, I might have already spent a couple days here. Vorbuk thought to himself as he understood that his time to recharge his strength after draining his mana would take plenty of time. After resting a couple times in the headless horseman's cabin it was possible that Prince Leo and the pirates were getting impatient. They were probably worried about him.

Will the prince rush after him if he takes too long to return? Vorbuk felt like that was most likely true. If he did not find a way back to the prince soon. It was possible the prince would find a way to chase after him carelessly.

"Master-!" Ashley's voice called out to him from somewhere beside him, "Are you finally awake?"

The wolf lifted his head to look for the source of the voice. Catching sight of Ashley standing guard beside the broken window. It was the same window that Ashley had broken when coming to save him. A plastic tarp had been nailed against the window to protect the wolf from any cold drafts. Ashley had personally sealed up the window to keep him from getting sick while resting.

Knock! Knock!

There was a gentle knocking on the door. Perhaps they had come to respect the beast a bit more as even the siren's knock had become more relaxed. When Raene's knock was heard it was followed by her voice, "It's Raene."

Vorbuk frantically shifted into his human form to not keep them waiting. The duel between him and the headless horseman was over. He needed to meet with him and further discuss matters between them. The headless horseman had sworn to become loyal to him.

As he shifted into his human form to answer the door he almost stumbled. Bumping himself into the door as he grabbed the door knob. He could hear the vampire behind him at the window worriedly calling out his name, "Master-?!"

"It's fine." Vorbuk responded to the vampire before slowly opening the door to see the siren standing outside the room waiting for him.

She spoke before he had the opportunity to greet her, "You are free to go."

"What?" Vorbuk did not understand, "What about Creed?"

"He has no further interest in you." The siren, Raene, said bluntly to him.

"What about our deal?" Vorbuk asked her pressingly.

Raene glared at him, her expression slowly going soft again as she answered, "In the future he will no longer be hostile towards you as per the agreement."

"I thought-!" Vorbuk started to feel both confused and agitated by those words. It felt like the headless horseman was going back on his word.

The siren tried to refrain from laughing under her words as she spoke again, "His loyalty may be to you now but that does not change anything. Did you think he could do anything against the king of Drethia? We can not help you there."

The Drethia King has Creed's head and without it he could not get caught by the Drethia king for being close to King Vorbuk. If that happens Creed's life would be in danger. As long as his head remained in the king's hands his life was in the palm of the king's hand. The siren, Raene, understood that fact clearly as she spent many years serving the headless horseman.

"He wont even meet with me?" Vorbuk grit his teeth as a feint growl escaped his throat. What king of development was this? Though he had no reason to force anything from the headless horseman. He knew that he could not stand a chance against him in a real fight.

The siren seemed to ponder something before saying, "We will meet again in the future."

Vorbuk was not given any chance to meet with the headless horseman. After the siren came to his room they were escorted from the cabin. It took a few hours it seemed before the siren had escorted them back to the main pathway and pointed them in the direction they needed to go.

She parted ways with them after showing them the way. It was her personal duty to look after the headless horseman, Creed. The entire time she was escorting them a heavy silence came from her. It made Vorbuk consider whether or not she was questioning the outcome of things between them.

"Master..." Ashley seemed to debate on asking something as they walked along the fog covered pathway through the passage. It had only been a few minutes since the siren had left them alone to find their way out of death's passage. Many things were through his mind.

Vorbuk remained in his human form as he knew that if he took on his true form it would be impossible to communicate with the vampire, "What?"

"Are you alright letting things end like that?" Ashley asked honestly as he could not understand why his master would let the headless horseman go so easily. He felt like the headless horseman was going back on his own word. it felt like his master was betrayed and he wanted to go back and rip Creed part. He also disliked how the siren treated them.

"I am not that worried about it. If he wanted to go back on his word with me," Vorbuk could sense that the vampire was getting uneasy and he quickly tried to think of a method to calm his servant down, "I feel that we both would not be standing here right now."

"I know that he is dangerous and that we should leave..." Ashley's eyes had a complicated expression as he said, "I just can not stand the way he disrespected you, master."

Vorbuk felt no harm in how they treated him. He knew he could be viewed as lowly by many in this world. It was impossible to have everyone view him as anything more then a beast. In his previous life he had been seen as a lowly orphan on the streets most of his life.

Being viewed as a beast felt almost like an improvement. If others wanted to underestimate him because of his race as a companion beast in this world it was not something that bothered him. Though many tried to explain to him that it would be impossible to go his entire life without being bound to someone as their companion beast. The more his name became known it meant more mortals would be after him for their own gain.

Vorbuk could not stand the thought of being bound to anyone. He was not someone who could easily open his heart to others. After all there were only a few in this life that he would be willing to consider for such a situation. The thought of being bound to someone else made him feel suffocated.

The headless horseman was just another mortal that had looked down on him because he had been a mere companion beast in their eyes. It had only been his skills that Creed had wanted to take advantage of at first. Creed's honor as a knight was only reason he had made it away safely.

Vorbuk responded to Ashley slowly as he thought about everything, "I do not care who dislikes me in this life."