
Reincarnated as a Companion Wolf

Vorbuk was once human... One day he opened his eyes in a new world as a companion beast and found himself struggling to adapt to a new world. Not wanting to become a companion to another he set off only to find himself becoming friends with the crown prince, Leo, and others. Can he protect those important to him from the threats that await him on this continent? He must grow fast if he wants to take on the evil god that's lurking with intent to destroy the continent. Traversing the 12 kingdoms they meet all sorts of beings such as elves, demons, gods, werewolves, vampires, and many more beings. I also have a webtoon version of this series being worked on. You can read it at webtoon.

VonirComics · Fantasía
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358 Chs

Chapter 276

Iemis stood in front of Pope Johann while his body glowed an elegant golden color. Large gold shackles and chains like phantom ghosts seemed to wrap themselves around the god one by one. They were covering his ankles and wrists while the gods power seemed to be diminishing.

No, Iemis was actually...! Pope Johann Lovette felt startled at the sudden realization.

"Do you really need to go this far..!" Johann wanted to shout at the god. Nothing he would say could change the god's mind once it was made up.

Iemis was determined to get what he wanted this time. No matter the cost he had to pay for it. It had been a long time since he had last sealed his own mana within himself in order to blend in with mortals. God's rarely sealed their mana away because gods rarely had a desire to be on par with a mortal. That was like asking a human if they wanted to become a ant.

The weaker his mana flow became inside of Iemis the more his figure began to change along with it. Just like beasts evolve as they grew mortals could sometimes evolve in ways with their evolution. Changes were not always drastic as they varied from each individual.

Sometimes these changes no matter how small could make a big difference on an individual...

When the gods mana was done being sealed away so that no mortal would be able to distinguish him from themselves, Pope Johann Lovette found himself speechless at first before uttering out his own thoughts, "I had read about it in the temples books, but to actually see it..."

"You act as if you did not already know." Iemis found Johann's reaction uncomfortable a bit.

"Knowing and personally seeing it are two different things." Johann Lovette sighed as he got rid of the excitement he felt at the sight. The worry began to wash over him again.

Not even a dragon would be able to recognize Iemis as a god in his current state. Iemis could even break free from his weakened state at any time. However magic of this extent always had a price to pay for using it. The pope also knew this was not Iemis's first time using such magic and he was already paying for it greatly.

The sight of Iemis now was very different even if they were minor changes. His once silver hair now glistened a beautiful gold hue. Eyes that were once colorless were now blue as well. This sight before the pope was something that would cause anyone in his position to freeze from shock.

"The Cadirade Royals really are descendants from your blood no matter how I look at it..." Johann Lovette had studied the books inside the temple inside and out. Inside those books he had read about the history of the royal family in Cadirade. They were known as the oldest bloodline flowing strong throughout history. It had been said that they were able to wield such strong magic because they were blood descendants of one of the gods.

When the first god came to create other beings in this world it was said that he had used his own blood to create the first mortal beings. Of those first mortals the royal family of Cadirade was one of them. Over centuries they had also kept the purest bloodline maintaining their strength in magic.

That was the reason Prince Leo could so easily develop in his fire magic and communicate with magical beasts. Pope Johann Lovette thought that to be reasonable.

"How do you intend to get close to Vorbuk in this state? He does not-" Johann Lovette was interrupted before he could consider a way for Iemis to get close to the wolf beast.

"Invalid," Iemis found it hard to break his habit of speaking even if his appearance had changed due to sealing away his mana, "I have no problem with that."

"What are you going to do?" Johann felt worried again about this god.

"I'm going to get hit." Iemis sighed heavily before turning and walking out of the temple completely without a further word to Johann.

Johann Lovette froze in place as his brain tried to process what he had just heard from the god. Did a god really just tell him they were going to get hit? Hit by what? For what reason?! He had so many questions he wanted to ask.

No, wait... Was Iemis just going to walk to the Theapan Palace in the middle of the blood red rain storm?! Johann Lovette felt his blood pressure rising as he tried to process everything that had happened to him inside his own temple tonight. His head hurt.

Early Morning At Theapan Palace, the sun was just beginning to rise.

Vorbuk stood outside his palace in his wolf form with Prince Leo. From a distance he could hear Daryl directing the knights in order to calm the people of the kingdom as quickly as possible. The strange red rain was sure to cause panic in the streets. If they did not take action quickly it could cause a dire situation to occur.

"As soon as the rain began Ashley had reacted instantly." Prince Leo was thankful that Ashley had woken them up in time to take action. The knights had been coming and going from the palace to take care of matters since the storm began.

That vampire never sleeps... Vorbuk's expression was unpleasant as he thought about how creepy it felt at times. The vampire was always keeping a close watch over him even as he slept.

At the moment both Ashley and Aoki were standing close by in order to keep a close watch. Ashley was not willing to take chances during the rain. It felt like a bad omen to him.

"If history has taught me anything it has taught me that a storm like this is never a good sign." Bredret's rough voice could be heard from the side causing the wolf to turn back and look up at him.

"I thought it was a rather pleasant thing~" Aoki joined in with a dreamy expression on his face. He could not hide his love for the blood colored rain. It felt rather enjoyable for him and his twisted personality.

"Does anyone know what actually happened?" Vorbuk asked Prince Leo and Bredret who could understand him in his wolf form.

The both of them glanced at each other before Bredret opened his mouth first, "I heard stories about a rain like this when I was still a young hatchling."

"What did you hear?" Prince Leo asked the dragon.

"They said it occurs during the death of an original god... Knowing which god was killed is a different matter even if you ask me." Bredret was not going to be questioned about things he could not answer. It was impossible for him to know which god died or how. Dragons were ancient creatures that could live for thousands of years. Their knowledge was deep so something like the blood colored rain was knowledge passed down throughout his kinds history.

"Your Majesty! A strange man has collapsed at the palace gates!" One of the palace servants rushed over to their group in a hurry with this information.

Ashley stepped forward to speak, "What strange man would dare-?!"

"Who is he?" Prince Leo asked quickly before the vampire could loose his temper.

"Nobody knows but..." The servant hesitated before telling the prince, "He looks like he could be related to you, your highness."