
reincarnated as a boy with ancient power

In a world shrouded in darkness and uncertainty, "Unfamiliar Beginnings" follows Dante, a teenager with an exceptional intellect and a fragile self-image. His life takes a nightmarish turn when he and his friends are captured by ruthless assailants who engage in grotesque and sinister acts. However, amidst this horror, Dante's consciousness awakens in an unknown world, stripped of his former existence. As he navigates unfamiliar terrain and discovers a mysterious tattoo on his chest, Dante embarks on a journey of self-discovery. shocking revelation that challenges his perception of reality. This chilling and thought-provoking tale delves into themes of survival, mystery, and the resilience of the human spirit.

Dante2409 · Fantasía
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27 Chs

zelto's power

chapter "13 zelto's power

In the arena, the tension was palpable as Team 3 and Team 1 stared each other down. Dante's voice boomed, breaking the silence, "Let's introduce each other!" The captain of Team 1 retorted with a smirk, "Should we know each other? If you want to know so badly, we will introduce, but be ready to lose." Dante's confidence remained unshaken as he replied, "We will see."

As the teams prepared to clash, the crowd's excitement was electric. Team 3 stepped forward to introduce themselves. Rak, the stalwart captain; Zelto, a mysterious figure; Brazen, a solid presence; Tanpa, a force to be reckoned with; and lastly, Mouba, an enigmatic member. However, they had no knowledge of the powers Team 1 possessed.

The final bell rang, and the arena erupted with cheers. All eyes were fixed on the stage as the battle commenced. Dante exchanged a determined look with Beru, their unspoken understanding evident. He then glanced at Porus, who nodded in response. Sonia stood behind Porus, her worry hidden behind a mask of determination, while Galen exuded an air of calm confidence.

Rak, the captain of Team 3, laughed heartily and taunted, "What? Is this some kind of joke? Only two people to fight us?" Undeterred, Beru fearlessly dashed towards the entire opposing team. The crowd and Team 1 were taken aback by his audacity.

Beru's dual blades were drawn, gleaming in the sunlight as he charged. Zelto from Team 1 stepped forward, his demeanor composed and unreadable. Team 3 was oblivious to Zelto's power, which only added to the suspense.

Beru's onslaught began as he swung his left blade at Zelto with immense force. Yet, Zelto moved with an uncanny agility, smoothly evading the strike. Without missing a beat, Beru launched into a rapid flurry of attacks, his right blade following seamlessly after the left. Zelto's movements were almost dance-like, his keen analysis of Beru's patterns guiding him.

Zelto's experience and agility were evident, as he danced around Beru's relentless strikes. The crowd marveled at his grace under pressure. Despite Beru's unyielding assault, Zelto remained calm, waiting for the opportune moment.

Finally, Zelto saw his opening. With a swift low sweep, he aimed a kick at Beru's legs, destabilizing him. It worked like a charm, sending Beru momentarily airborne. Zelto seized the chance, his blinding speed propelling him towards Beru, his fist connecting with Beru's stomach with astonishing force.

The impact was colossal, the ground beneath them shattering from the sheer power of the blow. But Beru was not one to be defeated so easily. He used his dual blades to mitigate the damage from the punch, the clash of metal against Zelto's fist creating a resonating clang.

Watching the battle unfold, Dante's keen eyes deciphered Zelto's power. He shouted, his voice echoing, "Beru, Zelto's main power is his speed! Be careful!"

With Beru still recovering from Zelto's strike, it was Dante's turn to step onto the stage. His declaration rang out, "Who is going to fight me?" The chapter ended with this tantalizing promise of the ensuing clash between Dante and his yet-to-be-revealed opponent.