
Slave Trade

Vatue ran around the city for a while, looking around at interesting things here and there. The goal in this city was to find some items for Vatue to use whilst fighting, and try and maybe finish some quests, for instance, make a shot from 100meters, and get 20 skills (19/20).

After running around the city for a while, Basmon decided that they really needed to make some money, so they could get A skill book for Basmon and some items for Vatue.

Whilst running around the city and overhearing some people, Basmon learned a couple of things, for instance; 1 Gold coin=100 Silver, 1 Silver= 100 Copper coins, and 3 silvers are enough for a basic, 4 person family to survive a year. Enough bread and some soup for a family for a day would generally cost 1 copper, with things worth less generally bought in small coppers, which translates to 1000 small coppers=1 copper. This means a family will usually spend around all the money they earn on food, with housing usually included by the city with their work. People generally make about 4 silvers a year, and usually work under the city, getting their housing covered for free. If the housing is not covered by the city, then that same family would usually end up spending 14 silvers per year and earning about 12 silvers, which is why most families will work under the city.

The final thing Basmon learned was that the way most people get skills is by killing magical monsters, then on a rare chance, they could drop a skill. Any creature with magic can drop a skill book when killed. Is turns out that humans not only use skill books, but also can use items to manipulate mana to use magic. This is how Humans usually use magic, as Skill books are so rare a low tier, rank E usually costs around 20 Gold. However, if someone has a skill, they are almost always stronger then the corresponding magic. (Skill: Fire Arrow would be much stronger than the magic Fire Arrow)

Now, Basmon just wanted a skill book so he could get that last skill, as he did not have enough TP right now. He actually HAD 60 TP, enough for a skill, but he was saving up for a different skill;

<Arrow Rain: Summons hundreds of arrows, 200 Mana/Use. Cost 200TP>

This skill was easily stronger than any of his current skills, as he could easily use it to destroy an army or assassinate someone from far away, so long as he knew their exact location and they were in the correct position. Not only that, but if he used <Second Teleport> there, he could also summon himself to that location. This made the insane price actually make sense.

The problem was the price of the books. Basmon did not even care about the skill, he just wanted one. Basmon had figured out the fastest way to make money, however: Quests. And not system quests. Quests from the local church. Turns out, they will give out insane amounts of money for doing quests. It's just... Most people can't do quests. So even a C rank quest can get you 50 Silvers.

Now, the problem was getting Vatue to do quests. Or more so making it so he was ALLOWED to do quests. Apparently, the church has some sort of 'Grudge' against all types of monsters, even 'Awakened' monsters like Vatue, who do not count on the list of banned monsters. So now, they had to figure out how to get the church to allow Vatue to complete quests.

After a bit of thinking, they decided to just go to the church and ask to do some quests.

Vatue walked for a while, with Basmon on his back, towards the center of the city, where the large church could be seen. It had huge towers sparking in the light, easily the largest and most attractive building in the city, with its pearly gates and perfect white marble columns. Finally, they got to the church. In front of them stood huge steps leading up to 5 statues, of the Light God, Fire God, Wind God, Human God, Magic God respectively. The church worshiped all of these gods and had different factions within itself that served each of these 5 gods. Of course, they all also served the rest of the gods, and there was almost no inner fighting. The church still held competitions between the factions, but they were all 'Peaceful'.

Vatue slowly walked up the steps, towards the huge white doors easily larger than a house, leading into the church. Hundreds of people streamed in and out of the doors, all milling around and doing different things.

Vatue walked inside and looked around. Around him stood hundreds of people, along with what seemed to be a main auditorium of the church, and around it smaller ones. To his direct right, however, he saw a large board full of hundreds of papers, of which both he and Basmon assumed to be quests. Right beside that stood a large window, with a sign above it saying 'Sign Up Desk'.

Vatue walked towards the window and got in line. Thankfully, the line was not near as long as the line to get into the city.

After a bit of waiting, they finally got to the window. In front of Vatue stood a nice-looking woman in her mid-20s. Vatue, who had grown a lot, even in the short time since he had been hatched, was easily as tall as the women in the window.

"Sir, What may I help you with?" The women remarked, looking down on Vatue.

"Oh... Ma'am, I would like to take a quest... I was wondering how to do so." Vatue requested of her, keeping his tone polite.

"Ooh... Ever so sorry, we do not accept 'Lower Species', once more, ever so sorry." The women said cockily, looking down on Vatue with contempt.

'Master... What should I do?' Vatue asked Basmon telepathically.

'Wait... Ask her what makes you a lower species Basmon commanded.

"I'm sorry Ma'am... Mind explaining what makes me a lower species and you a better one?" Vatue asked innocently.

"Pfft! Your an 'Awakened' Monster!" The women laughed, mocking Vatue.


"So What?"

"So what your saying is that having a sentient consciousness is a bad thing? Because if so, then man humans must suck..."

"Wha--- How DARE you! GUARRRDS! GET THIS DISGUSTING THING!" The women yelled, calling out to the guards.

Within 10 seconds, Vatue was surrounded. Basmon immediately went invisible, as he would not be much help in a close-range situation. The guards immediately detained Vatue and dragged him off, and instead of throwing him out of the church, they dragged him behind a door neer the window.

'Master... Should I resist? I think I could beat them...' Vatue asked Basmon

'...No. Don't. I sense a much stronger presence around us. We can escape later... But for now, ask why they are dragging you behind a door. That IS illegal... Kidnapping...' Basmon responded.

"Sirs! Why are you dragging me back here? Is this not illegal?" Vatue said in a panicked voice.

"Yes! It most certainly is! But wacha gonna do, sucker?" A guard mocked.

"Yeah! You finna be a slave soon!" Another guard laughed.

"Shouldn't of made a scene!" One of the guards added on. "Had you just left, like a good little monster, it would have been fine. But now, too bad for you, wonderful for us... Free money, Idiot!"

"This! What about the laws! Are you not part of the holy church of the 5 gods?" Vatue questioned.

"Pfft! Who cares! The Gods? No! They just want us to serve them! How could they care if we make slaves of some lowly monsters!" A guard responded.

"But... The laws!"

"Who Cares! Once the king dies it will be 'Fixed' soon!"

The guards through Vatue into a dark cell about 200 feet below the church. Around him, mice could be heard, along with water slowly dripping. Vatue lay down on the straw bed and asked Basmon where he was.

'Hmm? Oh. I'm outside your cell, the guards didn't notice me. I'll go out of invisibility now.' Basmon responded.

"Oh. I see you. What should we do?" Vatue asked, maturing quickly from his immature self when they were outside of the city.

'To be honest... I'm not sure... Obviously, we need to escape, but I have no clue how. There are no windows out... it seems to be the only way out is the way back in. I guess I'll go explore this hallway.' Basmon responded.

After talking to Vatue for a bit longer, Basmon started to explore farther down the hallway. The first thing he noticed was the large number of cells lining the sides of the hallway, all filled with lifeless creatures. They all seemed to have lost all hope of life. He looked at the creatures sadly, noting that if he had the chance to free them, then went farther down the hallway using 'Bow Control'.