

Krez stood dumbstruck and started yelling, "If I'm the legacy holder, then where are all my treasures? Where is my godly cultivation techniques? You're a scam, Lunar Berserk, a SCAM!"

Just as he finished yelling, a ghostly figure blinked into existence in front of Krez. The figure had long dark hair and delicate but sharp features. From a distance, he could be confused as a girl, especially with his long hair.

The figure spoke out, " Congratulations, my legacy holder. You have completed all my trials, obtaining my treasures and my 9-star body and soul cultivation technique. I wish I could see you in person. If this recording hologram is playing, that means I'm still keeping the true Demonic God imprisoned.

With this recording's activation, I'll know my contingency plan has activated. Grow,my legacy holder, and when you're a true God, come help me deal with the true Demonic God."