
Reincarnated: 9th Lord

Rudra Kumar dies in his sleep and woke up in a world full of fantasy and urban legends... Will he die?..same as his previous life or will he survive and become one of the legends...whose name would never be forgetten in the history books....

vishal_singh_0552 · Fantasía
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15 Chs

Chapter. 4. Bahal

" Young Master the carriage is ready to leave "

My wish really came true as for the past four days that I stayed in the Mansion and enjoyed various delicious cuisines on daily bases...

No one came from the main Mansion of the Count...,to disturb my peaceful life...

I was thankful...

And finally today we were departing towards the Cornard Duchy...

Seating on the couch inside the carriage I looked at my other partner who seating infront of me..

The young maid Emma was coming with me on this journey...as I liked the food she cooked for me and also she was an orphan who didn't had attachment to this place...So for that reason she was the best option to take with me...

" Mm..Y..young master I can seat in the supply carriage.." She said in a timid tone..

Also..., I like to see her flustered looking face..

" Don't be scared Emma I am not going to eat you " I said with a smirk on my face...

I don't have any kind of kinky interest in her but I like to tease her little bit...

Looking at my face with an angry pout she turned her head with an hmmp and started looking outside the carriage through the window...

She was trying to ignore me but I couldn't help but chuckle a little and enjoy the cozy environment that was totally different from my past life...

On that note we left the Count estate and started our long journey that would take us about two months to reach our destination...

Cornard Duchy...here I come~~

Ten day Later... Border of Ecclestone County...

At the entrance of Kark Village,...a small Caravan of ten horse men and three carriages arrived in the evening...

Sir Jerad who was leading the group of young horse men's signaled the group to make a small camp outside the entrance of the Kark Village...

Giving his instructions Sir Jerad went to the main carriage and opened the door for Oliver...

" Young Master...I don't get..why we are trusting a story of treasure hidden in the forest near the twin peak mountain range " Sir Jerad didn't wanted to risk the life of Oliver

" We are already here Uncle so lets just check whether the rumor behind the treasure is true or false " I said with a helpless Sigh...

I don't know how many time did I answered this same question for the past five days....

Convincing Sir.Jerad to change the route of travel and look for some kind of fairy tale was really taxing for me...

I know that it was just a rumor for Sir.Jerad and the others but for me who read the novel.., I knew the rumors was not false as Kark village is the same place from were a orphan name Bahal discovered the dungeon of the lost god and acquired the power of Miracle...

" Send somone to look for a experienced guide in the village..We need know the teran before we look for the treasure " I said while looking towards the twin peak mountains surrounded by the dense forest...

" Okey I will send a man to look for a guide and bring them early in the morning " Saying that he went back to check the arrangement made by the young escort knights.....

Next day in the morning..

" Young master this is the guide we selected from the villager..." One of the escort knight brought a rough looking man with a small kid when I was eating my breakfast..

" Greetings young master... my name is Jubair and this is my son Bahal...and I can assure you that I am the best guide you can find in the whole Kark village "

The rough looking man said reassuringly...

But my attention was not on the man who was trying to impress me...my whole concentration was on the young boy standing behind his fathers leg...

' Is this coincidence or what ?'

From the moment I heard the name Bahal my whole thoughts became a mess as I look at the small kid...

Bahal the stone titan who was the orignal owner of the miracle of ' Stone Titan' was standing infront of me...

The person who responsible for my demise was just a small kid with a running nose..., hidding behind his fathers legs...

' Should I just kill him ' this thought came to my mind when I looked at the kid...

But soon..,I discarded that idea when I saw how innocent those eyes looked when he stare at me...


' Forget it.., I can't kill a kid for my own greed..., i'll just use the father and son duo and find the dungeon...., after that I don't know them and they don't know me.... a clean intrest relationship... yes..lets do that ' I made up inside my mind...

Even though life was not going to be easy for me in this world I will not become a monster...

Being humble was the virtues I learned after seeing death so close to me....

" Okey..then Mr.Jubair...You can be our guide while we stay here...Go talk to Sir.Jerad about your payments..." I said while pointing towards the old man who was training the escort knights...

" Thank you young master...thank you "

Bowing his head Jubair smiled brightly and took along his son to Sir.Jerad...

Having discuss the payment in few minute's we left Emma and two escort knights to protect the camp and went inside the densely pact forest to look for the rumored treasure hidden somewhere near the foot of the twin peak mountain.