
Reincarnated: 9th Lord

Rudra Kumar dies in his sleep and woke up in a world full of fantasy and urban legends... Will he die?..same as his previous life or will he survive and become one of the legends...whose name would never be forgetten in the history books....

vishal_singh_0552 · Fantasía
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15 Chs

Chapter. 1. New World (l)

Blinking eyes and regaining consciousness.

I opened my eyelids with tired and sleepy mood. Laying on a very soft bed I looked around the place.

I was in a very luxurious bedroom with various decoration placed inside the big room.

Where am I ?

This was the question that came to my mind when I looked at those overly decorated furnitures placed in the corner.

I was really confused and flustered by the display of wealth in this room.

It was totally a different place.., were I didn't belonged..

I used to lived in a very cheap hospital room were I would share my room with two other patients as me.

The room which always smelled like medicine and depression., was totally a different place from this noble level room...

I pinched myself to check whether it was all real or just my imaginations.., but even after feeling the stinging sensation everything remained the same..

It was all real..

Decorated furniture, expensive curtain, polished windows, Beautiful statues etc..., was all real.

I finally believed...


Now that I knew that I was not imagining things I concentrated on my mind and thought back to the fragments of memories I had before I woke up inside this room..

I remembered I was reading a Novel called 'Rise of the Supreme King' on my cheap phone when a nurse came in and inform me that they had found a suitable heart for my transplant and the operation will be held tomorrow morning..

Then.. huhh..???

Yes ! I thank the god for their blessing and Then I went back to sleep...

And then.... that's all I remember...

Even after continuous efforts to remember more.., I couldn't recall anything that would hint me how I ended up inside this room.


" Just how did I came inside this place ?"

I got surprised by my own cool voice that sounded totally different from my usual self.

' Is somthing wrong with my voice ?' I thought back inside my mind.


While I was surprise by this sudden change..My head started hurting and suddenly foreign memories came flooding inside my mind.

I clutched the bedsheets with great force and bared the intense pain with greeted teeth.

The pain lasted for few minutes and finally stopped.

My head felt like it was going to burst out by all the information that came with the sudden pain but somehow I kept my mind sane and slowly digested all the foreign memories inside my head.

" What kind of fantasy is this ?"

According to the memories that I just received I was not on planet earth but a magical world called Swarg that was inside the Novel I read before going to sleep on my hospital bed.

A world were peoples with great ability to destroy cities by just the wave of thier hands existed and were living as the overlords...

In this world.., Fantasy species lived in mass population, other then human beings.

Magician's and Warriors was a real thing in this world, who could use mana to perform spells or Aura to perform battle arts...

Simply put everything extraordinary that was not possible on earth was possible in this world.

A fantasy novel that I read to spend my time inside the hospital room has somehow became reality and now I was a part of this world...

It was quite shocking to hear but I still recovered fast as this was not as surprising as when the doctor informed me of my defected heart.

Surly.., what could be more shocking then your own death....

Shaking my head with a sad Sigh.. I recognized the fact that I died in my sleep and somehow ended up in this world.

'Sigh No point worrying over spoiled milk now ' I thought inside my mind.

Being reborn in to another world was better then dead.


Making up my mind...,I looked in to the problems that I was going to face now in this world..

According to the story that I remembered.., the world Swarg has a single super continent named as Pangea.

Pangea is divided into three Empires like.,

Hestia empire., that was ruled by the humans who believe and served the goddess of Light Asuna.

The most powerful person in their empire was the three holy popes.

Britannia Empire., Ruled by the humans who believed in human supremacy and followed the path of Magic.

The most powerful peoples in this empire was the emperor and the four grand mages.

Union of Lords.. Ruled by the union of mixed races living in the continent of Pangea.

In this empire the most powerful peoples are the Nine Overlords. Who rule their own country under the banner of alliance..

The three empires governed their own empire with the iron fist and held order inside their own territories..

It was a war driven world were these three empires fight each other to acquire the whole Pangea Continent.

The strong leaders of this world held the authority/knowledge of Magic and Aura energy in their strong hands. Only the worthy could recive the power of knowledge from them.

They made the knowledge seeking process in such manner that the weak are always in control of the authority seating on the throne.

Other then the rulers of the empires that held the most knowledge on the two magical arts, their are some noble family that invented their own personal knowledge system on this things and always pass it down through their own long lineage.

These family may not be as strong as the ruler of the land but still they manage to become noble families in the three empires..

" And the plot of the story is the invasion of Demon world "

In between the disputes of the three Empire..,the demon world took advantage of the situations and started a war that lasted over fifty years to finish.., when finally the hero of the Novel kills one of the Three demon kings and make the demon army retreat to the Demon World.

' The Rise of the Supreme King' was a simple story that had some simple plots and epic struggle of the young hero..

This was the reson I read the Novel...because I didn't needed to put my whole concentration in the story and could just enjoy the Simple Fantasy of an Hero.

' Well I may have enjoy the story when I read the story but now that I am inside a world were a demon Army is going to attack and the war is going to last for fifty years..., I feel like i should have read romance novels instead of this action novel...at list in that story I could have enjoy my new life...."


' Well it is..,what it is..., Now that I have new body and a new life.., I can't just waste this opportunity and die.... I have to survive somehow.. ' I thought with a will to live my life to the fullest...