
Reincarnate with Rimuru's powers!!

A terminal cancer patient after dying is in a white room with a shining man who offers him 3 wishes and he asks for all of Rimuru's powers. . . . . Note: I do not own Rimuru or Tensura or any of the novels or universes that appear through my OCs and if any of the creators of the characters or the image on my cover want it to be unsubscribed, it will be done.

Sakuta_01003 · Cómic
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6 Chs

Training and Study...Again?




( POV Azumi Kobayashi ) 

"Raphael, place the Magnetic Field regulator in the back and place the Particle Accelerator next to the Dark Matter Assimilator and connect it to the Magnetic Field regulator".

(Yes Master.)

"What is the interaction rate of the 3 technologies, Raphael?".

(82%. Master the technologies are compatible but there is still room for maneuver, it would not take much longer and it would be a semi-complete technology with the amount of current knowledge.)

"Repeat the simulation and find errors and then conduct a dig on possible solutions".

The experiment I am currently trying to perform is a motor that can make the universe move while you don't, but with current scientific knowledge it is really impossible, you can only get an imitation of it and its speed is still slow in reality. . .

Compare it to the version of this that exists in Magic and Skills and I think I found an absolute tech peak in Tensuraverse.

Currently I have been studying for a long time, I must say that [King of Information Akashic Records] has a lot of knowledge of all subjects and thanks to Raphael's study plan and my level of knowledge regarding all subjects I am currently at the highest point and I finished almost all the knowledge in almost any Subject, but I found a problem: the level of knowledge is not great, not even at the level of carrying out large-scale interstellar trips, at most the maximum level of knowledge is solar system level or level II on the Kardashov Scale.

My current theory is that Veldanava's [Voice of the World] program or [Army of Heaven] interfered with various civilizations that reached a peak of growth no higher than a Level II Civilization and they were returned to an earlier point in their development.

I'm still not sure what the requirements are for this interference to happen.

I have a theory that they must develop a method to interact with the multiverse or maybe it has something to do with developing a power not suited to their universe, such as a Unique Skill in a Universe without mana which if not controlled will be disastrous because the Universe is not strong enough.

The universal levels are without Mana, with Mana, Presence of Magicule, Skill Universe, Ultimate Skill Universe, the latter being Cardinal, the main world of Tensura and this is unique in the multiverse without variants, a singular universe, which leads me to the question, So where is the Chloe of Futut from?.

With that thought I created the Skill [God of Space-Time, Yog-Sotohort] and upon creating it I realized that the Origin and Definitive Skills are almost irreplaceable, since this Skill allows you to Travel through the same Time Line without Paradoxes occurring. or that Parallel Time Lines are generated and therefore the Chloe of the Future is the same person as the Chloe of the Past, exactly the same.

Following that line of thought, Create more Skill the First [Lord of Divine Flame, Cthugha], grants manipulation of speed and Friction in addition to the manipulation of Fires.

The Second was [Lord of Divine Ice, Cthulhu] who controls the stopping of Time and although it could already be replicated both with Azathoth and Yog-Sothoth, it was not at the level of Cthulhu that I was able to stop Iterations at their maximum splendor.

The penultimate one was [Lord of Chaos Primordial, Nyarlathotep] which controls probability, which also controls Yog-Sothoth but Nyarlathotep controls it at such a level that he can easily fool Raphael and also me so it would be better to have a copy.

The last one is [Lord of Star Realm, Terra Mater], which allows you to have a map of the universe in which you find all the registered places and all the Creatures present, in addition to the ability to teleport yourself anywhere in this universe always. May it not be protected by an entity more powerful than you.

These Skills are extremely useful and will help me in the future although I will have to train to master them but I should finish in a short time.

The next worrying thing is Magic.

The Tensura magical system is not bad, but it is not the best either. This system depends too much on the Skills and in comparison without the Skills influencing the Magic, a Spell that would be of Universal level would only be of Galactic level, so there is still room for improvement.

However, my current biggest deficit is technology. I need a large amount of technological knowledge and in high quality. I have some worlds present but they all represent a high-level danger that I prefer not to run for the moment, so I have a two-step plan.

The first part consists of letting Raphael evolve to his supreme form, this process will take about 6 months, a time in which I will not be able to count on her and time that I will take advantage of spending with my family, along with my time at university.

"Raphael are you ready?"

(Yes sir. You need something before you sleep. Remember that I won't be there to support you. Will you be okay?) *Worried*

"I'll be fine Raphael, on the contrary you'd better be still my study partner when your evolution is over."

(It's okay Master, I assure you, see you Master. Starting Evolution in Origin Skill. Confirmation Y/N)

" Yes "

(Starting Evolution Process.)

"...See you Rafael"

With that I said goodbye to my last talk about her with her in half a year and I still thought about going back to training the skills that I had not yet mastered and checking my Status of a Magic that Raphael created and taught me.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

•[Name: Azumi Kobayashi]

•[Race: True Slimy Demonic Dragon]

•[Level: Medium Genesis Level]

•[Rank: S Special]

•[Vitality: 100'000'000 HP]

•[Magicule: 100'000'000 MP]

•[ Existential Points: 90'000'000 EP (+10,000,000 Scale Tunic) (+20,000,000 Silver Tearsler) = 120,000,000 EP ]

•[Origin Skill: [Magicule Breeder Reactor],[Void God Azathoth],[God of Space-Time, Yog-Sothoth],[King of Information Akashic Records],[Lord of Creation Ahura Mazda] ]

•[Ultimate Skill: [Lord of Harvest Shub-Niggurath],[King of Wisdom Raphael (In Suspension)],[Lord of Primordial Chaos, Nyarlathotep],[Lord of Divine Ice, Cthulhu],[Lord of Divine Flame, Cthugha ],[Lord of Star Realm, Terra Mater] ]

•[Unique Skills: [Makeshift],[True Dragon Haki],[True Dragon Scales],[Universal Sense],(+12) ]

•[Normal Skills: (+99) ]

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The Learning time I spent in [Akashic Records] served me in many ways because I naturally learned all the Normal Learning Skills that exist. I integrated [Akashic Records] into my mind so that it works as a database and a learning engine. I searched within myself and also created the best wool in addition to learning how to use it.

The Spear itself is called [Silver Tears Spear] named by me with a fresh and novel name. It is a spear created from Orichalco and Hirogane along with a little of my slime. It adapts perfectly to me and is of the {God} category with Void element and very strong adaptability.

At the same time I check that, I leave the house and go downstairs.

At the time that I was studying Raphael, I divided the Realm into different Floors, the Upper and core being The House that I have decided to name [Kobayashi Residence] the rest of the floors are Basically a Library of everything we know and it is part of step two of the plan.

Step two is to create a Library with knowledge from different worlds and then exchange that knowledge with various people talented enough to then contribute to the library.

It will take a lot of time but it is worth it and I honestly love the idea of taking care of this library myself.

It is divided as follows

1.- House (Kobayashi Residence): It is the residence that God left me and it is also the most protected place in the entire kingdom because it is where I train and spend my time in addition to having the true Library of the Worlds.

2.-Library of worlds: It is a copy of the True Library of worlds and although it allows travel between fictional worlds, it is limited to variants of your world, that is, if someone outside of Tensura would only travel to variants of Tensura. and if someone outside of Fate only traveled to Variants of her world, not all of them. (This was Raphael's recommendation).

3.- Ecological Reserve (Zoo, Prison, Records of People): There are only inhabitants who are not aware or who deserve their place there, Animals or non-lethal enemies and above all Records, here the records of each inhabitant in the multiverse of tension that I own this, I also plan to alter it so that it also functions as the 'Beyond' of this Realm, honestly I am very close to creating Velgrynd and Velzald but I do not have enough energy for it and still be strong in six months so I'll postpone it for the moment.

4.- Library, Akashic Records: Contains all the knowledge in Tensura verse and is cataloged according to its rarity and difficulty of obtaining in the rarity level of Tensura weapons of [Low, Medium, High, Special, Unique, Legend, God, Genesis ] being Genesis Skill Information of Origin and Multiversal level, to purchase superior knowledge you must sell at least one of that level.

5.- Villa de Ángeles: The last one is the Villa de los Ángeles where all the angels live, it seems that Raphael wanted manpower to take care of the Library and created the angel species of Tensura, they are all devils and are at the level of a Rank A Special but they can continue to evolve and since they are connected by [Lord of Harvest Shub-Niggurath], they will generate more EP for me the stronger they are, add that to the fact that they are extremely loyal and you have a bargain.

In total to create everything and alter the world I spent a total of 10,000,000 EP, but over time they will recover.

With everything ready, I left a [Multiple Existence] of mine to take care of the newborn Angels and headed to a room in the house to train my newly acquired Skills [God of Space-Time, Yog-Sothoth], [Lord of Primordial Chaos , Nyarlathotep],[Lord of Divine Ice, Cthulhu],[Lord of Divine Flame, Cthugha],[Lord of Star Realm, Terra Mater] and then I focused on my Multiple Existence which was now about to begin Classes. . .






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