
Reincarnate in dxd world

A rewrite version:) (A/N:covers not mine)

Wazzup18 · Cómic
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22 Chs

Chapter 12

~~~Chapter 12:Aura? or hidden magic?

Seeing that they were scared, Kenzuo put his mask on the inventory,and the blue flame like that was surrounding Kenzuo before had already disappeared.His intention was only to scared them!

"Nah!this isn't magic that you know,i am different, because i didn't used any magic!"

Kenzuo explained calmly while looking at Kin.Kin,chloe,and volt on the other hand didn't really believe on Kenzuo,if it wasn't magic then what is it? although they were slightly believe that it was really different from they're magic,but believing that it's their magic was,higher than Kenzuo explanation.

"This thing are called "aura" and they can enhanced body senses or something else."

Kenzuo said while looking at his arm full of blue flame like,the flame was dancing like a grass,they we're amazed by Kenzuo.They didn't expect that there are called aura out there,and they can felt that Kenzuo "aura" was strong enough to destroy this castle in one punch.

"That's a new word for me."

Kin said as he look at Kenzuo calmly,he wanted to attack Kenzuo,but his magic was still fluctuating.So he was helpless this time.

"Yeah right."

Kenzuo said before he turned,and have a little chat with Chloe.

"Hello,my name is Kenzuo and you are?"

Kenzuo said as he extended his hand with a smile,Chloe look at his cute face and smiled as she accepted his hand.Waved his hand,and introduce herself.

"I'm C-chloe."

"I see,so you're chloe."

When Kenzuo confirmed that she was his client,he wanted to bring her where the safe house at.

When Kin saw this,he bend his body and whispered to Volt ears.

"Volt-sama,please watch your words in the future,this kid was basically a monster.If you said something that make him angry,i think this castle will be destroyed."

Kin reminded Volt,when Volt heard this,he frowned and just nodded.Kin was right!if he just said something stupid then they will vanished along with this castle.

"Shall we go now?"

Kenzuo asked,when Chloe heard this,she lowered her head and said in low tone.Where Kenzuo was the only one who can hear it.

"But Olga-sama,i need to sa-"

"I see!"

Kenzuo said,before he wrapped his hand on her body,Chloe looked at Kenzuo and was about to say something.But she can see that Kenzuo was signalling her to be quiet,and said with no voice.

"Leave it to me."

Chloe looked at him and nodded,not long before that they disappeared,not really.Because they are only hiding on the side of castle, watching Volt movements.


Kin sighed in relief,he knew that,when Kenzuo want to destroy the kingdom then the kingdom will absolutely destroyed.The hidden magic or "aura" he called was fear enough to a spell caster,he couldn't even used his spell up until now,even when Kenzuo disappeared.He still couldn't use it!

Thump* Thump*

A footsteps can be heard in the hallway,a woman with black hair,pointy ears and another wearing a revealing clothes.Behind her was four humans, they're bulky but not enough for Kenzuo who can easily killed an ogre.

Volt smiled when he saw this woman,he jumped out on his throne,and stared at her an with evil smiled.

"I called you in here just to make sure about something.There is something i would like to ask you."

The smiled on his face became more evil,as he continued.

"A dark high elf like you....you could bear children from a human, right?"


When the human heard this, they are excited,the woman was in danger.But she didn't even have a slightest panic or afraid on her beautiful face,on Kenzuo side, Kenzuo was stopping Chloe from rushing towards her.

"Don't worry."

Kenzuo said in a low voice,Chloe stopped and look at Kenzuo,she couldn't bear his cuteness anymore.So she raised her hand and pinched his cheeks, although she was worried about Olga-sama,but with Kenzuo here.She doubt that he couldn't save Olga, because she saw it on her two eyes,how strong Kenzuo is.

Thump* Thump*

Many ogre appeared infront of them, surrounding Olga,Olga didn't show a panic.Instead she was calm,she look at Volt and said with a slight contempt.

"A lower kind like you couldn't break me so easily."


The human looked at the flying wand,as it fly towards Olga, Olga catch it with her left hands.And a blue lightning appeared on her wand,after the fight,Olga win.But she was exhausted now,when volt saw this,he smirked as he walked infront of Olga.

"You're broken.My queen!"

Volt said with a provoking tone,Olga just stared at him while catching his breath,she used too much mana.

Hah! Hah!

"Elf te reve-"

Olga enchanted while her hands was on her lower tummy,when she was about to complete the spell,a shout interupted them.Stopping her enchantment too.

"Stop! i'll take this girl,do you have a problem?"

Kenzuo said as he strode forward,Volt and kin frowned,while the other human look at Kenzuo with an angry face as they shouted.

"Who are you?!!"

"You dare to take Volt-sama girl?"

Kenzuo look at them before he disappeared infront of them,when Volt and Kin saw this scene, they broke in sweat.In second time,they couldn't really saw Kenzuo figure,this was terrifying.You won't know if you're the target or not,Olga make a small smile.She knew that Kenzuo would save her,since Chloe and her have a something telepathy or something(i didn't know what they called to that)

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Four heavy smash rang behind Olga,Volt and kin looked at and can see their subordinate was smashed into the wall.They aren't moving anymore,they didn't know if they were alive or not,Volt frowned as he looked at Kin and ask.

"Is there anything we can do?Kin?"

He needed to know if they can fight with Kenzuo,but Kin shakes his head.He clenched his teeth as he spoke word by word.

"You..can take it!"

"Oh,so you have sense at all."

Kenzuo said with his innocent smile,Volt wanted to say something,when he can see Kenzuo eyes changed.He was stunned,but when he blinked again, Kenzuo eyes didn't change at all,was it just a fluke? Although he was provoke,he didn't mind it,since he knew how strong Kenzuo was.

"System, transported us to a safe place."

Kenzuo asked on his mind, without even a second he received a reply.

[The transportation will happen in next 30 second.]

Chloe run towards them,she stand besides Olga and said while staring at Volt with her fierce eyes.

"Olga-sama, this bas-"

Before can Chloe even continue,she vanished along with Kenzuo and Olga.When Kin saw this,he was kinda shocked,when did Kenzuo chant a spell?


Kenzuo and the others,appeared somewhere in the forest, infront of them was a wooden house, Kenzuo looked at them and said.

"You're going to stay here for a while."

They both look at each other and nodded,Olga look at Kenzuo for a moment, before she lowered her head and said with gratitude.

"Thank you for saving us."

Kenzuo waved his hand,what the?he was only here because he hated this r*ped or something.

"I should go now!"


Kenzuo said as he yawned,he was kinda tired because of the energy he spent.Olga and Chloe smiled beautiful, Kenzuo was stunned,he didn't expect that the dark elf would be this beautiful.

"Take care."2x

Both of them said, although they wanted Kenzuo to stay for a while,but they couldn't force him.Because he was their savior.

Kenzuo shrugged his shoulder and nodded with a smile,this time, it's their turned to be stunned by Kenzuo smiled.It was so cute!that they wanted to kiss his cheeks.


~~~Chapter ends