
Reincarnate in dxd world

A rewrite version:) (A/N:covers not mine)

Wazzup18 · Cómic
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22 Chs

Chapter 11

Before we start i wanted to say that i will post another chap on Friday,i still need to do my schoolwork.By the way i'm 15,so don't expect too much.

~~~Chapter 11:Chloe.

Kenzuo brought some boy clothes on the mall,and some necessary things.

When Kenzuo got out of the mall it was already late,he look at his newly buy watch.His watch brand was seiko,and it cost him 11,400 yen.

"7:43 P:M"

"It's already that late!*Growl!*my tummy was already hungry,i need to find something to eat."

Kenzuo said while patting his stomach,after that he walk towards a deserted place.When he's already in the deserted place, Kenzuo look around,and when he saw that there's no one around.He jumped towards the roof silently.

Arriving on a ramen shop,

Kenzuo jumped down and decided to enter the shop,he gently pulled the curtain up and entered with a smile.When they saw his smile they were stunned,this smile was absolutely stunning.


The ramen shop owner was awakened and greeted him, Kenzuo sat down on the nearest chair.

"One kuroyama ramen please!"

Kenzuo ordered excitedly,the shop owner look at Kenzuo face before he smiled and shouted.

"One kuruyama ramen will be done in three minutes."

The shop owner entered in the kitchen,and started to prepare Kenzuo ramen.While boiling the ramen,the shop owner couldn't help but recall Kenzuo face,he sighed and said.

"What a face!he must be a model or something?"

Three minutes later,

"Kuruyama ramen,coming right up!"

The shop owner shouted, Kenzuo look at shop owner who was holding his ordered ramen.The shop owner put down the ramen,and said.

"1,200 yen sir."

Kenzuo put down the money and then started to eat,the owner on the side was watching him silently.



After Kenzuo finished eating his ramen,he stand up and say goodbye to the shope owner.

He exited the shop with a satisfied face,the ramen was very delicious!he walked towards his house.

Arriving on his house, Kenzuo put down all the things he brought from mall.


Kenzuo returned in his original body,he look at his little white hand before he sit down on the sofa.

"The plot will happen 12 years from now."

Kenzuo said as he lay down on the sofa happily, because he was living the life he wants.

When Kenzuo was about to closed his eyes,to take a nap suddenly a female voice resounded on his mind.


[Saving mission triggered:Save "Chloe"from getting raped by the ogres.Verse:Kuroinu

Rewards:100 stats points.]

"A saving mission?chloe from Kuroinu? don't worry Aiko,i will accept this mission,since i hate this 'raped' thing.Besides an ogre going to raped a female, that's kinda bad! don't worry i'll save her!"

Kenzuo shouted with his fist rolled up and his eyes was burning with hatred,it seems that Kenzuo wasn't joking around when he said that he hate the raped thing.

[Host accepted the mission!host will be transported in kuroinu 1 minute from now.]

Kenzuo took a mask from his pocket,and then he put it on his face.Kenzuo was kinda funny wearing this,his tied white hair along with a mask.


Kenzuo disappeared on the couch, Kenzuo opened his eyes and he can saw many old structure.The light that they were using was a candle,this was just like a castle from a story book.

Kenzuo look around,and he can see that he was teleported from the corner of the kingdom.

"Your impatient attitude is kind of like someone else.But you know,It seems you don't even know on what kind of situation you are right now."

A deep voice of a man came on the left side of Kenzuo ears, Kenzuo turned his head and then go where the sound came from.


The girl was startled when she heard this,and then a series of loud thump came on her back.Some thing big was walking behind her!

Kenzuo who's on the side was watching them,it seems that the girl he was going to save "was that"girl,huh?pretty nice face,but her clothes was too revealing.Her eyes was deep brown,brown skin, and she have pointy ears which make her more like a dark elf than elf.

"So that's the girl i'm going to save,and the one who was about to rape her was that four ogre."

Kenzuo muttered while looking at them in distance,the man who's sitting on the throne have a shadow on his eyes, Kenzuo who was watching them in the distance was stunned.Why i can't see his eyes no matter on what angle i look?!Is this the legendary shadow eyes on hentai?

"You see,they wanted to screw you so badly for ages."

The man who's sitting on the throne said while his chin was resting on his hand,Chloe was angry when she heard that,her eyebrows was shaking in anger!seeing this the man continued.

"It's really helpful for us that these beast could come over so fast.So i'll let you do as you like!that woman is going to be your reward!"

The man said as if he bestowed a sacred gift,when Chloe heard this,her face became lifeless and she sweating badly she was scared.So she immediately retorted.

"What's with that!? there's no way i would be their reward.It's not something you could decide-"


When Kenzuo on the side saw that the ogre run towards her client,he immediately moved.

He stopped the ogre from getting near Chloe,by his little hands,everyone was startled by a loud sound.

They looked at Kenzuo with a surprise,the man in the throne stand and shouted.

"Who are you!what are you doing here?anyway you're going to be a reward too!Ogre attack"

Volt said as he stand on his throne,from Volt point of View Kenzuo was a girl who saved Chloe.Since Kenzuo prevented Chloe from getting raped,so she was Chloe alliance.

Kenzuo look at Chloe with his sharp eyes,Chloe was stunned when she saw a little kid Caught an ogre hand,and she was shocked when the kid look at her with a sharp eyes behind the mask.

"Do you want me to save you?"(A/N:are you serious bro?do you really need to ask?anyway i'm just an author who am i to questioned you?)

Kenzuo asked while blocking the ogre attack without even looking at it,Chloe and the other was shocked since Kenzuo can easily blocked the heavily blow of an ogre,felt that Kenzuo can really save him.She nodded and said as he bow her head.

"Please!save me."

When Kenzuo heard this he smiled creepily under the mask,he calmly turned his head towards the four ogre, who's still attacking him!

Kenzuo didn't even felt a little pain,he stood up and second have passed,the ogre didn't attack him anymore!a shocked and scared appeared on Kin,Volt,Chloe face.Kin and Volt face have a scared face,no matter how hard they tried to recalled when did Kenzuo move?they could only see him standing on the same spot!


The four ogre fall on the ground,while their necks was twisted into a scary angle.

"I see an spell caster,but you couldn't use your right?"

Kin was shocked inside,but calmly look at Kenzuo outside.So that's why he couldn't used any spell when Kenzuo arrived,he felt that his magic was fluctuating,even now!It was actually this kid-no a master do!

"Do you want to know why is your magic get rise and down from time to time?"

Kenzuo said as he slowly walk Chloe,he put jacket around chloe and whispered on her ears.

"Don't wear too revealing clothes from the future,it will taint your beauty."

Chloe blushed in embarrassment,she was actually wearing a revealing clothes.Kenzuo shifted his attention towards as he walked forward.

"Do you want to know why?"

Kin frowned and then nodded,he knew some methods but he couldn't apply it in this situation,this situation was different from magic fluctuated that he knows.

"Alright!this will answer your question."

When Kenzuo heard this,he replied as he slowly remove his mask.


A large wind came out from Kenzuo little body, when the wind stopped,a blue flame like was surrounded his body.When Kin saw this,indeed it was just like as he thought,a large magic particles around.But this was different from the magic they knows,this magic was giving them a chill.

~~~Chapter ends