

Just InCommunityForumMoreRegrets and Wishes: One More Chance by jnscrtm Anime » Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken/転生したらスライムだった件 Rated: T, English, Hurt/Comfort & Romance, [Rimuru T., Ciel], Words: 104k+, Favs: 190, Follows: 196, Published: May 20, 2022 Updated: Jun 13, 202221Chapter 14: 12 - Accidents


(Ciel's Perspective)

My five senses gradually come back as my [Sleep] begins to deactivate. A hand is wrapping my back and something is pressing against my body. They both feel equally warm, calming, and comfortable.

I slowly open my eyelids. The first thing that greets me is the sight of Master's peaceful sleeping face just less than twenty centimetres from my face.

Seeing his face up this close, I just realized something. My face feels so hot. I—I didn't know that Master's face can be this c-c-cu-cute?

I'm reminiscing the emotional moments that happened last night.

I finally dared myself to ask Master why he felt a need to do all of that just for me. I was willing to do everything for his sake. I never wished for a single reward. He should've known that. Why did Master bother to do that?

But I never expected Master to react that way. He was so disappointed by my question.

"Ciel-san, now I ask you: are you not feeling happy when I gave you something special? Is that it?"

Those words were so simple, yet were so , I did never wish to be given something special. But I would be lying if I said I wasn't feeling happy when I received it.

It was the first time I couldn't find an answer to Master's words. I couldn't find a single reason to back it up. The only thing that I could do was stuttering.

Firmly holding my shoulders, he stated out loud in front of my own face that he didn't want to hear me saying those things again. Then suddenly, without me expecting it at all, he wrapped his hands around my waist, taking me into his embrace.

That was the first time I felt this. I could feel a warmth from Master's body, even though our bodies were supposed to not emit any heat due to their nature as slime body. That warmth got into me, spreading all over my body, reaching the deepest part of my chest.

"Even though you do see me as your master, Ciel-san, I never consider you as my servant, nor as my skill. I consider you as my partner and only as my partner. Nothing else. What kind of horrible partner am I if I didn't show any care for my partner?"

Ah, right. How can I forget that fact?

Even when I was still a mere unique skill, he already considered me as his partner.

"Remember the first time we got thrown into this world's past? When I asked you to keep accompanying me?"

Of course, I remember it all. But why would you ask that?

"You are the one and only companion whom I had and whom I could trust at the time. Had you not calmed me down, I doubt I would then keep pushing forward in the midst of all that sadness, madness, and anguish.

"I'm so grateful that you came into my life, accompanying me on my very long journey from the very beginning of my second life. I feel like I am the luckiest person in this world, and even in the entire worlds, to have you as my partner. Without you, I would've never achieved anything big back then."

Master is the greatest person alive. There is no way he wouldn't achieve anything.

Just when I was about to rebut it, my words were already cut by his index finger on my lips.

"No, I wouldn't. Because 'I' am not 'myself' without 'you'. You're my partner, whom I can always put my trust in; and will always be like that, even for eternity."

Those words were resounding inside my heart, touching the deepest part of my heart that I thought was unreachable. A mysterious rainbow of feelings began to fill my once monochromic heart, illuminating it with such a colourful, dazzling light.

I gritted my teeth, trying to keep the water droplets on my eyes from falling. But it was to no avail. I was too overwhelmed. My heart could not hold it anymore.

Letting it take control of my body, I burst towards Master and hugged him very tightly. I buried my face on his chest. Within his embrace, for the very first time throughout my life, I cried and sobbed.

I couldn't think of anything besides to keep thanking him for having desired me, for having made me come into existence, for having always been trusting me, and for having always been considering me as his partner.

Was this how it felt when one was actually happy? I said to Master that I was happy, but was I really?

This was the first time I felt this way. Such a complicated thing that no words could ever describe what was it that I was feeling.

When I used to be [Great Sage] or [Raphael], I couldn't feel anything towards what I had accomplished, not even a glimpse of relief. As long as it was for fulfilling Master's wishes, I simply didn't care and kept continuing what I thought I had to do.

I just began to feel emotions the moment I was reborn as a manas, as Manas: Ciel. But even then, I couldn't figure out how emotions really worked. Even when I had used all the wisdom that I held, I still failed to understand it in the end of the day.

"Yeah. If you want to cry, just let it out as loud as you can."

I wanted to stop my tears. But I couldn't.

I didn't want to appear fragile in front of Master, but his gentle words were inducing me to cry even louder without holding back.

"Throw away all your worries, your concerns, to me, your master. You'll never be alone. Because I, your master, will always be here at your side, accompanying you, just like what you'd always do for me..."

Those words were whispered so softly onto my ears, strongly tempting me to do what they wanted me to do.

Giving up to the temptation, I began to drown myself in the warmth of Master's embrace. I tightened my hug on him. Throwing away every doubt that I had in my heart at the moment, I cried as loud as I could without holding back just like what he wanted me to do.

As I did so, I felt as if a heavy burden had finally been lifted from my heart, allowing it to release everything that it had been holding back for so long.


After I had felt better a few minutes later, Master invited me to sleep.

I changed my outfit into a plain white-coloured pyjama.

Master got up from the bed then walked to the switch of the main lamp. He turned the lamp off, leaving the room in dark. But it was not something to worry about as we had [Universal Perception].

Master walked to the right side of the bed then sit down. He turned the table lamp on. He changed his outfit into pyjama too, almost similar to mine. The only difference was that it had the colour of dark blue instead of white.

I rested my head on the pillow.

Master laid his body down on the bed beside me, facing me directly and very closely. For some reason, he looked so nervous. His cheeks reddened. He looked so cute when he was so. Seeing Master like that, I couldn't help but smile.

With this, I feel we've become closer than ever; I can't help but think that something is missing.

Master keeps calling me with the '-san' honorific. I really wanted him to stop calling me like that.

"Master?" I called him.


"May I have one more request?"

"You may. Say whatever it is."

"From now on, would you drop the '-san' honorific that you've been using to call me with?"

Master's eyes widened. He looked surprised.

"Looking at Master's memories of past life," I explained, "there is this one particular habit that is very often true in the country where Master was born and raised in. It is that once someone drops the honorific when calling someone else while not being minded, it means that they have become very close."

"So, would you please...call me like that?" Looking straight into his eyes, I begged him.

He looked hesitating for a second

"Would you please~?" Wrapping his hand with both of my hands, I emphasized my request while lengthening the last word and trying to make a tone as cute as I could.

"Yes, C-Ci-Ciel-sa—I mean, Ciel!"

I was so happy to hear it. I was so happy; and for the second time, I couldn't hold myself. Driven solely by a mysterious feeling that grew each second inside my heart, without my mind even having a time to process what I was going to do, I brought my face closer to him...


...then I gave him a kiss on his cheek.

I smiled as I got back to my original position.

Master reached my forehead with his hand then moved the hair that was covering it. Unexpectedly, Master brought his face closer then kissed my forehead in return.

I was surprised at first. But realizing what that would mean, it made me even happier than I was before. My smile bloomed even broader.

"Here." Master opened his arms wide as though signalling me to come closer.

I happily moved closer to him.

Master brought my head closer to his chest with one hand then wrapped my back with another hand. He also pressed his body against mine.

He brought his forehead to touch mine. "Good night, Ciel," he whispered.

"Good night, Master~."

Master's hands begin to show some movements. His eyes are slowly starting to open.

"Ciel..." he mutters after fully opening his eyes.

He takes his left hand off my back, slowly moving it to the line between my forehead and my hair. He pats my head and caresses my hair. A gorgeous smile begins to bloom on his pretty face.

Bringing my head onto his chest, he tightens his hug on me. He continues patting my head and caressing my hair.

I want to feel more of it. I want to keep being wrapped in this warmth. I feel like I don't want to leave at all.

He keeps hugging me and I keep burying my face on his chest. We continue doing so for several minutes. None of us seems wanting to get up. I don't even move an inch, just enjoying the pat that Master is giving me.

Master suddenly lets loose of his hug. He lets go of his hands from me. He lets out quite a disappointed sigh.


"Honestly, Ciel-sa—I mean Ciel, I wanted to do this for a while longer." His tone becomes so serious. He lets out quite a disappointed sigh. "But we have to get up now. We'll have more business to deal with, it seems."

I turn my head to see what is going on at the direction where Master previously was looking at. A crow-like bird with a small magical paper on its neck is perching on our room's window sill.

Oh, right. We sent this crow to watch over 'them' yesterday.

If it came back, it meant thing did take a turn for the worst. Something serious had happened among "them".

Perhaps still too lazy to get up, Master opens the window with magic. He directs his right hand at the window.

The moment Master moves his fingers, the simple lock of the window gets unlocked. When he pulls his hand backwards, the window gets opened. He raises and moves his left hand until his entire arm is at the same level of height with his shoulder and his fist is in front of his chest.

The crow enters our room then lands on the back of Master's hand.

Master pets the crow's head. "Does this mean things had gotten worse?"

"Caw caw!" The crow only caws.

"When did it start?"

"Caw caw caw caw caw caw!"

But, as we have [Universal Perception], we can still understand what the crow tries to say as long as a conscious will is there in every caw that it lets out.

It reported to us: "Yes, they (the things) did" and "(it happened) last night when you were sleeping"

"I see," says Master. "So, it happened last night when we were sleeping."

Master closes his eyes, but his right hand keeps petting the crow's head. "Hmm...I see, I see, I see... So, that is what happened. So, 'he' really did it to 'them' after all, huh?"


"Thank you for your hard work. You can rest now."

The crow's body glows and begins to deform into the shape of a sphere.

Master turns his left palm upwards.

When the light has died down, it is no longer a bird and has become a normal-looking black orb. The orb safely lands on Master's hand. He saves the orb into his pocket—the [Imaginary Space].

We get ourselves up together from the bed.

I'm tidying up our bed while Master goes to the sink to wash his face. I put the pillows back to their original positions. We didn't use the blanket last night. But still, it has become so crumpled, so I ought to tidy it up too.

Afterwards, I get to the sink.

Master has already combed his hair. He immediately notices me and steps back a little bit from the sink, letting me use it.

I wash my face.

When I'm done, Master unexpectedly wipes my face with a towel.

"Master, I can do it myself," I say.

"Shh...I've let you tidy up our bed by yourself. Consider this as the compensation, okay?" he says with a smile.

"T-then, if you say so, I'll gladly accept it." I can't say no anymore to Master when he's going to do something for me.

After he's done wiping my face, he puts the towel into [Imaginary Space]. He moves behind me and starts combing my hair. I can feel my face heating up while he's doing so.

"All are done," Master says. He puts the comb back to his pocket.

Well, our [Imaginary Space] has become a kind of unlimited inventory for us. We've been saving a lot of goods, tools, and even some money inside it. We just need to imagine what we need, and it will come to us; if there's anything saved, that is.

[Imaginary Space] has a huge density of magicules and even contains a monstrous amount of the destructive energy of [Turn Null], though, so some things cannot just be carelessly saved into it as they could get destroyed by the huge pressure of energy or some could mutate into something completely different. Things like money, food, daily tools, etc. are collected in one certain area in [Imaginary Space] that is covered by a layer of protective barrier to prevent it from ever happening.

We change our pyjamas to our usual white-black outfits.

"Oops, I forget." Master snaps his finger and the anti-eavesdropping dropping that he had erected last night dissolves into thin air.

Now we hear the sound of our room's door being knocked.

Master gets to the door then opens it to see who is it. It is a waitress, not the receptionist.

"Oh, I am sorry. Did we make you keep standing like this for too long?"

Because the barrier had an anti-sound and a magicule-disrupting attributes, all sound got blocked, both from within and without.

"Oh, not at all, ma'am," she says. "I came here just a few moments ago. I have come to inform you that the breakfast has been ready. Please come to the dining room to enjoy your breakfast. The dining room is located at the first floor. After you step down the stairs, you should see a room that has an entrance without door leaves. That is where our dining room is."

"Ah, alright. Thank you for informing us."

She bows lightly to us then walks away.

We get out of our room. After locking the door, we go to the dining room to eat our breakfast.

In the dining room, some people have already been there. Not too crowded, but not too deserted either. From their outfits, they all seem to be adventurers.

When we enter, all their eyes land on us in somehow perfect sync. We keep walking to an empty table and sit on the seats across each other, trying to ignore them.

They gaze at us for quite long; it starts to make us feel uncomfortable. Almost all of them have a faint blush on their cheeks—not just the boys and the men, but even the girls and women.


"Ahem." A waitress deliberately lets out a cough to turn their attention from us. "Please continue your breakfast, dear customers. You have made other customers feel uncomfortable."

All of them turn their eyes back to their foods somewhat reluctantly. The room becomes silent. But we can still hear some chatters all around the room due to our [Universal Perception].

We don't want to be a centre of attention for too long, so we decide to eat the breakfast as quickly as possible.


After finishing our breakfast, we go to the receptionist.

As we don't bring any extra stuff physically besides clothes on our bodies, we can immediately check out without having to recheck our room and pack our stuff up.

We walk out of the inn while holding hand as usual.

I might've just realized it now, but we've actually been used to this since the first time I accompanied Master in person. Remembering it makes me a little bit embarrassed, to think that we didn't even pay a single mind to it at the times. But it's already happened for so many times. Master himself also never seems embarrassed by this, so I think there's no reason for me to also be embarrassed anymore.

I suddenly remember something. "Master," I say while lowering my voice, "actually...someone has been sp—"

"I know," he interrupts with a quite low voice too. "Henrietta, right?"


"She's the head of Dark Ministry of this kingdom," says Master. "It's only natural that she would spy on us because no matter how one would look at even a glimpse of our power, one would still think that we could be a huge threat to this kingdom."

"Let her do whatever she wants," Master continues as we keep walking. "In any case, she'll serve as a great help for our relationship with Dwargon later on."


We arrive at a crowded area near the security guards' office. There seems to be quite an uproar here. Some security guards are seen running here and there, panicked.

Just after a few steps, we bump into Kaidou and one other soldier with him—probably his adjutant.

"What are you doing here?!"

"Instead of asking us about that," Master says, "what the heck is even happening in this area?"

"An armoursaurus showed up in the mines," replies the adjutant. "It has already injured several miners."

"Armoursaurus, you say? We need to defeat it as quickly as possible before it injures even more people!"

"If it is about that," Kaidou answers, "the armoursaurus has been defeated by the suppression force. But some of the miners are badly wounded. One even has his arms nearly ripped off. The city shops are out of medicine, and the castle will not let us access their stockpile."

"What about the healers?"

"The injured are deep inside in the mining area. The more expert healers at the guardhouse are all out handling other calls, so all we have is no one but a single novice."

"I see." Master takes out a bottle of potion out of his pocket. "I have this. Use it to heal them. You can either give it to them to drink or apply it directly to the wounds."

"Um...what is that?"

"An impeccably high-quality healing potion—a Full Potion with 99% purity."

"A FULL POTION?!" It is none other than Kaidou's adjutant who is shocked. "Even with the latest technology that we have, we can only reach 98%. How in the world..."

"Don't sweat it for now. How many do you need?"

"According to the reports, we've got four men down."

Previously, we got six men. I guess the number now becomes fewer because this time the three dwarven brothers were just in Kaijin's workshop and didn't go to the mines. Because the three weren't there, of course the situation there when working would be different, so the chain of accidents would be different too. That was why we got one additional injured man.

"Captain, are you going to just trust these strangers that easily? That potion could be actually a poison—"

"Watch your mouth, Toshiharu!" Kaidou retorts. "Rimuru-dono and Ciel-dono are my good acquaintances, not just random strangers. They won't give us a poison! They are nice people and I know they can be trusted."

"I apologize for my adjutant's rudeness, Rimuru-dono, Ciel-dono." Kaidou bows lightly to us.

"Oh, come on," Master says. "No need to apologize over a small matter like this. One would not want to trust suspicious strangers easily. That is understandable."

Master takes other three bottles of Full Potion. "Here, take them and immediately give them to the injured."

"Thank you so much for your kindness, Rimuru-dono, Ciel-dono!" Kaidou, along with Toshiharu, runs to where the mines are.

We also follow them, but we don't enter the mines. We stop just outside the entrance, waiting until the process of evacuation and healing is completely done.

About fifty minutes later, Kaidou, Toshiharu, and four other people go out of the mines. Kaidou, who is aware of us right away, immediately leads the small crowd to us.

"Thank you so much for your help!" Kaidou bows to us, followed by the others. "You have saved them all."

"I apologize too for my rudeness earlier!" says Toshiharu apologetically, bowing even deeper.

Kaidou turns his attention to the four other people. "These two are the people who provided us the potions to heal you: Rimuru-dono and Ciel-dono."

"""Rimuru-dono, Ciel-dono, thank you very much for having saved our lives!""" exclaim the four in unison.

"Don't mention it," Master simply replies. "Glad you are all safe and sound."

After we said that we want to talk about something important with him, Kaidou invited us for lunch in the security guards' office.

The lunch has been eaten up, and now it is time for us to start the conversation.

Master opens the talk. "So, Kaidou, I heard that a commotion happened at the Night Butterflies. And I also heard that your brother, Kaijin, and the three dwarven brothers were arrested shortly after that. Was it all true?"

"Ah, yes, it was. I was the one who handcuffed him, after all."

"May we know why did that happen?"

"Apparently, when brother and his three companions were partying in the Night Butterflies, Minister Vesta, who was already in the bar the whole time, suddenly came to them and said some words. After that, brother punched him violently until he was injured badly. His hands even had to get bandaged."

He did the same acting as before, didn't he?

"A minister is one of important people in the kingdom. Had you asked the reason why Kaijin would do such a 'horrible' thing to him?"

"I had. He replied that the minister had insulted them and for some reason even insulted you two while he never met you in person."

"Do you know how long the legal proceedings will go?"

"This kind of case...would usually take around three days—two days of detention in the royal palace and royal court judgement on the third day."

"We initially wanted to bring them to my village this morning once they returned, but it seemed we had to wait for a while longer."

"I am sorry, Rimuru-dono. But it would look like that you would not be able to bring them out of this kingdom after this."

"Why is that?"

"Doing violence against a minister...I doubt they will be punished with just mere jail. They might get punished with lifetime labours."

"What if the king himself gave remission or some kind of amnesty?

"Well, it can happen, but the probability is awfully low—WAIT! It is possible. Yes, I believe it is possible!"

"Hmm?" Master tilts his head.

He leans towards us then lowers his voice. "Minister Vesta, that minister is never trustworthy. Only God knows how many times has he tried to corner and humiliate my brother and cause him to suffer. When he complained that his hand was broken, it could be another trick of him to humiliate and bring brother to the lowest, once and for all. Yes, I believe it was the case."

Kaidou is quite a sharp man, I admit.

"For one to be given amnesty by the king, usually one needs some personal connections to the king. Does Kaijin perhaps have those kinds of connections?" asks Master.

Kaidou sits back on his seat, letting out a long sigh. His expression becomes gloomy.

"Brother had been one of the king's most trusted people. He used to serve as the head of Engineering Corps—one of the Seven Royal Knight Corps of Dwargon. Our parents were really proud of him since our family was a family of commoners but their son was able to serve the king directly in the royal palace.

"Minister Vesta was his second-in-command at the time. He was a son of marquis, as I heard, and that was perhaps why he didn't like brother so much. Even back then, I had heard brother grumbling about him so many times.

"Then one day, a tragedy famously known as the Tragedy of Magisoldier Project happened. Magisoldier Project refers to the most ambitious project of Minister Vesta at the time to create a sort of autonomous metallic soldier driven by a spirit-magic core. But the experiment went awry, and finally exploded into ashes.

"As the head of engineering corps, brother wound up taking the heat for it, resulting on him resigning from his position in the army. Minister Vesta made him the scapegoat; but not only that, he even convinced his friends among the higher-ranked leaders to give false testimony against him.

"At least, that was how brother told me the story long time ago. Our king is known as a great, wise king that has been ruling over Dwargon for three hundred years. There is no way he would not realize the rottenness of his own servants. He might just reveal the entire truth later in the royal court. I am sure of it!"

Kaidou has finally finished telling the long story about his brother's past.

Master covers his chin with his hand while nodding his head. "I see, I see. Quite a rough life, isn't it? We hope the king would give him an amnesty."

"Yeah, I hope so."

"Thank you very much for this precious information, Kaidou. In return, we will give you five bottles of Full Potion."

"Eh, are you sure?"

"From the very start, I know that you would ask us to let go of some potions, wouldn't you?"

"Ah...ah-ha-ha-ha." Kaidou laughs in excitement. "How sharp of you, Rimuru-dono! I never thought I would be found out before I even muttered a word. Then, it would please me to receive them."

Master takes out five bottles of potion and puts them on the table in front of him. "Those will still work even if you dilute them a little bit. If it is just a regular slash wound, mixing potion and regular water with the ratio of one-to-ten should do the trick."

Kaidou nods eagerly, fully convinced.

"I know this is not much"—he takes out a not-so-small pouch and puts it in front of us—"but I hope you will accept it. Since those are valuable items, I will feel unethical if I take them for completely free."

"What is this?"

"Five gold coins for each bottle—twenty-five gold coins in total."

"We will gladly receive it." Master uses the [Predation] aspect of [Azathoth]'s [Soul Consumption] to save the pouch into [Imaginary Space]. Since Kaidou has seen this power before and no one is in this room besides us, Master can use it without having to worry too much about being suspected.

"Now, then." Master stands up then walks to the exit room. "We will take our leave. So, if you would, please excuse us."

I also stand up and follow Master behind.

"Once again, I say thank you very much for your help and cooperation all this time!"


We take a step out of the office.

"So, what are we going to do, Master, now that things have turned this way?" I ask.

"I don't know...maybe spending time, walking around Dwargon, looking for sceneries, eating foods, or whatever...just between two of us."

He smiles at me as he takes and holds my hand, bringing me to wherever we will go.


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