

After saving a little girl, the protagonist gets hit by a truck and awakens in a white "room" in front of a goddess that tells the excited him that this is just a procedure before his soul dissipates, but something unexpected happens and the goddess is shocked to discover that the protagonist's identity is...

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19 Chs

In the Forest

"Dark Magic - Concealment"


Concealment Attributed magic from dark branch activated > Details specified > END


Magic Control Lv.1 has leveled up > Now Magic Control Lv.2 > Magic Efficiency subcategory of Magic Control changed (faster spell casting) > Magic Power subcategory of Magic Control changed (30% more power to spells, "free magic" power in accordance to user's personal achievements) > END



Name: Parcell (Regal)

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Species: Human (High Human)

MP: 50/70 (284/1000)

Level 13 (Level 1)

Magic Control Lv.2, Wind Magic Lv.1, Martial Arts Basics Lv.1, Tamer Lv.1 (Creation Magic Lv.Max, Neutral Magic Lv.1, All-Attributes Magic Lv.1, Appraisal Lv.2)

Titles: NONE (CREATOR, Seeker of Harem, Father of Amy)

"Hmm, I see so that's how it works"

"Did it succeed?" -Emilia

"Yeah, but currently I don't know if I can get past the city gates"

"Papa, the gates have a Identify Crystal of Lv.2, but if you raise Dark Magic to Lv.2 it would be enough because it gets enhanced by Magic Control Lv.2" says Amy with a cute smile and looks at you in anticipation

I smile and pat Amy's head while saying "What a knowledgeable little girl you are, I would not know what to do without my little Amy around" 'she always closes her eyes when I pat her, I think I can almost hear a purr, how cute'

"ehehe," *purr*

"Anyway, change mine and Amy's too, the effect will strengthen if you level up afterwards" -Emilia

"Ok" 'Dark Magic - Concealment'


Concealment Attributed magic from dark branch activated > Details specified > END



Name: Emilia

Gender: Female

Age: 17 (Hidden)

Species: Human (Fallen Goddess)

MP: 55/55 (9000/9000)

Level 10 (Level 1)

Water Magic Lv.1, Magic Control Lv1 (Divine Magic Lv.20, Light Magic Lv.1, Space Magic Lv.1, Neutral Magic Lv.1, Divine Spiritual Body)

Titles: NONE (Fallen Goddess, The one who slightly doubts the CREATOR's identity)

'Dark Magic - Concealment'


Concealment Attributed magic from dark branch activated > Details specified > END



Name: Amy (Regal)

Gender: Female

Age (Mental Age): 12 (Unaging)

Species: Human (Soul A.I.)

MP: 5/5 (10000/10000)

Level 1

NONE (Virtualization Magic Lv.Max, Magic Control Lv.Max, Appraisal Lv.Max, Magic Theory Understanding Lv.Max)

Titles: NONE (Daughter of the CREATOR)

"Hmm, still not enough... Oh! I know!"

'Dark Magic - Shadow'


"Pochi" Slime Pet entered your shadow > END


Dark Magic Lv.1 has leveled up > Now Dark Magic Lv.2 > Dark Magic changed (30% more power to dark spells, dark "free magic" power in accordance to user's personal achievements) > Mana inefficiency when casting higher tier spells lowered (Tier 1 Spells down 10%, Tier 2 Spells down to normal levels, Tier 3 down from 200% to 150%, ... Tier 10 down from 50000% to 20000%> END

'Appraisal - Specific'

Dark Magic Lv.2

Mana Usage of Spells:

Tier 1 90%

Tier 2 100%

Tier 3 150%

Tier 4 200%

Tier 5 500%

Tier 6 1500%

Tier 7 2000%

Tier 8 5000%

Tier 9 15000%

Tier 10 20000%

Tier 11 100000%

The results get lowered based on Magic Control and Magic Theory Understanding.

The amount of Mana used cannot be lower than 0.00000001 MP unless there are special circumstances when casting the spell/"free magic"

Tier 12-20 Locked

"Btw, what status does Pochi have now?" -Emilia


Name: Pochi

Owner: Parcell (Regal)

Gender: Female

Age: 1 week

Species: Normal Slime

MP: 1/1

Level 1

Classification: F

Skills: Jump, Split.

Titles: "The First"

"Here you go" 'Appraisal - Share'.

"The First? hmm, perhaps the first monster tamed gets that title?"

I shrug, not really caring about it.

Turning my head towards the forest I think about how to proceed from now...

How a normal Mana usage looks like with attribute Magic Lv.1 and Magic Control Lv.1

Tier 1 Normal

Tier 2 150%

Tier 3 200%

Tier 4 500%

Tier 5 1500%

Tier 6 2000%

Tier 7 5000%

Tier 8 15000%

Tier 9 20000%

Tier 10 50000%

Special grades

Tier 11-20 Locked

Do remember that every spell has a different amount of Mana needed to cast.

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