
Rhodes Under Fire

War was upon Rhodes; that much was clear to the rest of the world. On their televisions, they watched as television reporters tried to give the most moving and accurate account of what was going on.

"The air is fraught with tension," one reporter said into the camera, "I am standing on the fringes of what was once a bustling urban centre."

The camera panned to the view behind her and she turned.

"This is now a battleground; you can't see it, but this street is what's left of what was once a proud city park with malls surrounding it."

No, no one could tell what that place once was unless they had been there before. To those who had never seen it before, it was another war zone filled with barricades, graffiti, and the echoes of distant gunfire.

On another channel, the camera was focused on a morning sky that was tainted by a haze of smoke, casting an uncanny glow over the rubble of what was probably once a vibrant neighbourhood.