
Pick And Poke

Josephine decided she wanted to take her daughters somewhere else before she took them back home. They had their cloaks, their dresses, and their shoes. They were going to get their jewellery from the royal treasury. But there was something her children had missed out on that they were never going to get again: the secret little spots in Rhodes.

"There used to be a shop here that I loved to come to and pick out dresses for you girls when you were babies," Josephine pointed at a building as they walked down the streets.

Lucia noted that their guards were following them with stressed expressions on their faces.

She smiled at that. It was new seeing someone who was not taken with her mother's antiques. They were going to have to get used to her. Adela saw where she was looking and smiled too. The twinkle in her eye told Lucia that they were probably on the same line of thought.

"Do you know when they closed?" Caroline asked as she looked up at the building.