
Drinking Crowns

When Caroline was done inspecting the chapel, the party thanked the priest and then made their way back to the palace. They had one last night there. A night they would spend with family.

Lucia was sitting on the couch watching Queen Lucia interact with Caroline. They were talking about last-minute wedding preparations. Leroy had arrived and was standing with the princes and King at the bar. Lucia had an idea that the men were on their way to tipsy if not there already. Their cheeks were flushed and their smiles looked slightly loopy to her.

They were in the King and Queen's apartments and Lucia had to agree that they were truly magnificent. She loved how it was furnished in such a way it could host a small party if the King or queen wanted.

The couch dipped next to her and she turned her head to see Princess Danielle making herself comfortable beside her. She was looking at the princes with an amused look on her face.