
Always Her Babies

It took about forty-five minutes to get out of the palace. Lucia realised that getting around would never again be as simple as stepping out of her parents' home. She now needed tighter security with her at all times and wasn't allowed to travel with more than one of her siblings at a time. She had to content herself with sharing a car with Caroline while Adela travelled in another car with Josephine.

When their car stopped in front of a shopping centre, they were quickly whisked out of the car and into a shop that seemed to have been emptied out. She saw, from the corner of her eye, people recognising them and stopping to either gawk or raise their phones to take pictures.

She resisted looking out of the window and followed her mother, who was further inside, talking to the shop's manager. The woman saw her, smiled, and curtseyed in her direction. Lucia smiled and curtseyed back.