
Reflections of Song

Completed A Short Story from Parallels series When Jona is a little boy he discovers that he can see into another world. As he grows he has to decide if these windows into someone else's life will guide him or control him.

ARoberts · Fantasía
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12 Chs

Age 32

By the time he turned 30, Jona and Silvi had already welcomed their first child and were expecting another. Silvi encouraged Jona to try his hand at songwriting after she heard him singing songs she had never heard to their child around the house. Those songs were not from his world, but he had never shared his theory about that with her. As far as she knew, Veronica and her world were all part of Jona's imagination. He didn't feel right in profiting from any money that came from those songs. He did agree to consider it but at least his books were written using his own imagination even if they were based off of Ronnie's world. The songs were entirely someone else's and it didn't seem okay to profit from them.

There were rarely new songs coming from the mirrors anymore. After leaving her abusive boyfriend the singing became scarce, as though she was having a hard time finding something worth singing about. Jona thought about her often but with a young child in the house and a new one due any day he was able to focus on his own life. He started a series of hard paged books for young children that he could read with his own children. The illustrations on every page were his, but the words were written by Silvi. Jona's handwriting looked like he was trying to write using his feet, she always joked. The books were written under a pseudonym since they were so far from his usual works, but fans of his other books recognized the painting style within and it was a well known secret that the children's books were his as well. New parents who grew up reading his books as teens eagerly bought his children's books for their new families.

His OtherWorld series for teenagers finally ended after six books, and a television show was in the works based off of it. Early promotional photos with outfits based off of illustrations on the covers of the books started several fashion trends even before the show came out. Jona's publishing house as well as the company producing the show tried to get royalties from those sales since the clothing was based off of his intellectual property, but Jona had no use for all that money and made them stop it. He gave a public statement that any clothing that was made based off his designs was welcomed. After a while the novelty of such bizarre clothing wore off, but key parts of the designs like the pointed collars lingered for many years.

Their savings were so comfortable that Jona was not worried about bringing in money to help support them anymore, and Silvi spent all of her time between being with their family and volunteering at the shelter.

Around the time Jona was turning 33, Ronnie began to sing again. Sometimes Jona would be holding a sleeping baby in his arms when the voice would start and he would frantically look around to see if a radio was still turned on. When it was obvious that the baby could not hear it he would realize it was not from his world. He would reach for his pendant and check in on what she was doing. Her life began to mirror his own in that she was preparing for a new member of her family to arrive. Sometimes she would look down and he would see a growing belly poking out, blocking her feet. Every now and then he could be seen lightly running his finger across the surface of whatever he was looking at with a small smile on his face.