
Reflections of Song

Completed A Short Story from Parallels series When Jona is a little boy he discovers that he can see into another world. As he grows he has to decide if these windows into someone else's life will guide him or control him.

ARoberts · Fantasía
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12 Chs

Age 14

By the time Jano entered secondary school he was quite adept at pretending he could not hear the music when he was around others. While he had convinced himself that he was just imagining things when he was younger, as he got older and the voice matured as well he started to wonder if he was seeing something that was really happening. It was not exactly like he could talk to anyone about what he was seeing. But when he saw the bedroom he noticed that the syle changed over time, as well as the types of songs that were sung. For instance, the song he was listening to while he walked home was a fast paced song about first love and he knew that if he looked closely at the shiny keychain in his pocket he would see that she was walking home as well. Her arms and legs were longer, he could see any time that she looked at herself.

Once, it had become obvious that she was singing while she was in the shower. He was looking in the large cabinet mirror in his bathroom while he was brushing his teeth and had not realized until she looked down to wash herself. The breasts had not been very large but they had been enough to give his teenage self a nose bleed. At fourteen he had not seen many naked women. Once he grabbed a towel he peeked a few more times, but only saw the white tiles of her bathing area. He held the towel to his nose and tried to watch while not watching just in case anything else was shown. When the song cut off he was not sure if he was relieved or disappointed. After he laid down in bed for the night, and after his nose stopped bleeding, he started to feel guilty about peeping. If she really was real, then looking at her in her private moments was bad, wasn't it? He decided to pay attention to the surroundings when he looked at the reflections, and if it seemed like she was somewhere where she might be ... unclothed...then he promised her he would look away. She could not hear him, but he felt more adult just making the promise.

The other morning, she had been singing while she got ready for school in the morning. She was looking into her own mirror and he saw her face for the first time. Her face was so pale compared to his own deep brown. He knew that she had been exposed to sunlight but the only sign of that on her skin was the heavy freckles across her nose and cheeks. Chocolate brown eyes twinkled out from beneath thick lashes that she was applying some kind of cosmetic to before pulling wildly frizzy brown hair up into a ponytail. He touched his own wild black curls and smiled. When she finished her song he stared at his own reflection, wondering what she would think if she could see him. His skin was very similar to the color of her eyes, a brown the color of hot chocolate, but his eyes and hair were dark like the underground when the lights went out. He poked at his plump lips, thinking of her thin ones with their prominent bow. For a moment he thought of what it would be like to kiss her and was glad that his blush would not show easily on his skin if she could see him right then.